Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
DynExpManager Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for DynExpManager:


directory  HardwareAdapters
directory  Instruments
directory  MetaInstruments
directory  Modules


file  BusyDialog.cpp [code]
file  BusyDialog.h [code]
 Implements a dialog with a progress bar, which shows the user that DynExp is busy.
file  ChoiceListDialog.cpp [code]
file  ChoiceListDialog.h [code]
 Implements a dialog with a list of available items on the left and a list of selected items on the right to let the user make a selection of multiple items of a specific order.
file  CircuitDiagram.cpp [code]
file  CircuitDiagram.h [code]
 Implements a window drawing the relations between all DynExp::Object instances as a graph. The arrangement of graph items is optimized by simulated annealing.
file  circularbuf.cpp [code]
file  circularbuf.h [code]
 Implements a circular stream buffer derived from std::streambuf to be used with standard library streams like std::iostream.
file  CommonModuleEvents.cpp [code]
file  CommonModuleEvents.h [code]
 Provides common events for inter-module communication. Also refer to DynExp::InterModuleEventBase.
file  DynExpAbout.cpp [code]
file  DynExpAbout.h [code]
 Implements a dialog to show license information about DynExp.
file  DynExpCore.cpp [code]
file  DynExpCore.h [code]
 Defines DynExp's core module as an interface between the UI and DynExp objects.
file  DynExpDefinitions.cpp [code]
file  DynExpDefinitions.h.in [code]
 Provides version and other meta information about DynExp as well as style definitions for the user interface. The file is processed by cmake to fill in cmake definitions.
file  DynExpManager.cpp [code]
file  DynExpManager.h [code]
 Implements DynExp's main UI window called DynExpManager.
file  ErrorListDialog.cpp [code]
file  ErrorListDialog.h [code]
 Implements a frame-less pop-up dialog to show errors and warning of DynExp::Object instances.
file  Exception.cpp [code]
file  Exception.h [code]
 Provides exception type and error definitions used by DynExp.
file  HardwareAdapter.cpp [code]
file  HardwareAdapter.h [code]
 Implementation of DynExp hardware adapter objects.
file  Instrument.cpp [code]
file  Instrument.h [code]
 Implementation of DynExp instrument objects.
file  Libraries.cpp [code]
file  Libraries.h [code]
 Provides templates to bundle DynExp resources at compile time in libraries.
file  main.cpp.in [code]
 This file defines DynExpManager's main entry point.
file  Managers.cpp [code]
file  Managers.h [code]
 Implementation of DynExp's resource managers to manage DynExp objects.
file  Module.cpp [code]
file  Module.h [code]
 Implementation of DynExp module objects.
file  Object.cpp [code]
file  Object.h [code]
 Implementation of DynExp objects as the base for derived resources and implementation of the object parameter system.
file  ParamsConfig.cpp [code]
file  ParamsConfig.h [code]
 Implements a configuration dialog which allows users to set values of parameters derived from DynExp::ParamsBase::ParamBase.
file  PyModules.cpp [code]
file  PyModules.h [code]
 Implementation of mappings between DynExp instruments and corresponding embedded Python modules making the instrument data available in Python.
file  PythonSyntaxHighlighter.cpp [code]
file  PythonSyntaxHighlighter.h [code]
file  PyUtil.cpp [code]
file  PyUtil.h [code]
 Provides utilities related to pybind11 within DynExp's Util namespace.
file  QtUtil.cpp [code]
file  QtUtil.h [code]
 Provides utilities related to Qt and Qt widgets within DynExp's Util namespace.
file  stdafx.cpp [code]
file  stdafx.h [code]
 Accumulates include statements to provide a precompiled header.
file  TextEditor.cpp [code]
file  TextEditor.h [code]
 Implements a dialog to edit and save small pieces of text or (Python) code.
file  Util.cpp [code]
file  Util.h [code]
 Provides general utilities within DynExp's Util namespace.