Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // This file is part of DynExp.
9 #pragma once
11 #include "stdafx.h"
12 #include "BusyDialog.h"
13 #include "ParamsConfig.h"
15 class DynExpManager;
17 namespace DynExp
18 {
19  class DynExpCore;
20  class Object;
21  class RunnableObject;
22  class LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase;
23  class ObjectLinkBase;
24  class RunnableInstance;
25  class HardwareAdapterBase;
26  class InstrumentBase;
27  class ModuleBase;
28  class CommonResourceManagerBase;
29  class HardwareAdapterManager;
30  class InstrumentManager;
31  class ModuleManager;
32  class NetworkParamsExtension;
34  template <typename>
35  class ObjectLink;
40  using ItemIDListType = std::vector<ItemIDType>;
48  template <
49  typename ObjectType,
50  std::enable_if_t<
51  std::is_base_of_v<HardwareAdapterBase, ObjectType> || std::is_base_of_v<InstrumentBase, ObjectType>,
52  int> = 0
53  >
55  {
59  using type = std::conditional_t<
60  std::is_base_of_v<HardwareAdapterBase, ObjectType>,
63  >;
64  };
71  template <typename ObjectType>
80  {
81  public:
82  ObjectUserList() = default;
83  virtual ~ObjectUserList() = default;
90  [[nodiscard]] Util::ILockable::LockType AcquireLock(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = DefaultTimeout) const;
97  void Register(const Object& User, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(0));
105  LockType Register(const Object& User, LockType&& Lock);
112  void Deregister(const Object& User, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(0));
119  size_t CountUsers(std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(0)) const;
126  ItemIDListType GetUserIDs(std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(0)) const;
134  std::string GetUserNamesString(std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(0)) const;
143  void DeregisterAllUnsafe();
145  size_t CountUsersUnsafe() const;
147  std::string GetUserNamesStringUnsafe() const;
150  private:
161  void RegisterUnsafe(const Object& User);
169  void DeregisterUnsafe(const Object& User);
176  std::unordered_map<const Object*, size_t> UserList;
177  };
183  class LinkBase
184  {
185  public:
193  LinkBase(std::string_view IconResourcePath = {}, bool Optional = false)
196  protected:
197  virtual ~LinkBase() {}
208  template <typename ResourceManagerType>
209  auto ShareResource(const ResourceManagerType& Manager, ItemIDType ID) { return Manager.LinkBaseOnly.ShareResourceAsNonConst(ID); }
221  template <typename ObjectType>
223  {
224  // template disambiguator (see ISO C++03 14.2/4)
225  auto FoundIDs = Manager.template Filter<ObjectType>();
226  if (FoundIDs.empty() && !IsOptional())
227  {
228  constexpr auto FilterTypeBaseName = std::is_base_of_v<HardwareAdapterBase, ObjectType> ? "hardware adapter" :
229  (std::is_base_of_v<InstrumentBase, ObjectType> ? "instrument" : "< error-type >");
231  throw Util::EmptyException("At least one " + std::string(FilterTypeBaseName) + " of type " +
232  ObjectType::CategoryAndNameToStr(ObjectType::Category(), ObjectType::Name()) + " is needed before this item can be created.");
233  }
235  std::sort(FoundIDs.begin(), FoundIDs.end(), [&Manager](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
236  return Manager.GetResource(a)->GetObjectName() < Manager.GetResource(b)->GetObjectName();
237  });
240  for (const auto& ID : FoundIDs)
241  {
242  const auto Resource = Manager.GetResource(ID);
243  std::string Label = Resource->GetObjectName() + " (" + Resource->GetCategoryAndName() + ")";
245  FoundIDsWithLabels.emplace_back(std::move(Label), ID);
246  }
248  return FoundIDsWithLabels;
249  }
251  public:
256  std::string_view GetIconResourcePath() const noexcept { return IconResourcePath; }
257  bool IsOptional() const noexcept { return Optional; }
270  bool IsReady() { return IsReadyChild(); }
276  std::string_view GetLinkTitle() const noexcept { return GetLinkTitleChild(); }
291  private:
296  virtual void EnsureReadyStateChild() = 0;
297  virtual bool IsReadyChild() = 0;
299  virtual std::string_view GetLinkTitleChild() const noexcept = 0;
300  virtual ItemIDListType GetLinkedIDsChild() const = 0;
301  virtual const CommonResourceManagerBase* GetCommonManagerChild() const noexcept = 0;
307  const std::string_view IconResourcePath;
312  const bool Optional;
313  };
325  class ParamsBase : public Util::ISynchronizedPointerLockable
326  {
327  private:
328  struct OwnedParamInfo;
333  using OwnedParamsType = std::vector<OwnedParamInfo>;
335  protected:
348  template <typename>
349  struct dispatch_tag {};
351  public:
352  using ObjectLinkParamsType = std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<LinkBase>>;
353  using EnumParamSignedIntegerType = intmax_t;
354  using EnumParamUnsignedIntegerType = uintmax_t;
361  template <typename EnumType>
362  using LargestEnumUnderlyingType = std::conditional_t<
363  std::is_signed_v<std::underlying_type_t<EnumType>>,
366  >;
369  class TextList {};
370  class IndexedTextList {};
377  class ParamBase
378  {
379  private:
384  {
385  friend class ParamsBase;
391  constexpr ParamsBaseOnlyType(ParamBase& Parent) noexcept : Parent(Parent) {}
393  void DisableUserEditable() noexcept { Parent.DisableUserEditable(); }
394  void AddToDialog(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) { Parent.AddToDialog(Dialog); }
397  };
399  protected:
408  ParamBase(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange);
415  ParamBase(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName);
417  virtual ~ParamBase() = 0;
419  public:
420  ParamBase(const ParamBase&) = delete;
421  ParamBase& operator=(const ParamBase&) = delete;
427  bool IsUserEditable() const noexcept { return UserEditable; }
428  std::string_view GetParamName() const noexcept { return ParamName; }
429  std::string_view GetParamTitle() const noexcept { return ParamTitle; }
430  std::string_view GetParamDescription() const noexcept { return ParamDescription; }
431  bool GetNeedsResetToApplyChange() const noexcept { return NeedsResetToApplyChange; }
440  QDomElement ToXMLNode(QDomDocument& Document) const;
446  void FromXMLNode(const QDomElement& XMLElement);
453  bool Validate();
458  void Reset() { ResetChild(); }
462  protected:
463  const auto& GetOwner() const noexcept { return Owner; }
464  auto& GetOwner() noexcept { return Owner; }
466  private:
470  void DisableUserEditable() noexcept { UserEditable = false; }
476  void AddToDialog(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) { AddToDialogChild(Dialog); }
487  virtual void ToXMLNodeChild(QDomDocument& Document, QDomElement& XMLElement) const = 0;
489  virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement& XMLElement) = 0;
490  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) = 0;
491  virtual bool ValidateChild() const { return true; }
492  virtual void ResetChild() = 0;
506  const std::string ParamName;
507  const std::string_view ParamTitle;
508  const std::string_view ParamDescription;
514  };
521  class DummyParam : public ParamBase
522  {
523  public:
524  DummyParam(ParamsBase& Owner) : ParamBase(Owner, "") {}
526  private:
527  virtual void ToXMLNodeChild(QDomDocument& Document, QDomElement& XMLElement) const override {}
528  virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement& XMLElement) override {}
529  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override {}
530  virtual void ResetChild() override {}
531  };
537  template <typename ParamType>
538  class TypedParamBase : public ParamBase
539  {
540  public:
541  using UnderlyingType = ParamType;
543  protected:
548  TypedParamBase(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription,
549  bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true, ParamType DefaultValue = ParamType())
550  : ParamBase(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange),
551  DefaultValue(std::move(DefaultValue)), Value(this->DefaultValue) {}
557  TypedParamBase(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, ParamType DefaultValue = ParamType())
558  : ParamBase(Owner, ParamName),
559  DefaultValue(std::move(DefaultValue)), Value(this->DefaultValue) {}
561  public:
566  ParamType GetDefaultValue() const noexcept { return DefaultValue; }
571  operator ParamType() const noexcept { return Value; }
577  const ParamType& Get() const noexcept { return Value; }
587  const ParamType& operator=(const ParamType& NewValue)
588  {
589  if (!ValidateValue(NewValue))
591  "An assignment to a parameter cannot be executed since the given value is considered invalid.");
593  Value = NewValue;
594  return Get();
595  }
597  protected:
598  virtual void ToXMLNodeChild(QDomDocument& Document, QDomElement& XMLElement) const override
599  {
600  QDomText NodeValue = Document.createTextNode(QString::fromStdString(Util::ToStr(Value)));
601  XMLElement.appendChild(NodeValue);
602  }
604  virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement& XMLElement) override
605  {
606  Value = Util::GetTFromDOMElement<ParamType>(XMLElement, GetParamName().data());
607  }
609  private:
610  virtual bool ValidateChild() const override final { return ValidateValue(Value); }
618  virtual bool ValidateValue(const ParamType& NewValue) const { return true; }
620  virtual void ResetChild() override { Value = DefaultValue; }
622  const ParamType DefaultValue;
623  ParamType Value;
624  };
630  template <typename ParamType>
632  {
633  public:
637  using UnderlyingType = std::vector<ParamType>;
639  protected:
644  TypedListParamBase(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription,
645  bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true, UnderlyingType DefaultValues = {})
646  : ParamBase(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange),
647  DefaultValues(std::move(DefaultValues)), Values(this->DefaultValues) {}
653  TypedListParamBase(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, UnderlyingType DefaultValues = {})
654  : ParamBase(Owner, ParamName),
655  DefaultValues(std::move(DefaultValues)), Values(this->DefaultValues) {}
657  public:
662  const auto& GetDefaultValue() const noexcept { return DefaultValues; }
668  const auto& Get() const noexcept { return Values; }
678  auto& operator=(const UnderlyingType& NewValues)
679  {
680  if (!ValidateValues(NewValues))
682  "An assignment to a list parameter cannot be executed since the given value vector is considered invalid.");
684  Values = NewValues;
685  return Get();
686  }
688  protected:
689  virtual void ToXMLNodeChild(QDomDocument& Document, QDomElement& XMLElement) const override
690  {
691  QDomElement ValuesNode = Document.createElement("Values");
693  for (const auto& value : Values)
694  {
695  QDomElement ValueNode = Document.createElement("v");
696  QDomText NodeValue = Document.createTextNode(QString::fromStdString(Util::ToStr(value)));
698  ValueNode.appendChild(NodeValue);
699  ValuesNode.appendChild(ValueNode);
700  }
702  XMLElement.appendChild(ValuesNode);
703  }
705  virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement& XMLElement) override
706  {
707  QDomElement ValuesNode;
709  try
710  {
711  auto ParamNode = Util::GetSingleChildDOMElement(XMLElement, GetParamName().data());
712  ValuesNode = Util::GetSingleChildDOMElement(ParamNode, "Values");
713  }
714  catch ([[maybe_unused]] const Util::NotFoundException& e)
715  {
716  // Assume that a single value is assigned to the parameter (if it has been converted to a list parameter later on).
717  const auto Value = Util::GetTFromDOMElement<ParamType>(XMLElement, GetParamName().data());
719  Values.clear();
720  Values.push_back(Value);
722  return;
723  }
725  auto ValueNodes = Util::GetChildDOMNodes(ValuesNode, "v");
727  Values.clear();
728  for (const auto& value : ValueNodes)
729  Values.push_back(Util::StrToT<ParamType>(value.toElement().text().toStdString()));
730  }
732  private:
733  virtual bool ValidateChild() const override final { return ValidateValues(Values); }
741  virtual bool ValidateValues(const UnderlyingType& NewValues) const { return true; }
743  virtual void ResetChild() override { Values = DefaultValues; }
747  };
749  template <typename ParamType, typename = void>
750  class Param;
756  template <typename ParamType>
757  class Param<ParamType,
758  std::enable_if_t<
759  !std::is_arithmetic_v<ParamType> &&
760  !std::is_base_of_v<Text, ParamType> &&
761  !std::is_base_of_v<TextList, ParamType> &&
762  !std::is_base_of_v<IndexedTextList, ParamType> &&
763  !std::is_enum_v<ParamType> &&
764  !std::is_base_of_v<ObjectLinkBase, ParamType>
765  >>
766  : public TypedParamBase<ParamType>
767  {
768  public:
774  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true,
775  ParamType DefaultValue = ParamType())
776  : TypedParamBase<ParamType>(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, std::move(DefaultValue)) {}
781  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, ParamType DefaultValue = ParamType())
782  : TypedParamBase<ParamType>(Owner, ParamName, std::move(DefaultValue)) {}
784  private:
785  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override final
786  {
788  "A general (unspecified) parameter cannot be added to a settings dialog.");
789  }
790  };
792  template <typename ArithmeticType>
800  template <typename ArithmeticType>
801  class Param<ArithmeticType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<ArithmeticType>>> : public UnderlyingArithmeticParamType<ArithmeticType>
802  {
803  public:
804  using PrecisionType = unsigned short;
814  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true,
815  ArithmeticType DefaultValue = ArithmeticType(),
816  ArithmeticType MinValue = std::numeric_limits<ArithmeticType>::lowest(), ArithmeticType MaxValue = std::numeric_limits<ArithmeticType>::max(),
817  ArithmeticType Increment = 1, PrecisionType Precision = 0)
818  : UnderlyingArithmeticParamType<ArithmeticType>(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, std::move(DefaultValue)),
819  MinValue(MinValue), MaxValue(MaxValue), Increment(Increment), Precision(Precision) {}
828  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, ArithmeticType DefaultValue = ArithmeticType(),
829  ArithmeticType MinValue = std::numeric_limits<ArithmeticType>::lowest(), ArithmeticType MaxValue = std::numeric_limits<ArithmeticType>::max(),
830  ArithmeticType Increment = 1, PrecisionType Precision = 0)
831  : UnderlyingArithmeticParamType<ArithmeticType>(Owner, ParamName, std::move(DefaultValue)),
832  MinValue(MinValue), MaxValue(MaxValue), Increment(Increment), Precision(Precision) {}
838  ArithmeticType GetMinValue() const noexcept { return MinValue; }
839  ArithmeticType GetMaxValue() const noexcept { return MaxValue; }
840  ArithmeticType GetIncrement() const noexcept { return Increment; }
841  PrecisionType GetPrecision() const noexcept { return Precision; }
847  explicit operator bool() const { return UnderlyingArithmeticParamType<ArithmeticType>::Get() != 0; }
849  private:
850  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override final
851  {
852  Dialog.AddParam({ ParamBase::GetParamTitle(), ParamBase::GetParamDescription() }, std::ref(*static_cast<UnderlyingArithmeticParamType<ArithmeticType>*>(this)),
853  UnderlyingArithmeticParamType<ArithmeticType>::Get(), MinValue, MaxValue, Precision, Increment);
854  }
856  virtual bool ValidateValue(const ArithmeticType& Value) const override
857  {
858  return Value >= MinValue && Value <= MaxValue;
859  }
861  const ArithmeticType MinValue;
862  const ArithmeticType MaxValue;
863  const ArithmeticType Increment;
865  };
874  template <typename ParamType>
875  class Param<ParamType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Text, ParamType>>> : public UnderlyingTextParamType
876  {
877  public:
878  using UnderlyingTextParamType::operator=;
884  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle,
885  std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true, UnderlyingTextParamType::UnderlyingType DefaultValue = "",
887  : UnderlyingTextParamType(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, DefaultValue), TextUsage(TextUsage) {}
892  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, UnderlyingTextParamType::UnderlyingType DefaultValue = "")
893  : UnderlyingTextParamType(Owner, ParamName, DefaultValue), TextUsage(TextUsageType::Standard) {}
899  std::filesystem::path GetPath() const { return GetOwner().ToAbsolutePath(Get()); }
905  auto GetTextUsage() const noexcept { return TextUsage; }
908  private:
911  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override final
912  {
913  Dialog.AddParam({ ParamBase::GetParamTitle(), ParamBase::GetParamDescription() }, std::ref(*static_cast<UnderlyingTextParamType*>(this)), Get(), TextUsage);
914  }
915  };
924  template <typename ParamType>
925  class Param<ParamType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<TextList, ParamType>>> : public UnderlyingTextListParamType
926  {
927  public:
928  using UnderlyingTextListParamType::operator=;
934  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, Util::TextListType&& TextList, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle,
935  std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true, UnderlyingTextListParamType::UnderlyingType DefaultValue = "")
936  : UnderlyingTextListParamType(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, DefaultValue),
937  TextList(std::move(TextList)) {}
943  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, Util::TextListType&& TextList, std::string ParamName,
945  : UnderlyingTextListParamType(Owner, ParamName, DefaultValue),
946  TextList(std::move(TextList)) {}
952  const auto& GetTextList() const noexcept { return TextList; }
964  void SetTextList(Util::TextListType&& NewTextList) { TextList = std::move(NewTextList); }
967  private:
968  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override final
969  {
970  Dialog.AddParam({ ParamBase::GetParamTitle(), ParamBase::GetParamDescription() }, std::ref(*static_cast<UnderlyingTextListParamType*>(this)),
971  Get(), TextList, !GetDefaultValue().empty());
972  }
981  };
991  template <typename ParamType>
992  class Param<ParamType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<IndexedTextList, ParamType>>> : public UnderlyingIndexedTextListParamType
993  {
994  public:
995  using UnderlyingIndexedTextListParamType::operator=;
1001  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, Util::TextListType&& TextList, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle,
1002  std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true, UnderlyingIndexedTextListParamType::UnderlyingType DefaultValue = 0)
1003  : UnderlyingIndexedTextListParamType(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, DefaultValue),
1004  TextList(std::move(TextList)) {}
1010  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, Util::TextListType&& TextList, std::string ParamName,
1012  : UnderlyingIndexedTextListParamType(Owner, ParamName, DefaultValue),
1013  TextList(std::move(TextList)) {}
1019  const auto& GetTextList() const noexcept { return TextList; }
1022  private:
1023  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override final
1024  {
1025  Dialog.AddParam({ ParamBase::GetParamTitle(), ParamBase::GetParamDescription() }, std::ref(*static_cast<UnderlyingIndexedTextListParamType*>(this)),
1026  Get(), GetDefaultValue(), TextList);
1027  }
1029  virtual bool ValidateValue(const ParamType& Value) const override { return Value < TextList.size(); }
1032  };
1039  template <typename EnumType>
1047  template <typename EnumType>
1048  class Param<EnumType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum_v<EnumType>>> : public UnderlyingEnumParamType<EnumType>
1049  {
1050  public:
1055  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, Util::TextValueListType<EnumType>&& TextValueList, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle,
1056  std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true, EnumType DefaultValue = EnumType())
1057  : UnderlyingEnumParamType<EnumType>(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, DefaultValue),
1058  TextValueList(std::move(TextValueList)) {}
1063  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, EnumType DefaultValue = EnumType())
1064  : UnderlyingEnumParamType<EnumType>(Owner, ParamName, DefaultValue) {}
1075  EnumType GetDefaultValue() const noexcept { return static_cast<EnumType>(UnderlyingEnumParamType<EnumType>::GetDefaultValue()); }
1077  const auto& GetTextValueList() const noexcept { return TextValueList; }
1083  operator EnumType() const noexcept { return static_cast<EnumType>(UnderlyingEnumParamType<EnumType>::Get()); }
1089  const EnumType Get() const noexcept { return static_cast<EnumType>(UnderlyingEnumParamType<EnumType>::Get()); }
1097  const EnumType operator=(const EnumType& NewValue)
1098  {
1101  return Get();
1102  }
1104  private:
1105  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override final
1106  {
1107  Dialog.AddParam<EnumType>({ ParamBase::GetParamTitle(), ParamBase::GetParamDescription() }, std::ref(*static_cast<UnderlyingEnumParamType<EnumType>*>(this)),
1108  Get(), GetDefaultValue(), TextValueList);
1109  }
1112  };
1122  {
1123  protected:
1129  LinkParamBase(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription,
1130  bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true, std::string_view IconResourcePath = {}, bool Optional = false)
1132  UnderlyingLinkParamType(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, ItemIDNotSet) {}
1134  public:
1135  using UnderlyingLinkParamType::operator=;
1137  private:
1138  virtual std::string_view GetLinkTitleChild() const noexcept override { return GetParamTitle(); }
1139  virtual ItemIDListType GetLinkedIDsChild() const override { return Get() != ItemIDNotSet ? ItemIDListType{ Get() } : ItemIDListType{}; }
1140  };
1149  template <typename LinkType>
1150  class Param<LinkType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<ObjectLinkBase, LinkType>>> : public LinkParamBase
1151  {
1152  public:
1153  using ObjectType = typename LinkType::ObjectType;
1155  using LinkParamBase::operator=;
1161  Param(ParamsBase& Owner, const ManagerType& Manager,
1162  std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription,
1163  std::string_view IconResourcePath = {}, bool Optional = false, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true)
1164  : LinkParamBase(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, IconResourcePath, Optional),
1165  Manager(Manager)
1166  {
1167  // Since classes derived from ParamBase are declared within the scope of class ParamsBase, this is allowed.
1168  // This is safe since ObjectLinkParams is declared before any Param<LinkType> within the inheritance hierarchy.
1169  GetOwner().ObjectLinkParams.emplace_back(std::ref(*this));
1170  }
1176  const auto& GetManager() const noexcept { return Manager; }
1182  bool ContainsID() const noexcept { return Get() != ItemIDNotSet; }
1189  const LinkType& GetLink() const noexcept { return Link; }
1198  void MakeLink()
1199  {
1200  if (!ContainsID())
1201  Link.Reset();
1202  else
1203  {
1204  auto Resource = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ObjectType>(ShareResource(Manager, Get()));
1205  if (!Resource)
1207  "A resource assigned to a param does not match the expected type.");
1209  Link = Resource;
1210  }
1211  }
1213  private:
1214  virtual const CommonResourceManagerBase* GetCommonManagerChild() const noexcept override { return &Manager; }
1216  virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement& XMLElement) override
1217  {
1218  UnderlyingLinkParamType::FromXMLNodeChild(XMLElement);
1219  MakeLink();
1220  }
1222  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override final
1223  {
1224  // Call MakeLink() after "OK" (accept) has been clicked to really link the parameter to the chosen object by creating pointers.
1225  auto FunctionToCallIfAccepted = std::bind_front(&Param::MakeLink, this);
1227  Dialog.AddParam({ ParamBase::GetParamTitle(), ParamBase::GetParamDescription() }, std::ref(*static_cast<LinkParamBase*>(this)),
1228  Get(), IsOptional(), GetIconResourcePath(), FunctionToCallIfAccepted, MakeObjectIDsWithLabels<ObjectType>(GetManager()));
1229  }
1234  void EnsureReadyStateChild() override final
1235  {
1236  if (!ContainsID())
1237  return;
1239  auto LinkedObj = Link.TryLockDestinyRaw();
1240  if (LinkedObj)
1241  LinkedObj->EnsureReadyState(true);
1242  }
1244  bool IsReadyChild() override final
1245  {
1246  if (!ContainsID())
1247  return true;
1249  auto LinkedObj = Link.TryLockDestinyRaw();
1250  if (LinkedObj)
1251  {
1252  try
1253  {
1254  return LinkedObj->IsReady();
1255  }
1256  catch ([[maybe_unused]] const Util::TimeoutException& e)
1257  {
1258  // Swallow TimeoutException since this is thrown if IsReady() cannot check the object's exception state
1259  // because the object is busy and locked its data. This is considered not ready.
1260  return false;
1261  }
1262  }
1263  else
1264  return true;
1265  }
1277  LinkType Link;
1278  };
1280  template <typename ParamType, typename = void>
1281  class ListParam;
1287  template <typename ParamType>
1288  class ListParam<ParamType,
1289  std::enable_if_t<
1290  !std::is_arithmetic_v<ParamType> &&
1291  !std::is_base_of_v<ObjectLinkBase, ParamType>
1292  >>
1293  : public TypedListParamBase<ParamType>
1294  {
1295  public:
1301  ListParam(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true,
1302  typename TypedListParamBase<ParamType>::UnderlyingType DefaultValues = {})
1303  : TypedListParamBase<ParamType>(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, std::move(DefaultValues)) {}
1308  ListParam(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, typename TypedListParamBase<ParamType>::UnderlyingType DefaultValues = {})
1309  : TypedListParamBase<ParamType>(Owner, ParamName, std::move(DefaultValues)) {}
1311  private:
1312  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override final
1313  {
1315  "A general (unspecified) list parameter cannot be added to a settings dialog.");
1316  }
1317  };
1319  template <typename ArithmeticType>
1327  template <typename ArithmeticType>
1328  class ListParam<ArithmeticType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<ArithmeticType>>> : public UnderlyingArithmeticListParamType<ArithmeticType>
1329  {
1330  public:
1331  using PrecisionType = unsigned short;
1341  ListParam(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true,
1342  typename TypedListParamBase<ArithmeticType>::UnderlyingType DefaultValues = {},
1343  ArithmeticType MinValue = std::numeric_limits<ArithmeticType>::lowest(), ArithmeticType MaxValue = std::numeric_limits<ArithmeticType>::max(),
1344  ArithmeticType Increment = 1, PrecisionType Precision = 0)
1345  : UnderlyingArithmeticListParamType<ArithmeticType>(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, std::move(DefaultValues)),
1346  MinValue(MinValue), MaxValue(MaxValue), Increment(Increment), Precision(Precision) {}
1355  ListParam(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, typename TypedListParamBase<ArithmeticType>::UnderlyingType DefaultValues = {},
1356  ArithmeticType MinValue = std::numeric_limits<ArithmeticType>::lowest(), ArithmeticType MaxValue = std::numeric_limits<ArithmeticType>::max(),
1357  ArithmeticType Increment = 1, PrecisionType Precision = 0)
1358  : UnderlyingArithmeticListParamType<ArithmeticType>(Owner, ParamName, std::move(DefaultValues)),
1359  MinValue(MinValue), MaxValue(MaxValue), Increment(Increment), Precision(Precision) {}
1365  ArithmeticType GetMinValue() const noexcept { return MinValue; }
1366  ArithmeticType GetMaxValue() const noexcept { return MaxValue; }
1367  ArithmeticType GetIncrement() const noexcept { return Increment; }
1368  PrecisionType GetPrecision() const noexcept { return Precision; }
1371  private:
1372  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override final
1373  {
1375  "An arithmetic list parameter cannot be added to a settings dialog currently.");
1376  }
1378  bool ValidateValues(const typename TypedListParamBase<ArithmeticType>::UnderlyingType& NewValues) const override
1379  {
1380  for (const auto value : NewValues)
1381  if (value < MinValue || value > MaxValue)
1382  return false;
1384  return true;
1385  }
1387  const ArithmeticType MinValue;
1388  const ArithmeticType MaxValue;
1389  const ArithmeticType Increment;
1391  };
1401  {
1402  protected:
1408  LinkListParamBase(ParamsBase& Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription,
1409  bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true, std::string_view IconResourcePath = {}, bool Optional = false)
1411  UnderlyingLinkListParamType(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange) {}
1413  public:
1414  using UnderlyingLinkListParamType::operator=;
1416  private:
1417  virtual std::string_view GetLinkTitleChild() const noexcept override { return GetParamTitle(); }
1418  virtual ItemIDListType GetLinkedIDsChild() const override { return Get(); }
1419  };
1428  template <typename LinkType>
1429  class ListParam<LinkType, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<ObjectLinkBase, LinkType>>> : public LinkListParamBase
1430  {
1431  public:
1432  using ObjectType = typename LinkType::ObjectType;
1434  using LinkListParamBase::operator=;
1440  ListParam(ParamsBase& Owner, const ManagerType& Manager,
1441  std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription,
1442  std::string_view IconResourcePath = {}, bool Optional = false, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange = true)
1443  : LinkListParamBase(Owner, ParamName, ParamTitle, ParamDescription, NeedsResetToApplyChange, IconResourcePath, Optional),
1444  Manager(Manager)
1445  {
1446  // Since classes derived from ParamBase are declared within the scope of class ParamsBase, this is allowed.
1447  // This is safe since ObjectLinkParams is declared before any Param<LinkType> within the inheritance hierarchy.
1448  GetOwner().ObjectLinkParams.emplace_back(std::ref(*this));
1449  }
1455  const auto& GetManager() const noexcept { return Manager; }
1462  bool ContainsID() const noexcept { return !Get().empty(); }
1469  const auto& GetLinks() const noexcept { return Links; }
1478  void MakeLinks()
1479  {
1480  Links.clear();
1482  if (ContainsID())
1483  {
1484  for (auto ID : Get())
1485  {
1486  auto Resource = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ObjectType>(ShareResource(Manager, ID));
1487  if (!Resource)
1489  "A resource assigned to a list parameter does not match the expected type.");
1491  Links.emplace_back(Resource);
1492  }
1493  }
1494  }
1496  private:
1497  virtual const CommonResourceManagerBase* GetCommonManagerChild() const noexcept override { return &Manager; }
1499  virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement& XMLElement) override
1500  {
1501  UnderlyingLinkListParamType::FromXMLNodeChild(XMLElement);
1502  MakeLinks();
1503  }
1505  virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog) override final
1506  {
1507  // Call MakeLink() after "OK" (accept) has been clicked to really link the parameter to the chosen object by creating pointers.
1508  auto FunctionToCallIfAccepted = std::bind_front(&ListParam::MakeLinks, this);
1510  Dialog.AddParam({ ParamBase::GetParamTitle(), ParamBase::GetParamDescription() }, std::ref(*static_cast<LinkListParamBase*>(this)),
1511  Get(), IsOptional(), GetIconResourcePath(), FunctionToCallIfAccepted, MakeObjectIDsWithLabels<ObjectType>(GetManager()));
1512  }
1518  bool ValidateValues(const typename LinkListParamBase::UnderlyingType& NewValues) const override
1519  {
1520  for (const auto value : NewValues)
1521  if (value == ItemIDNotSet)
1522  return false;
1524  return true;
1525  }
1530  void EnsureReadyStateChild() override final
1531  {
1532  if (!ContainsID())
1533  return;
1535  for (auto& Link : Links)
1536  {
1537  auto LinkedObj = Link.TryLockDestinyRaw();
1538  if (LinkedObj)
1539  LinkedObj->EnsureReadyState(true);
1540  }
1541  }
1543  bool IsReadyChild() override final
1544  {
1545  if (!ContainsID())
1546  return true;
1548  for (auto& Link : Links)
1549  {
1550  auto LinkedObj = Link.TryLockDestinyRaw();
1551  if (!LinkedObj)
1552  continue;
1554  try
1555  {
1556  if (!LinkedObj->IsReady())
1557  return false;
1558  }
1559  catch ([[maybe_unused]] const Util::TimeoutException& e)
1560  {
1561  // Swallow TimeoutException since this is thrown if IsReady() cannot check the object's exception state
1562  // because the object is busy and locked its data. This is considered not ready.
1563  return false;
1564  }
1565  }
1567  return true;
1568  }
1580  std::vector<LinkType> Links;
1581  };
1589  {
1590  public:
1595  LinkParamStarter(const ParamsBase& Params) noexcept
1596  : Params(Params), CurrentParam(Params.ObjectLinkParams.cbegin()), EnsureReadyStateCalledForCurrentParam(false) {}
1603  bool operator()();
1605  private:
1607  ParamsBase::ObjectLinkParamsType::const_iterator CurrentParam;
1609  };
1614  enum UsageType { Unique, Shared };
1629  ParamsBase(ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore& Core) : ID(ID), Core(Core) {}
1631  virtual ~ParamsBase() = 0;
1643  virtual const char* GetParamClassTag() const noexcept { return "ParamsBase"; }
1651  QDomElement ConfigToXML(QDomDocument& Document) const;
1659  void ConfigFromXML(const QDomElement& XMLElement) const;
1667  void ConfigFromDialog(ParamsConfigDialog& Dialog);
1674  bool Validate() const;
1676  ItemIDType GetID() const noexcept { return ID; }
1677  const auto& GetCore() const noexcept { return Core; }
1678  const auto& GetObjectLinkParams() const noexcept { return ObjectLinkParams; }
1684  static Util::TextValueListType<UsageType> AvlblUsageTypeStrList();
1686  private:
1691  {
1695  const char* const ClassTag;
1700  const std::reference_wrapper<ParamBase> OwnedParam;
1701  };
1716  public:
1720  Param<ParamsConfigDialog::TextType> ObjectName = { *this, "ObjectName", "Name", "Name to identify this item", false };
1725  Param<UsageType> Usage = { *this, AvlblUsageTypeStrList(), "Usage", "Usage type",
1726  "Determines how this item can be used by other items", false, UsageType::Shared };
1733  bool ConfigureUsageType() const noexcept { return ConfigureUsageTypeChild(); }
1741  const NetworkParamsExtension* GetNetworkAddressParams() const noexcept { return GetNetworkAddressParamsChild(); }
1748  static void DisableUserEditable(ParamBase& Param) noexcept;
1750  private:
1755  void ConfigureParams();
1767  virtual bool ConfigureUsageTypeChild() const noexcept { return true; }
1772  virtual const NetworkParamsExtension* GetNetworkAddressParamsChild() const noexcept { return nullptr; }
1777  std::filesystem::path ToAbsolutePath(const std::filesystem::path& Path) const;
1779  const ItemIDType ID;
1780  const DynExpCore& Core;
1781  };
1791  template <typename ParamType>
1792  auto operator==(const ParamsBase::TypedParamBase<ParamType>& lhs, const ParamType& rhs) { return lhs.Get() == rhs; }
1801  template <typename ParamType>
1802  auto operator<=>(const ParamsBase::TypedParamBase<ParamType>& lhs, const ParamType& rhs) { return lhs.Get() <=> rhs; }
1807  using ParamsBasePtrType = std::unique_ptr<ParamsBase>;
1817  template <typename ConfiguratorT>
1819  {
1820  auto Params = std::make_unique<typename ConfiguratorT::ParamsType>(ID, Core);
1822  Params->ObjectName = ConfiguratorT::ObjectType::Name();
1824  return Params;
1825  }
1834  template <typename T>
1835  typename T::ParamsType* dynamic_Params_cast(ParamsBasePtrType::element_type* Params)
1836  {
1837  if (!Params)
1838  return nullptr;
1840  auto DerivedParams = dynamic_cast<typename T::ParamsType*>(Params);
1841  if (!DerivedParams)
1842  throw Util::TypeErrorException();
1844  return DerivedParams;
1845  }
1859  template <typename To, typename From, std::enable_if_t<
1860  std::is_same_v<ParamsBase, std::remove_cv_t<From>>, int> = 0
1861  >
1863  {
1864  if (!ParamsPtr)
1865  throw Util::InvalidArgException("ParamsPtr must not be nullptr.");
1868  std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<From>, std::add_const_t<typename To::ParamsType>, typename To::ParamsType>
1869  >(std::move(ParamsPtr));
1870  }
1879  {
1880  public:
1889  {
1895  constexpr UpdateConfigFromDialogResult(bool Accepted, bool ResetRequired) noexcept
1896  : Accepted(Accepted), ResetRequired(ResetRequired) {}
1898  constexpr bool IsAccepted() const noexcept { return Accepted; }
1904  constexpr bool IsResetRequired() const noexcept { return IsAccepted() && ResetRequired; }
1906  private:
1907  const bool Accepted;
1908  const bool ResetRequired;
1909  };
1911  ConfiguratorBase() = default;
1912  virtual ~ConfiguratorBase() = 0;
1922  ParamsBasePtrType MakeConfigFromDialog(ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore& Core, QWidget* const DialogParent) const;
1932  ParamsBasePtrType MakeConfigFromXML(ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore& Core, const QDomElement& XMLElement) const;
1942  UpdateConfigFromDialogResult UpdateConfigFromDialog(Object* Obj, const DynExpCore& Core, QWidget* const DialogParent) const;
1944  private:
1953  virtual ParamsBasePtrType MakeParams(ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore& Core) const = 0;
1954  };
1959  using ConfiguratorBasePtrType = std::shared_ptr<ConfiguratorBase>;
1970  class Object
1971  {
1972  public:
2004  static std::string CategoryAndNameToStr(const std::string& Category, const std::string& Name);
2010  static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds GetParamsTimeoutDefault = std::chrono::milliseconds(100);
2012  protected:
2017  template <typename>
2018  struct dispatch_tag {};
2027  Object(const std::thread::id OwnerThreadID, ParamsBasePtrType&& Params);
2029  virtual ~Object() = 0;
2031  private:
2036  {
2037  friend class Object;
2039  template <typename>
2040  friend class LinkedObjectWrapper;
2046  constexpr LinkedObjectWrapperOnlyType(Object& Parent) noexcept : Parent(Parent) {}
2060  void RegisterUser(const Object& User, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) const;
2065  void DeregisterUser(const Object& User, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) const;
2069  };
2071  public:
2085  void Reset();
2094  void BlockIfUnused(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout);
2108  ParamsConstTypeSyncPtrType GetParams(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = GetParamsTimeoutDefault) const;
2121  ParamsTypeSyncPtrType GetParams(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = GetParamsTimeoutDefault);
2128  auto GetObjectName(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = GetParamsTimeoutDefault) const { return GetParams(Timeout)->ObjectName.Get(); }
2136  bool IsSharedUsageEnabled(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = GetParamsTimeoutDefault) const { return GetParams(Timeout)->Usage == ParamsType::UsageType::Shared; }
2143  ItemIDType GetID() const noexcept { return Params->GetID(); }
2150  virtual std::string GetName() const = 0;
2151  virtual std::string GetCategory() const = 0;
2158  std::string GetCategoryAndName() const { return CategoryAndNameToStr(GetCategory(), GetName()); }
2167  void EnsureReadyState(bool IsAutomaticStartup);
2178  void SetWarning(std::string Description, int ErrorCode) const;
2185  void SetWarning(const Util::Exception& e) const;
2190  void ClearWarning() const { Warning.Reset(); }
2196  auto GetWarning() const { return Warning.Get(); }
2204  std::exception_ptr GetException(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) const { return GetExceptionChild(Timeout); }
2211  bool IsReady() const { return !IsBlocked && IsReadyChild(); }
2216  auto GetUseCount(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) const { return UserList.CountUsers(Timeout); }
2223  bool IsUnused(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) const { return GetUseCount(Timeout) == 0; }
2228  auto GetUserIDs(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) const { return UserList.GetUserIDs(Timeout); }
2233  auto GetUserNamesString(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) const { return UserList.GetUserNamesString(Timeout); }
2240  void CheckLinkedObjectStates() const { CheckLinkedObjectStatesChild(); };
2244  protected:
2250  void EnsureCallFromOwningThread() const;
2258  ParamsTypeSyncPtrType GetNonConstParams(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = GetParamsTimeoutDefault) const;
2264  auto LockUserList(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) { return UserList.AcquireLock(Timeout); }
2265  void DeregisterAllUnsafe() { UserList.DeregisterAllUnsafe(); }
2266  auto GetUseCountUnsafe() { return UserList.CountUsersUnsafe(); }
2267  auto GetUserNamesStringUnsafe() const { return UserList.GetUserNamesStringUnsafe(); }
2273  bool IsUnusedUnsafe() { return GetUseCountUnsafe() == 0; }
2276  private:
2285  virtual void ResetImpl(dispatch_tag<Object>) = 0;
2287  virtual std::exception_ptr GetExceptionChild(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) const = 0;
2288  virtual void EnsureReadyStateChild(bool IsAutomaticStartup) = 0;
2289  virtual bool IsReadyChild() const = 0;
2294  virtual void CheckLinkedObjectStatesChild() const {};
2300  void LogWarning() const;
2302  const std::thread::id OwnerThreadID;
2320  bool IsBlocked = false;
2321  };
2330  template <typename To, typename From, std::enable_if_t<
2331  std::is_base_of_v<Object, To> && std::is_base_of_v<Object, From>, int> = 0
2332  >
2333  auto dynamic_Object_cast(From* Obj)
2334  {
2335  if (!Obj)
2336  throw Util::InvalidArgException("Obj must not be nullptr.");
2338  auto DerivedObj = dynamic_cast<std::conditional_t<std::is_const_v<From>, std::add_const_t<To>*, To*>>(Obj);
2339  if (!DerivedObj)
2340  throw Util::TypeErrorException();
2342  return DerivedObj;
2343  }
2349  {
2350  public:
2354  enum StartupType { OnCreation, Automatic, Manual };
2371  RunnableObjectParams(ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore& Core) : ParamsBase(ID, Core) {}
2373  virtual ~RunnableObjectParams() = 0;
2375  virtual const char* GetParamClassTag() const noexcept override { return "RunnableObjectParams"; }
2381  static Util::TextValueListType<StartupType> AvlblStartupTypeStrList();
2386  Param<StartupType> Startup = { *this, AvlblStartupTypeStrList(), "Startup", "Startup type",
2387  "Determines when the item is started", false, StartupType::Automatic };
2394  bool ConfigureStartupType() const noexcept { return ConfigureStartupTypeChild(); }
2396  private:
2397  void ConfigureParamsImpl(dispatch_tag<ParamsBase>) override final;
2404  virtual bool ConfigureStartupTypeChild() const noexcept { return true; }
2406  };
2412  {
2413  public:
2418  virtual ~RunnableObjectConfigurator() = 0;
2419  };
2426  {
2431  {
2432  friend class RunnableObject;
2433  friend class RunnableInstance;
2439  constexpr RunnableInstanceOnlyType(RunnableObject& Parent) noexcept : Parent(Parent) {}
2441  void OnThreadHasExited() const noexcept { Parent.OnThreadHasExited(); }
2442  bool IsLinkedObjStateCheckRequested() const noexcept { return Parent.LinkedObjStateCheckRequested; }
2443  void ResetLinkedObjStateCheckRequested() const noexcept { Parent.LinkedObjStateCheckRequested = false; }
2446  };
2448  public:
2454  {
2455  public:
2461  NotUnusedException(const RunnableObject& Parent) : UserNames(Parent.GetUserNamesStringUnsafe()) {}
2467  std::string_view GetUserNames() const { return UserNames; }
2473  std::string GetErrorMessage() const;
2475  private:
2479  std::string UserNames;
2480  };
2489  static constexpr auto ShortTimeoutDefault = std::chrono::milliseconds(50);
2494  static constexpr auto TerminateTimeoutDefault = std::chrono::milliseconds(3000);
2496  RunnableObject(const std::thread::id OwnerThreadID, ParamsBasePtrType&& Params);
2497  virtual ~RunnableObject() = 0;
2514  bool Run(QWidget* ParentWidget = nullptr);
2523  bool RunIfRunAutomatic();
2530  bool RunIfRunOnCreation();
2538  void Terminate(bool Force = false, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = TerminateTimeoutDefault);
2548  void SetPaused(bool Pause, std::string Description = "");
2550  bool IsRunning() const noexcept { return Running; }
2551  bool IsPaused() const noexcept { return Paused; }
2552  bool IsExiting() const noexcept { return ShouldExit; }
2554  auto GetStartupType() const noexcept { return Startup.load(); }
2555  auto GetReasonWhyPaused() const { return ReasonWhyPaused.Get(); }
2559  protected:
2560  void Init();
2568  std::promise<void> MakeThreadExitedPromise();
2575  void StoreThread(std::thread&& Thread) noexcept;
2586  bool IsCallFromRunnableThread() const;
2593  void EnsureCallFromRunnableThread() const;
2599  void SetReasonWhyPaused(std::string Description) { ReasonWhyPaused = Util::Warning(std::move(Description)); }
2605  void SetReasonWhyPaused(const Util::Exception& e) { ReasonWhyPaused = e; }
2610  void ClearReasonWhyPaused() { ReasonWhyPaused.Reset(); }
2612  private:
2613  void ResetImpl(dispatch_tag<Object>) override final;
2616  void EnsureReadyStateChild(bool IsAutomaticStartup) override final;
2617  void CheckLinkedObjectStatesChild() const override final { LinkedObjStateCheckRequested = true; }
2623  virtual void RunChild() = 0;
2629  virtual void NotifyChild() {}
2638  virtual void TerminateChild(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) {}
2646  virtual std::unique_ptr<BusyDialog> MakeStartupBusyDialogChild(QWidget* ParentWidget) const { return nullptr; }
2656  void TerminateImpl(bool Force, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = TerminateTimeoutDefault);
2665  void TerminateUnsafe(bool Force, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = TerminateTimeoutDefault);
2674  void OnThreadHasExited() noexcept;
2680  std::atomic<RunnableObjectParams::StartupType> Startup = RunnableObjectParams::StartupType::Automatic;
2682  std::thread Thread;
2683  std::future<void> ThreadExitedSignal;
2684  std::atomic<bool> Running;
2685  std::atomic<bool> Paused;
2686  Util::Warning ReasonWhyPaused;
2693  std::atomic<bool> ShouldExit;
2700  mutable std::atomic<bool> LinkedObjStateCheckRequested = false;
2701  };
2707  class LinkedObjectWrapperBase : public Util::INonCopyable
2708  {
2709  friend class RunnableInstance;
2711  private:
2715  using LinkedObjectWrapperBasePtrType = std::unique_ptr<LinkedObjectWrapperBase>;
2722  {
2729  LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase& OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperContainer)
2730  : OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperPtr(std::move(OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperPtr)),
2731  OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperContainer(OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperContainer) {}
2743  };
2750  using ListType = std::list<OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperType>;
2752  public:
2757  LinkedObjectWrapperBase(const RunnableInstance& Owner) : Owner(Owner) {}
2759  virtual ~LinkedObjectWrapperBase() = 0;
2770  virtual bool IsRegistered() const noexcept = 0;
2777  const Object& GetOwner() const noexcept;
2779  private:
2789  virtual void Register(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) = 0;
2796  virtual void Deregister(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) = 0;
2803  ListType::const_iterator ListPos;
2809  const RunnableInstance& Owner;
2810  };
2821  template <typename ObjectT>
2823  {
2824  public:
2825  using ObjectType = std::add_const_t<ObjectT>;
2833  LinkedObjectWrapper(const RunnableInstance& Owner, std::shared_ptr<ObjectType>&& DestinyResource, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout)
2834  : LinkedObjectWrapperBase(Owner),
2835  DestinyResource(std::move(DestinyResource)), IsRegisteredFlag(false)
2836  {
2837  // Checks for nullptr.
2839  }
2845  {
2846  try
2847  {
2848  LinkedObjectWrapper::Deregister(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));
2849  }
2850  catch (const Util::TimeoutException& e)
2851  {
2852  Util::EventLog().Log(e);
2853  Util::EventLog().Log("Could not deregister a linked object wrapper. Timeout occurred. Execution cannot continue.",
2856  std::terminate();
2857  }
2858  catch (const Util::Exception& e)
2859  {
2860  Util::EventLog().Log("Could not deregister a linked object wrapper. The error listed below occurred. Execution cannot continue.",
2862  Util::EventLog().Log(e);
2864  std::terminate();
2865  }
2866  catch (const std::exception& e)
2867  {
2868  Util::EventLog().Log("Could not deregister a linked object wrapper. The error listed below occurred. Execution cannot continue.",
2870  Util::EventLog().Log(e.what());
2872  std::terminate();
2873  }
2874  catch (...)
2875  {
2876  Util::EventLog().Log("Could not deregister a linked object wrapper. An unknown error occurred. Execution cannot continue.",
2879  std::terminate();
2880  }
2881  }
2883  virtual bool IsRegistered() const noexcept override { return IsRegisteredFlag; }
2892  std::string GetLinkedObjectDesc() const { return DestinyResource->GetObjectName() + " (" + DestinyResource->GetCategoryAndName() + ")"; }
2900  decltype(auto) get() const { return &this->operator*(); }
2902  decltype(auto) get() { return &this->operator*(); }
2905  const auto& operator*() const
2906  {
2907  // ->
2908  // Checking for errors with
2910  /* if (!DestinyResource->IsReady())
2911  throw Util::InvalidCallException("The requested object is in an invalid state or in an error state."); */
2913  // does not work here, because the OnError() handlers of instruments or modules might call
2914  // functions through a LinkedObjectWrapper to perform shutdown operations. This would not be
2915  // possible with a respective error check taking place here. This is not considered a problem,
2916  // since DestinyResource exists in any case and modifying its underlying Object simply does
2917  // not have an effect or throws an exception itself if Object is not ready. Instead, just
2918  // indiate errors by setting LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase's LinkedObjectState to NotReady
2919  // (see LinkedObjectWrapperContainer<...>::get()).
2920  // <-
2922  if (!IsRegisteredFlag)
2924  "This linked object wrapper instance is deregistered from the requested object.");
2926  return *DestinyResource.get();
2927  }
2930  auto& operator*()
2931  {
2932  // Call const version of operator*
2933  return const_cast<typename std::shared_ptr<ObjectType>::element_type&>(
2934  static_cast<const LinkedObjectWrapper<ObjectT>&>(*this).operator*());
2935  }
2937  const auto operator->() const { return &this->operator*(); }
2938  auto operator->() { return &this->operator*(); }
2940  private:
2941  virtual void Register(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) override
2942  {
2943  if (!DestinyResource)
2944  throw Util::InvalidArgException("DestinyResource must not be nullptr.");
2945  if (IsRegisteredFlag)
2946  return;
2948  // Could throw Util::TimeoutException if resource is currently modified (e.g. call to Object::Reset()).
2949  DestinyResource->LinkedObjectWrapperOnly.RegisterUser(GetOwner(), Timeout);
2951  IsRegisteredFlag = true;
2952  }
2954  virtual void Deregister(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) override
2955  {
2956  if (!IsRegisteredFlag)
2957  return;
2959  DestinyResource->LinkedObjectWrapperOnly.DeregisterUser(GetOwner(), Timeout);
2961  IsRegisteredFlag = false;
2962  }
2968  const std::shared_ptr<ObjectType> DestinyResource;
2974  bool IsRegisteredFlag;
2975  };
2983  template <typename ObjectT>
2985  {
2986  public:
3000  LinkedObjectWrapperPointer() noexcept : LinkedObjectWrapperPtr(nullptr) {}
3007  : LinkedObjectWrapperPtr(LinkedObjectWrapperPtr) {}
3014  LinkedObjectWrapperPtrType get() const noexcept { return LinkedObjectWrapperPtr; }
3021  bool operator==(const LinkedObjectWrapperPtrType rhs) const noexcept { return LinkedObjectWrapperPtr == rhs; }
3028  bool operator!=(const LinkedObjectWrapperPtrType rhs) const noexcept { return LinkedObjectWrapperPtr != rhs; }
3035  bool operator==(const LinkedObjectWrapperPointer& rhs) const noexcept { return LinkedObjectWrapperPtr == rhs.get(); }
3042  bool operator!=(const LinkedObjectWrapperPointer& rhs) const noexcept { return LinkedObjectWrapperPtr != rhs.get(); }
3048  explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return LinkedObjectWrapperPtr != nullptr; }
3055  LinkedObjectWrapperPtrType operator->() const noexcept { return LinkedObjectWrapperPtr; }
3062  LinkedObjectWrapperType& operator*() const noexcept { return *LinkedObjectWrapperPtr; }
3064  private:
3069  };
3076  {
3077  friend class RunnableInstance;
3079  public:
3083  enum class LinkedObjectStateType { NotLinked, Ready, NotReady };
3098  protected:
3103  LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase() noexcept : LinkedObjectState(LinkedObjectStateType::NotLinked) {}
3105  virtual ~LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase() = 0;
3110  void Reset() noexcept;
3117  mutable LinkedObjectStateType LinkedObjectState;
3119  public:
3120  auto GetState() const noexcept { return LinkedObjectState; }
3128  std::string GetLinkedObjectDesc() const { return GetLinkedObjectDescChild(); }
3136  bool CheckIfReady() { return CheckIfReadyChild(); }
3138  private:
3143  virtual void ResetChild() noexcept = 0;
3144  virtual std::string GetLinkedObjectDescChild() const = 0;
3145  virtual bool CheckIfReadyChild() = 0;
3147  };
3158  template <typename ObjectT>
3160  {
3161  friend class RunnableInstance;
3163  public:
3168  LinkedObjectWrapperContainer(bool PerformReadyCheck = true) noexcept
3169  : PerformReadyCheck(PerformReadyCheck) {}
3171  virtual ~LinkedObjectWrapperContainer() = default;
3185  auto get() const
3186  {
3187  const auto Destiny = GetLinkedObjWrapperPtr()->get();
3189  if (PerformReadyCheck)
3190  {
3191  try
3192  {
3193  // This flag is reset either by SetLinkedObjWrapperPtr() or by
3194  // RunnableInstance::CareAboutWrappers().
3195  if (!Destiny->IsReady())
3196  LinkedObjectState = LinkedObjectStateType::NotReady;
3197  }
3198  // ForwardedException signals that the underlying exception arose in the destiny resource.
3199  // All other exceptions are not to be handled here.
3200  catch ([[maybe_unused]] const Util::ForwardedException& e)
3201  {
3202  LinkedObjectState = LinkedObjectStateType::NotReady;
3203  }
3204  }
3206  return Destiny;
3207  }
3209  auto& operator*() const { return *get(); }
3210  auto operator->() const { return get(); }
3216  bool valid() const noexcept { return static_cast<bool>(LinkedObjWrapperPtr); }
3219  private:
3220  virtual void ResetChild() noexcept override { LinkedObjWrapperPtr = nullptr; }
3222  virtual std::string GetLinkedObjectDescChild() const override
3223  {
3224  if (!LinkedObjWrapperPtr)
3225  return "< unknown >";
3227  return GetLinkedObjWrapperPtr()->GetLinkedObjectDesc();
3228  }
3230  virtual bool CheckIfReadyChild() override
3231  {
3232  if (LinkedObjectState != LinkedObjectStateType::Ready)
3233  return false;
3235  const auto Destiny = GetLinkedObjWrapperPtr()->get();
3237  bool IsReady = Destiny->IsReady();
3238  if (!IsReady)
3239  LinkedObjectState = LinkedObjectStateType::NotReady;
3241  return IsReady;
3242  }
3248  void CheckIfNullptr() const
3249  {
3250  if (!LinkedObjWrapperPtr)
3252  }
3259  {
3260  CheckIfNullptr();
3262  return LinkedObjWrapperPtr;
3263  }
3270  void SetLinkedObjWrapperPtr(LinkedObjectWrapperPointer<ObjectT> NewLinkedObjWrapperPtr) noexcept
3271  {
3272  LinkedObjWrapperPtr = NewLinkedObjWrapperPtr;
3273  LinkedObjectState = LinkedObjWrapperPtr ? LinkedObjectStateType::Ready : LinkedObjectStateType::NotLinked;
3275  CheckIfReady();
3276  }
3288  const bool PerformReadyCheck;
3289  };
3301  template <typename ObjectT>
3303  {
3304  friend class RunnableInstance;
3311  public:
3315  const auto& GetList() const noexcept { return Containers; }
3316  const auto& GetLabels() const noexcept { return ObjectLabels; }
3317  std::string_view GetIconPath() const { return IconPath; }
3326  template <typename IndexType>
3327  auto& operator[](IndexType Index)
3328  {
3329  auto i = Util::NumToT<size_t>(Index);
3331  if (i >= Containers.size())
3332  throw Util::OutOfRangeException("The specified object index is higher than the amount of linked objects.");
3334  return *Containers[i];
3335  }
3337  private:
3342  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ContainerType>> Containers;
3345  std::string IconPath;
3346  };
3353  {
3354  public:
3359  static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds LockObjectTimeoutDefault = std::chrono::milliseconds(100);
3361  protected:
3362  ObjectLinkBase() = default;
3363  virtual ~ObjectLinkBase() = 0;
3364  };
3381  template <typename ObjectT>
3383  {
3384  public:
3385  using ObjectType = ObjectT;
3386  using ConstObjectType = std::add_const_t<ObjectT>;
3388  friend class RunnableInstance;
3393  ObjectLink() : DestinyResource() {}
3399  ObjectLink(const std::shared_ptr<ObjectType>& DestinyResource) : DestinyResource(DestinyResource) {}
3401  virtual ~ObjectLink() {}
3406  void Reset() { DestinyResource.reset(); }
3413  auto& operator=(const std::shared_ptr<ObjectType>& NewDestinyResource)
3414  {
3415  // Throwing an exception here could lead to only partially loaded Param possessing an
3416  // invalid ObjectLink. Additionally, ParamsConfigDialog::accept() calls
3417  // ParamsBase::Param<LinkType>::MakeLink() which calls this. ParamsConfigDialog::accept()
3418  // should not face exceptions. So, do not throw anything here.
3419  DestinyResource = NewDestinyResource;
3421  return *this;
3422  }
3431  {
3432  // See above.
3433  return DestinyResource.lock();
3434  }
3436  private:
3447  std::unique_ptr<LinkedObjectWrapper<ConstObjectType>> TryLockObject(const RunnableInstance& WrapperOwner,
3448  std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = LockObjectTimeoutDefault) const
3449  {
3450  std::shared_ptr<ConstObjectType> DestinyShared;
3452  // While object where DestinyResource points to is being destroyed, DestinyResource
3453  // should already be marked as expired, so this is thread-safe.
3454  DestinyShared = DestinyResource.lock();
3456  if (!DestinyShared)
3457  return nullptr;
3459  return std::make_unique<LinkedObjectWrapper<ConstObjectType>>(WrapperOwner, std::move(DestinyShared), Timeout);
3460  }
3471  auto LockObject(const RunnableInstance& WrapperOwner, std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = LockObjectTimeoutDefault) const
3472  {
3473  auto ObjectWrapperPtr = TryLockObject(WrapperOwner, Timeout);
3475  if (!ObjectWrapperPtr)
3478  return ObjectWrapperPtr;
3479  }
3486  std::weak_ptr<ObjectType> DestinyResource;
3487  };
3505  {
3506  protected:
3512  RunnableInstance(RunnableObject& Owner, std::promise<void>&& ThreadExitedPromise);
3521  ~RunnableInstance();
3523  public:
3524  const auto& GetOwner() const noexcept { return Owner; }
3536  template <typename ObjectT>
3538  LinkedObjectWrapperContainer<ObjectT>& ObjectWrapperContainer,
3539  std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = ObjectLinkBase::LockObjectTimeoutDefault)
3540  {
3541  ObjectWrapperContainer.SetLinkedObjWrapperPtr(StoreLockedObject(LinkParam.GetLink().TryLockObject(*this, Timeout), ObjectWrapperContainer));
3542  }
3553  template <typename ObjectT>
3555  LinkedObjectWrapperContainer<ObjectT>& ObjectWrapperContainer,
3556  std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = ObjectLinkBase::LockObjectTimeoutDefault)
3557  {
3558  ObjectWrapperContainer.SetLinkedObjWrapperPtr(StoreLockedObject(LinkParam.GetLink().LockObject(*this, Timeout), ObjectWrapperContainer));
3559  }
3569  template <typename ObjectT>
3571  {
3572  // Destroys corresponding LinkedObjectWrapperBase and thereby deregisters from
3573  // LinkedObjectWrapper::DestinyResource.
3574  if (ObjectWrapperContainer.LinkedObjWrapperPtr)
3575  OwnedLinkedObjectWrappers.erase(ObjectWrapperContainer.LinkedObjWrapperPtr->ListPos);
3577  ObjectWrapperContainer.Reset();
3578  }
3580  // TryLockObject() is not overloaded for object link list parameters since it is not clear what
3581  // to do with already locked objects when trying to lock another list of objects fails. If
3582  // the previously locked objects were unlocked before, then the state after a failed call to
3583  // TryLockObject() would not be the same as before.
3597  template <typename ObjectT>
3599  LinkedObjectWrapperContainerList<ObjectT>& ObjectWrapperContainerList,
3600  std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = ObjectLinkBase::LockObjectTimeoutDefault)
3601  {
3602  // Ensure that ObjectWrapperContainerList is empty before locking.
3603  UnlockObject(ObjectWrapperContainerList);
3605  for (const auto& Link : LinkListParam.GetLinks())
3606  {
3607  // Create new container in place since StoreLockedObject() stores a reference to it...
3608  ObjectWrapperContainerList.Containers.emplace_back(std::make_unique<LinkedObjectWrapperContainer<ObjectT>>());
3609  const auto& Container = ObjectWrapperContainerList.Containers.back(); // noexcept
3611  try
3612  {
3613  // ... and fill it.
3614  Container->SetLinkedObjWrapperPtr(StoreLockedObject(Link.LockObject(*this, Timeout), *Container));
3616  ObjectWrapperContainerList.ObjectLabels.emplace_back((*Container)->GetObjectName() + " (" + (*Container)->GetCategoryAndName() + ")");
3617  }
3618  catch (...)
3619  {
3620  // In case locking object or storing label fails, remove the container again.
3621  UnlockObject(*Container);
3622  ObjectWrapperContainerList.Containers.pop_back();
3624  throw;
3625  }
3626  }
3628  if (!LinkListParam.IsOptional() && ObjectWrapperContainerList.Containers.empty())
3629  throw Util::EmptyException("A non-optional object link list parameter is empty.");
3631  ObjectWrapperContainerList.IconPath = LinkListParam.GetIconResourcePath();
3632  }
3641  template <typename ObjectT>
3643  {
3644  for (const auto& Container : ObjectWrapperContainerList.Containers)
3645  UnlockObject(*Container);
3647  ObjectWrapperContainerList.Containers.clear();
3648  ObjectWrapperContainerList.ObjectLabels.clear();
3649  ObjectWrapperContainerList.IconPath.clear();
3650  }
3659  bool CareAboutWrappers();
3666  std::string GetNotReadyObjectNamesString() const;
3673  private:
3677  void SetThreadExited();
3688  template <typename ObjectT>
3689  decltype(auto) StoreLockedObject(std::unique_ptr<LinkedObjectWrapper<ObjectT>>&& ObjectWrapperPtr,
3690  LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase& ObjectWrapperContainer)
3691  {
3692  OwnedLinkedObjectWrappers.emplace_back(std::move(ObjectWrapperPtr), ObjectWrapperContainer);
3694  auto ObjectWrapperIterator = --OwnedLinkedObjectWrappers.end();
3695  ObjectWrapperIterator->OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperPtr.get()->ListPos = ObjectWrapperIterator;
3697  // Cast should never fail. Reference version since this would throw if it failed.
3698  return &dynamic_cast<typename LinkedObjectWrapperPointer<ObjectT>::LinkedObjectWrapperType&>(*ObjectWrapperIterator->OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperPtr.get());
3699  }
3712  std::promise<void> ThreadExitedPromise;
3718  bool Empty = false;
3727  };
3728 }
Implements a dialog with a progress bar, which shows the user that DynExp is busy.
Implements a configuration dialog which allows users to set values of parameters derived from DynExp:...
Implements DynExp's main window as a Qt-based user interface (UI).
Definition: DynExpManager.h:21
Common base class for all derived ResourceManagerBase classes. Logical const-ness: Only const functio...
Definition: Managers.h:57
The configurator classes have the task to generate parameter objects (refer to DynExp::ParamsBase) of...
Definition: Object.h:1879
virtual ParamsBasePtrType MakeParams(ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore &Core) const =0
Override to make derived classes call DynExp::MakeParams with the correct configurator type derived f...
DynExp's core class acts as the interface between the user interface and DynExp's internal data like ...
Definition: DynExpCore.h:127
Resource manager for HardwareAdapterBase resources deriving from a specialized ResourceManagerBase cl...
Definition: Managers.h:631
Resource manager for InstrumentBase resources deriving from a specialized ResourceManagerBase class.
Definition: Managers.h:657
Abstract base class of link parameters (to be saved in project files) describing relations between mu...
Definition: Object.h:184
virtual ~LinkBase()
Definition: Object.h:197
virtual const CommonResourceManagerBase * GetCommonManagerChild() const noexcept=0
This function can be used to determine the object type the parameter is expecting by comparing the re...
std::string_view GetIconResourcePath() const noexcept
Definition: Object.h:256
auto ShareResource(const ResourceManagerType &Manager, ItemIDType ID)
Returns a shared_ptr pointing to the resource with the given ID contained in the given resource manag...
Definition: Object.h:209
auto MakeObjectIDsWithLabels(const ManagerTypeOfObjectType_t< ObjectType > &Manager) const
Finds all resources managed by the given resource manager matching type ObjectTpye and returns a list...
Definition: Object.h:222
virtual bool IsReadyChild()=0
Returns whether the object where this link parameter points to is in a ready state.
virtual void EnsureReadyStateChild()=0
Makes sure that the object where this link parameter points to is in a ready state....
const bool Optional
Determines whether this parameter is optional. Optional parameters do not have to point to valid obje...
Definition: Object.h:312
virtual std::string_view GetLinkTitleChild() const noexcept=0
Returns a reference to this link parameter's title.
std::string_view GetLinkTitle() const noexcept
Returns a reference to this link parameter's title.
Definition: Object.h:276
const CommonResourceManagerBase * GetCommonManager() const noexcept
This function can be used to determine the object type the parameter is expecting by comparing the re...
Definition: Object.h:289
bool IsReady()
Returns whether the object where this link parameter points to is in a ready state.
Definition: Object.h:270
ItemIDListType GetLinkedIDs() const
Returns a list of all object IDs assigned to this parameter.
Definition: Object.h:282
const std::string_view IconResourcePath
Qt resource path describing an icon being displayed along with this parameter in user interface dialo...
Definition: Object.h:307
virtual ItemIDListType GetLinkedIDsChild() const =0
Returns a list of all object IDs assigned to this parameter.
LinkBase(std::string_view IconResourcePath={}, bool Optional=false)
Constructs a LinkBase object.
Definition: Object.h:193
void EnsureReadyState()
Makes sure that the object where this link parameter points to is in a ready state....
Definition: Object.h:264
bool IsOptional() const noexcept
Definition: Object.h:257
Polymorphic base class to allow storing LinkedObjectWrapper of any type in a single list.
Definition: Object.h:2708
std::list< OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperType > ListType
Type of a list hold by RunnableInstance (RunnableInstance::OwnedLinkedObjectWrappers) that contains p...
Definition: Object.h:2750
std::unique_ptr< LinkedObjectWrapperBase > LinkedObjectWrapperBasePtrType
Alias for a smart pointer owning instances of this class.
Definition: Object.h:2715
virtual bool IsRegistered() const noexcept=0
Returns whether the wrapper has registered its owning Object instance (through Owner) as a user of th...
LinkedObjectWrapperBase(const RunnableInstance &Owner)
Constructs a LinkedObjectWrapperBase instance.
Definition: Object.h:2757
Polymorphic base class to allow storing LinkedObjectWrapperContainer of any type in a single list.
Definition: Object.h:3076
void Reset() noexcept
Removes any linked LinkedObjectWrapper and updates LinkedObjectState.
Definition: Object.cpp:742
LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase() noexcept
Constructs a LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase instance which is not linked to any LinkedObjectWrapper...
Definition: Object.h:3103
bool CheckIfReady()
Returns whether the Object instance which is wrapped by the linked LinkedObjectWrapper is in a ready ...
Definition: Object.h:3136
Indicates the current state of the Object referenced by the linked LinkedObjectWrapper.
Definition: Object.h:3083
virtual void ResetChild() noexcept=0
Removes any linked LinkedObjectWrapper and updates LinkedObjectState.
std::string GetLinkedObjectDesc() const
Builds and returns a human-readable string uniquely identifying the Object instance which is wrapped ...
Definition: Object.h:3128
This class defines a list of LinkedObjectWrapperContainer instances. The list owns the contained Link...
Definition: Object.h:3303
Util::TextListType ObjectLabels
Holds a human-readable identifier for each linked object.
Definition: Object.h:3344
std::string IconPath
Holds the path to the icon of the linked objects' base type (e.g. hardware adapter,...
Definition: Object.h:3345
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< ContainerType > > Containers
List of the owned LinkedObjectWrapperContainer instances. std::vector of pointers since insertion and...
Definition: Object.h:3342
const auto & GetLabels() const noexcept
Returns ObjectLabels.
Definition: Object.h:3316
std::string_view GetIconPath() const
Returns IconPath.
Definition: Object.h:3317
auto & operator[](IndexType Index)
Returns a stored LinkedObjectWrapperContainer instance selected by its list index.
Definition: Object.h:3327
const auto & GetList() const noexcept
Returns Containers.
Definition: Object.h:3315
This class holds a pointer (LinkedObjectWrapperPointer) to a LinkedObjectWrapper. Intances of this cl...
Definition: Object.h:3160
LinkedObjectWrapperPointer< ObjectT > LinkedObjWrapperPtr
Pointer to a LinkedObjectWrapper instance holding a pointer to the destiny object instance of type co...
Definition: Object.h:3282
const bool PerformReadyCheck
Determines whether a call to get() checks the return value of Object::IsReady() before returning Link...
Definition: Object.h:3288
virtual std::string GetLinkedObjectDescChild() const override
Builds and returns a human-readable string uniquely identifying the Object instance which is wrapped ...
Definition: Object.h:3222
auto get() const
Returns the LinkedObjWrapperPtr and checks (depending on PerformReadyCheck) whether the Object Linked...
Definition: Object.h:3185
bool valid() const noexcept
Checks whether LinkedObjWrapperPtr points to a valid distination.
Definition: Object.h:3216
LinkedObjectWrapperContainer(bool PerformReadyCheck=true) noexcept
Constructs a LinkedObjectWrapperContainer instance.
Definition: Object.h:3168
virtual bool CheckIfReadyChild() override
Returns whether the Object instance which is wrapped by the linked LinkedObjectWrapper is in a ready ...
Definition: Object.h:3230
virtual void ResetChild() noexcept override
Removes any linked LinkedObjectWrapper and updates LinkedObjectState.
Definition: Object.h:3220
auto operator->() const
Returns the result of a call to get().
Definition: Object.h:3210
auto & operator*() const
Dereferences and returns the result of a call to get().
Definition: Object.h:3209
virtual ~LinkedObjectWrapperContainer()=default
void CheckIfNullptr() const
Checks whether LinkedObjWrapperPtr is nullptr. Does nothing if this is not the case.
Definition: Object.h:3248
void SetLinkedObjWrapperPtr(LinkedObjectWrapperPointer< ObjectT > NewLinkedObjWrapperPtr) noexcept
Sets LinkedObjWrapperPtr to a new destination and updates LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase::LinkedObj...
Definition: Object.h:3270
auto & GetLinkedObjWrapperPtr() const
Returns LinkedObjWrapperPtr after checking whether LinkedObjWrapperPtr is nullptr.
Definition: Object.h:3258
This class describes a pointer to a LinkedObjectWrapper instance. It is a simple wrapper class which ...
Definition: Object.h:2985
bool operator!=(const LinkedObjectWrapperPtrType rhs) const noexcept
Checks whether LinkedObjectWrapperPtr does not equal another pointer to a LinkedObjectWrapper instanc...
Definition: Object.h:3028
LinkedObjectWrapperPtrType LinkedObjectWrapperPtr
LinkedObjectWrapper instance this pointer points to
Definition: Object.h:3068
LinkedObjectWrapperType & operator*() const noexcept
Always returns a const reference so that Object instances using another linked Object instance are on...
Definition: Object.h:3062
bool operator!=(const LinkedObjectWrapperPointer &rhs) const noexcept
Checks whether this LinkedObjectWrapperPointer instance does not equal another instance.
Definition: Object.h:3042
LinkedObjectWrapperPtrType get() const noexcept
Always returns a const pointer so that Object instances using another linked Object instance are only...
Definition: Object.h:3014
bool operator==(const LinkedObjectWrapperPtrType rhs) const noexcept
Checks whether LinkedObjectWrapperPtr equals another pointer to a LinkedObjectWrapper instance.
Definition: Object.h:3021
LinkedObjectWrapperPointer() noexcept
Constructs an empty pointer.
Definition: Object.h:3000
LinkedObjectWrapperPointer(LinkedObjectWrapperPtrType LinkedObjectWrapperPtr) noexcept
Constructs a pointer pointing to LinkedObjectWrapperPtr.
Definition: Object.h:3006
bool operator==(const LinkedObjectWrapperPointer &rhs) const noexcept
Checks whether this LinkedObjectWrapperPointer instance equals another instance.
Definition: Object.h:3035
LinkedObjectWrapperPtrType operator->() const noexcept
Always returns a const pointer so that Object instances using another linked Object instance are only...
Definition: Object.h:3055
Holds a shared_ptr to a resource (instance of class Object) and lets the resource keep track of its u...
Definition: Object.h:2823
virtual bool IsRegistered() const noexcept override
Returns whether the wrapper has registered its owning Object instance (through Owner) as a user of th...
Definition: Object.h:2883
std::add_const_t< ObjectT > ObjectType
Const type of the managed Object.
Definition: Object.h:2825
virtual ~LinkedObjectWrapper()
Destructor calls LinkedObjectWrapper::Deregister().
Definition: Object.h:2844
virtual void Deregister(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) override
Deregisters the wrapper's owning Object instance (through Owner) as a user of the target resource (re...
Definition: Object.h:2952
std::string GetLinkedObjectDesc() const
Builds and returns a human-readable string uniquely identifying the Object instance DestinyResource....
Definition: Object.h:2892
virtual void Register(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) override
Registers the wrapper's owning Object instance (through Owner) as a user of the target resource (refe...
Definition: Object.h:2939
LinkedObjectWrapper(const RunnableInstance &Owner, std::shared_ptr< ObjectType > &&DestinyResource, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout)
Constructs a LinkedObjectWrapper instance and calls LinkedObjectWrapper::Register().
Definition: Object.h:2833
Bundles several parameters to describe a network connection. Use in parameter classes.
Base class for object link parameter types to allow SFINAE in ParamsBase::Param for ObjectLink of any...
Definition: Object.h:3353
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds LockObjectTimeoutDefault
Default timeout used by classes ObjectLinkt and RunnableInstance to be passed to LinkedObjectWrapper:...
Definition: Object.h:3359
Helper class to enable keeping track of instances of class Object making use of the owner of the resp...
Definition: Object.h:80
std::string GetUserNamesString(std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=std::chrono::milliseconds(0)) const
Builds a string describing which users are registered containing their object names,...
Definition: Object.cpp:49
void Deregister(const Object &User, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=std::chrono::milliseconds(0))
Deregisters a user in a thread-safe way.
Definition: Object.cpp:28
std::string GetUserNamesStringUnsafe() const
Definition: Object.cpp:82
void Register(const Object &User, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=std::chrono::milliseconds(0))
Registers a user in a thread-safe way.
Definition: Object.cpp:14
std::unordered_map< const Object *, size_t > UserList
Map containing pointers to all users making use of this ObjectUserList instance's owner as keys and t...
Definition: Object.h:176
void DeregisterAllUnsafe()
Deregisters all users and notifies them that they need to check the states of their used linked objec...
Definition: Object.cpp:56
virtual ~ObjectUserList()=default
size_t CountUsersUnsafe() const
Definition: Object.cpp:64
size_t CountUsers(std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=std::chrono::milliseconds(0)) const
Counts the registered useres in a thread-safe way.
Definition: Object.cpp:35
ItemIDListType GetUserIDsUnsafe() const
Definition: Object.cpp:72
void DeregisterUnsafe(const Object &User)
Deregisters a user.
Definition: Object.cpp:101
void RegisterUnsafe(const Object &User)
Registers a user.
Definition: Object.cpp:91
Util::ILockable::LockType AcquireLock(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=DefaultTimeout) const
Locks the user list for thread-safe manipulation.
Definition: Object.cpp:9
ItemIDListType GetUserIDs(std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=std::chrono::milliseconds(0)) const
Returns a list of the IDs of the registered users in a thread-safe way.
Definition: Object.cpp:42
Allow exclusive access to some of Object's private methods to any LinkedObjectWrapper<T>.
Definition: Object.h:2036
constexpr LinkedObjectWrapperOnlyType(Object &Parent) noexcept
Construcs an instance - one for each Object instance.
Definition: Object.h:2046
Object & Parent
Owning Object instance.
Definition: Object.h:2068
Base class for all DynExp Objects like hardware adapters (DynExp::HardwareAdapterBase),...
Definition: Object.h:1971
virtual std::string GetName() const =0
Returns the name of this Object type.
ParamsConstTypeSyncPtrType GetParams(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=GetParamsTimeoutDefault) const
Locks the mutex of the parameter class instance Params assigned to this Object instance and returns a...
Definition: Object.cpp:436
std::string GetCategoryAndName() const
Builds a string from an Object's category and name to allow the user to identify an Object's type.
Definition: Object.h:2158
Util::Warning Warning
Last warning which occurred within this Object instance. (Logical const-ness: see above....
Definition: Object.h:2305
virtual std::string GetCategory() const =0
Returns the category of this Object type.
auto GetUserIDs(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) const
Returns a list of the IDs of the registered users in a thread-safe way.
Definition: Object.h:2228
virtual void EnsureReadyStateChild(bool IsAutomaticStartup)=0
Ensures that this Object instance is ready by possibly starting its worker thread or by opening conne...
ItemIDType GetID() const noexcept
Returns the ID of this Object instance. Thread-safe since ID is const.
Definition: Object.h:2143
auto GetUseCount(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) const
Counts the registered useres in a thread-safe way.
Definition: Object.h:2216
LinkedObjectWrapperOnlyType LinkedObjectWrapperOnly
Allow exclusive access to some of Object's private methods to any LinkedObjectWrapper<T>.
Definition: Object.h:2240
virtual bool IsReadyChild() const =0
Returns wheter this Object instance is ready (e.g. it is running or connected to a hardware device) a...
const std::thread::id OwnerThreadID
Thread id of the thread which has constructed (and owns) this Object instance.
Definition: Object.h:2302
virtual void ResetImpl(dispatch_tag< Object >)=0
Refer to DynExp::Object::Reset(). Using tag dispatch mechanism to ensure that ResetImpl() of every de...
auto GetUserNamesString(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) const
Builds a string describing which users are registered containing their object names,...
Definition: Object.h:2233
bool IsUnusedUnsafe()
Returns whether this Object instance is used by other instances (not thread-safe).
Definition: Object.h:2273
bool IsUnused(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) const
Returns whether this Object instance is used by other instances.
Definition: Object.h:2223
void ClearWarning() const
Resets Object::Warning.
Definition: Object.h:2190
auto GetUserNamesStringUnsafe() const
Definition: Object.h:2267
virtual void CheckLinkedObjectStatesChild() const
Override to implement a check whether linked objects are in a ready state.
Definition: Object.h:2294
const ParamsBasePtrType Params
Pointer to the parameter class instance belonging to this Object instance.
Definition: Object.h:2303
ObjectUserList UserList
List of Object instances making use of this Object instance. Other Object instances making use of thi...
Definition: Object.h:2312
virtual std::exception_ptr GetExceptionChild(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout) const =0
Returns a pointer to the exception which has caused this Object instance to fail.
auto GetWarning() const
Returns Object::Warning in a thread-safe way by copying its internal data.
Definition: Object.h:2196
bool IsReady() const
Returns wheter this Object instance is ready (e.g. it is running or connected to a hardware device) a...
Definition: Object.h:2211
auto GetUseCountUnsafe()
Definition: Object.h:2266
std::exception_ptr GetException(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout) const
Returns a pointer to the exception which has caused this Object instance to fail.
Definition: Object.h:2204
void DeregisterAllUnsafe()
Deregisters all users and notifies them that they need to check the states of their used linked objec...
Definition: Object.h:2265
bool IsSharedUsageEnabled(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=GetParamsTimeoutDefault) const
Returns whether shared usage has been enabled for this Object instance. Refer to ParamsBase::UsageTyp...
Definition: Object.h:2136
auto GetObjectName(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=GetParamsTimeoutDefault) const
Returns the name of this Object instance.
Definition: Object.h:2128
auto LockUserList(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout)
Locks the user list for thread-safe manipulation.
Definition: Object.h:2264
void CheckLinkedObjectStates() const
Checks whether Object instances this instance uses are in a ready state. Override CheckLinkedObjectSt...
Definition: Object.h:2240
Refer to ParamsBase::dispatch_tag.
Definition: Object.h:2018
Dummy parameter which is to be owned once by parameter classes that do not contain any other paramete...
Definition: Object.h:522
DummyParam(ParamsBase &Owner)
Definition: Object.h:524
virtual void ResetChild() override
Resets this parameter to its default value.
Definition: Object.h:530
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog) override
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:529
virtual void ToXMLNodeChild(QDomDocument &Document, QDomElement &XMLElement) const override
Converts this parameter to a Qt dom element (describing an XML node containing this parameter's name ...
Definition: Object.h:527
virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement &XMLElement) override
Restores this parameter's value from the given Qt dom element (describing an XML node)
Definition: Object.h:528
Base class for link list parameters to multiple Object of any (but all the same) type specifying the ...
Definition: Object.h:1401
LinkListParamBase(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, std::string_view IconResourcePath={}, bool Optional=false)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:1408
virtual ItemIDListType GetLinkedIDsChild() const override
Returns a list of all object IDs assigned to this parameter.
Definition: Object.h:1418
virtual std::string_view GetLinkTitleChild() const noexcept override
Returns a reference to this link parameter's title.
Definition: Object.h:1417
Base class for link parameters to a single Object of any type specifying the underlying parameter typ...
Definition: Object.h:1122
LinkParamBase(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, std::string_view IconResourcePath={}, bool Optional=false)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:1129
virtual std::string_view GetLinkTitleChild() const noexcept override
Returns a reference to this link parameter's title.
Definition: Object.h:1138
virtual ItemIDListType GetLinkedIDsChild() const override
Returns a list of all object IDs assigned to this parameter.
Definition: Object.h:1139
Makes sure the object link parameters of the associated ParamsBase instance are in a ready state by p...
Definition: Object.h:1589
bool EnsureReadyStateCalledForCurrentParam
Waiting for the current parameter to become ready or moving on to the next parameter?
Definition: Object.h:1608
ParamsBase::ObjectLinkParamsType::const_iterator CurrentParam
Iterator to the parameter which is currently being made ready.
Definition: Object.h:1607
LinkParamStarter(const ParamsBase &Params) noexcept
Constructs a LinkParamStarter instance for single use.
Definition: Object.h:1595
const ParamsBase & Params
Reference to a parameter class whose object link parameters have to be ready.
Definition: Object.h:1606
PrecisionType GetPrecision() const noexcept
Returns the value precision of the list items.
Definition: Object.h:1368
ArithmeticType GetIncrement() const noexcept
Returns the value increment of the list items.
Definition: Object.h:1367
ArithmeticType GetMinValue() const noexcept
Returns the minimal allowed value of the list items.
Definition: Object.h:1365
const ArithmeticType Increment
List item value increment (used in the settings dialog for manual parameter adjustment)
Definition: Object.h:1389
ArithmeticType GetMaxValue() const noexcept
Returns the maximal allowed value of the list items.
Definition: Object.h:1366
const PrecisionType Precision
List item value precision (used in the settings dialog for manual parameter adjustment)
Definition: Object.h:1390
ListParam(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, typename TypedListParamBase< ArithmeticType >::UnderlyingType DefaultValues={}, ArithmeticType MinValue=std::numeric_limits< ArithmeticType >::lowest(), ArithmeticType MaxValue=std::numeric_limits< ArithmeticType >::max(), ArithmeticType Increment=1, PrecisionType Precision=0)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:1341
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog) override final
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:1372
bool ValidateValues(const typename TypedListParamBase< ArithmeticType >::UnderlyingType &NewValues) const override
Definition: Object.h:1378
ListParam(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, typename TypedListParamBase< ArithmeticType >::UnderlyingType DefaultValues={}, ArithmeticType MinValue=std::numeric_limits< ArithmeticType >::lowest(), ArithmeticType MaxValue=std::numeric_limits< ArithmeticType >::max(), ArithmeticType Increment=1, PrecisionType Precision=0)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should not be displayed in a settings dia...
Definition: Object.h:1355
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog) override final
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:1505
virtual const CommonResourceManagerBase * GetCommonManagerChild() const noexcept override
This function can be used to determine the object type the parameter is expecting by comparing the re...
Definition: Object.h:1497
bool IsReadyChild() override final
Returns whether the object where this link parameter points to is in a ready state.
Definition: Object.h:1543
void EnsureReadyStateChild() override final
Thread-safe since only main thread is allowed to change parameters and to call this funtion.
Definition: Object.h:1530
virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement &XMLElement) override
Restores this parameter's value from the given Qt dom element (describing an XML node)
Definition: Object.h:1499
ListParam(ParamsBase &Owner, const ManagerType &Manager, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, std::string_view IconResourcePath={}, bool Optional=false, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:1440
void MakeLinks()
Retrives the linked resource using its ID stored in the parameter and establishes a link to the resou...
Definition: Object.h:1478
ManagerTypeOfObjectType_t< ObjectType > ManagerType
Type of the manager managing the linked Object.
Definition: Object.h:1433
bool ValidateValues(const typename LinkListParamBase::UnderlyingType &NewValues) const override
Ensures that list entries do not have the ItemIDNotSet value.
Definition: Object.h:1518
std::vector< LinkType > Links
List of links of type LinkType derived from ObjectLinkBase referring to the linked Object....
Definition: Object.h:1580
const auto & GetLinks() const noexcept
Returns a list of links of type LinkType derived from ObjectLinkBase to the Object this parameter ref...
Definition: Object.h:1469
const auto & GetManager() const noexcept
Returns the manager instance containing the Object the link refers to.
Definition: Object.h:1455
bool ContainsID() const noexcept
Checks whether at least one item has been assigned to this parameter. Assigned items are not allowed ...
Definition: Object.h:1462
const ManagerType & Manager
Reference to the manager instance containing the Object the link refers to. Managers live longer than...
Definition: Object.h:1574
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog) override final
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:1312
ListParam(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, typename TypedListParamBase< ParamType >::UnderlyingType DefaultValues={})
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should not be displayed in a settings dia...
Definition: Object.h:1308
ListParam(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, typename TypedListParamBase< ParamType >::UnderlyingType DefaultValues={})
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:1301
Provides the class ParamsBase access to some private members of class ParamBase.
Definition: Object.h:384
constexpr ParamsBaseOnlyType(ParamBase &Parent) noexcept
Construcs an instance - one for each ParamBase instance.
Definition: Object.h:391
void AddToDialog(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog)
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:394
ParamBase & Parent
Owning ParamBase instance.
Definition: Object.h:396
void DisableUserEditable() noexcept
Sets the UserEditable property to false.
Definition: Object.h:393
Abstract base class for a single object parameter. Parameters derived from this class are automatical...
Definition: Object.h:378
auto & GetOwner() noexcept
Returns the ParamsBase instance owning this ParamBase instance.
Definition: Object.h:464
const auto & GetOwner() const noexcept
Returns the ParamsBase instance owning this ParamBase instance.
Definition: Object.h:463
bool IsUserEditable() const noexcept
Returns ParamBase::UserEditable.
Definition: Object.h:427
ParamsBaseOnlyType ParamsBaseOnly
Provides the class ParamsBase access to some private members of class ParamBase.
Definition: Object.h:460
const bool NeedsResetToApplyChange
Indicates whether the object owning this parameter needs to be reset to apply changes to this paramet...
Definition: Object.h:513
const std::string_view ParamTitle
String which is displayed as a label when editing the parameter using ParamsConfigDialog.
Definition: Object.h:507
bool GetNeedsResetToApplyChange() const noexcept
Returns ParamBase::NeedsResetToApplyChange.
Definition: Object.h:431
std::string_view GetParamTitle() const noexcept
Returns ParamBase::ParamTitle.
Definition: Object.h:429
std::string_view GetParamName() const noexcept
Returns ParamBase::ParamName.
Definition: Object.h:428
const std::string_view ParamDescription
String which describes the parameter as a tooltip when using ParamsConfigDialog.
Definition: Object.h:508
virtual void ResetChild()=0
Resets this parameter to its default value.
void DisableUserEditable() noexcept
Sets the UserEditable property to false.
Definition: Object.h:470
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog)=0
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement &XMLElement)=0
Restores this parameter's value from the given Qt dom element (describing an XML node)
ParamBase(const ParamBase &)=delete
ParamBase & operator=(const ParamBase &)=delete
ParamsBase & Owner
Owner of this parameter. Owner always lives longer than this object.
Definition: Object.h:498
bool UserEditable
Is this parameter displayed in a settings dialog und thus editable by the user directly?...
Definition: Object.h:504
void Reset()
Resets this parameter to its default value.
Definition: Object.h:458
virtual bool ValidateChild() const
Checks whether a valid value is assigned to this parameter. This function is not const since it is al...
Definition: Object.h:491
std::string_view GetParamDescription() const noexcept
Returns ParamBase::ParamDescription.
Definition: Object.h:430
virtual void ToXMLNodeChild(QDomDocument &Document, QDomElement &XMLElement) const =0
Converts this parameter to a Qt dom element (describing an XML node containing this parameter's name ...
void AddToDialog(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog)
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:476
const std::string ParamName
Identifier which is stored in project file.
Definition: Object.h:506
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, ArithmeticType DefaultValue=ArithmeticType(), ArithmeticType MinValue=std::numeric_limits< ArithmeticType >::lowest(), ArithmeticType MaxValue=std::numeric_limits< ArithmeticType >::max(), ArithmeticType Increment=1, PrecisionType Precision=0)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:814
const PrecisionType Precision
Value precision (used in the settings dialog for manual parameter adjustment)
Definition: Object.h:864
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, ArithmeticType DefaultValue=ArithmeticType(), ArithmeticType MinValue=std::numeric_limits< ArithmeticType >::lowest(), ArithmeticType MaxValue=std::numeric_limits< ArithmeticType >::max(), ArithmeticType Increment=1, PrecisionType Precision=0)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should not be displayed in a settings dia...
Definition: Object.h:828
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog) override final
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:850
ArithmeticType GetMinValue() const noexcept
Returns the minimal allowed value.
Definition: Object.h:838
ArithmeticType GetMaxValue() const noexcept
Returns the maximal allowed value.
Definition: Object.h:839
const ArithmeticType Increment
Value increment (used in the settings dialog for manual parameter adjustment)
Definition: Object.h:863
const EnumType operator=(const EnumType &NewValue)
Assigns a new value to this parameter. Attention: operator= can change the parameter to a value which...
Definition: Object.h:1097
EnumType GetDefaultValue() const noexcept
Returns the default value of this parameter.
Definition: Object.h:1075
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, Util::TextValueListType< EnumType > &&TextValueList, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, EnumType DefaultValue=EnumType())
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:1055
const Util::TextValueListType< EnumType > TextValueList
Predefined selection options.
Definition: Object.h:1111
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog) override final
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:1105
const EnumType Get() const noexcept
Returns the selected EnumType's item of this parameter.
Definition: Object.h:1089
const auto & GetTextValueList() const noexcept
Returns the selection options as a mapping between strings and corresponding EnumType's items.
Definition: Object.h:1077
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, EnumType DefaultValue=EnumType())
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should not be displayed in a settings dia...
Definition: Object.h:1063
LinkType Link
Link of type LinkType derived from ObjectLinkBase referring to the linked Object. The link can be loc...
Definition: Object.h:1277
const ManagerType & Manager
Reference to the manager instance containing the Object the link refers to. Managers live longer than...
Definition: Object.h:1271
void EnsureReadyStateChild() override final
Thread-safe since only main thread is allowed to change parameters and to call this funtion.
Definition: Object.h:1234
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog) override final
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:1222
const auto & GetManager() const noexcept
Returns the manager instance containing the Object the link refers to.
Definition: Object.h:1176
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, const ManagerType &Manager, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, std::string_view IconResourcePath={}, bool Optional=false, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:1161
bool IsReadyChild() override final
Returns whether the object where this link parameter points to is in a ready state.
Definition: Object.h:1244
ManagerTypeOfObjectType_t< ObjectType > ManagerType
Type of the manager managing the linked Object.
Definition: Object.h:1154
const LinkType & GetLink() const noexcept
Returns the link of type LinkType derived from ObjectLinkBase to the Object the parameter refers to.
Definition: Object.h:1189
virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement &XMLElement) override
Restores this parameter's value from the given Qt dom element (describing an XML node)
Definition: Object.h:1216
bool ContainsID() const noexcept
Checks whether an item has been assigned to this parameter.
Definition: Object.h:1182
virtual const CommonResourceManagerBase * GetCommonManagerChild() const noexcept override
This function can be used to determine the object type the parameter is expecting by comparing the re...
Definition: Object.h:1214
void MakeLink()
Retrives the linked resource using its ID stored in the parameter and establishes a link to the resou...
Definition: Object.h:1198
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, ParamType DefaultValue=ParamType())
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:774
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, UnderlyingTextParamType::UnderlyingType DefaultValue="")
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should not be displayed in a settings dia...
Definition: Object.h:892
std::filesystem::path GetPath() const
Returns the parameter's value as a path. Relative paths are resolved using ParamsBase::ToAbsolutePath...
Definition: Object.h:899
auto GetTextUsage() const noexcept
Returns the purpose of this parameter's text.
Definition: Object.h:905
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog) override final
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:911
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, UnderlyingTextParamType::UnderlyingType DefaultValue="", TextUsageType TextUsage=TextUsageType::Standard)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:884
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog) override final
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:968
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, Util::TextListType &&TextList, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, UnderlyingTextListParamType::UnderlyingType DefaultValue="")
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:934
Util::TextListType TextList
Predefined selection options. Not constant because this should be changeable dynamically (e....
Definition: Object.h:980
const auto & GetTextList() const noexcept
Returns the predefined selection options as a list of strings.
Definition: Object.h:952
void SetTextList(Util::TextListType &&NewTextList)
Resets the predefined list of strings to select a string from.
Definition: Object.h:964
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, Util::TextListType &&TextList, std::string ParamName, UnderlyingTextListParamType::UnderlyingType DefaultValue="")
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should not be displayed in a settings dia...
Definition: Object.h:943
const auto & GetTextList() const noexcept
Returns the predefined selection options as a list of strings.
Definition: Object.h:1019
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, Util::TextListType &&TextList, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, UnderlyingIndexedTextListParamType::UnderlyingType DefaultValue=0)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:1001
virtual bool ValidateValue(const ParamType &Value) const override
Called by ValidateChild(). Validates a single value. Override to validate the value which is about to...
Definition: Object.h:1029
virtual void AddToDialogChild(ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog) override final
Appends this parameter to a settings dialog making it configurable by the user.
Definition: Object.h:1023
Param(ParamsBase &Owner, Util::TextListType &&TextList, std::string ParamName, UnderlyingIndexedTextListParamType::UnderlyingType DefaultValue=0)
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should not be displayed in a settings dia...
Definition: Object.h:1010
Base class of parameters containing lists of values.
Definition: Object.h:632
const UnderlyingType DefaultValues
Values to assign to the parameter upon construction and reset.
Definition: Object.h:745
UnderlyingType Values
Current parameter values.
Definition: Object.h:746
auto & operator=(const UnderlyingType &NewValues)
Assigns new values to this parameter. The operator cannot be accessed by Object because this function...
Definition: Object.h:678
std::vector< ParamType > UnderlyingType
List type to be used for the parameter.
Definition: Object.h:637
const auto & GetDefaultValue() const noexcept
Returns this parameter's default value list. Thread-safe since a reference to a const member variable...
Definition: Object.h:662
const auto & Get() const noexcept
Returns the parameter's values.
Definition: Object.h:668
TypedListParamBase(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, UnderlyingType DefaultValues={})
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:644
virtual void ResetChild() override
Resets this parameter to its default value.
Definition: Object.h:743
TypedListParamBase(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, UnderlyingType DefaultValues={})
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should not be displayed in a settings dia...
Definition: Object.h:653
virtual void ToXMLNodeChild(QDomDocument &Document, QDomElement &XMLElement) const override
Converts this parameter to a Qt dom element (describing an XML node containing this parameter's name ...
Definition: Object.h:689
virtual bool ValidateValues(const UnderlyingType &NewValues) const
Called by ValidateChild(). Validates a list of values. Override to validate the vector which is about...
Definition: Object.h:741
virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement &XMLElement) override
Restores this parameter's value from the given Qt dom element (describing an XML node)
Definition: Object.h:705
virtual bool ValidateChild() const override final
Checks whether a valid value is assigned to this parameter. This function is not const since it is al...
Definition: Object.h:733
Base class of parameters containing a single value.
Definition: Object.h:539
const ParamType DefaultValue
Value to assign to the parameter upon construction and reset.
Definition: Object.h:622
ParamType Value
Current parameter value.
Definition: Object.h:623
TypedParamBase(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, std::string_view ParamTitle, std::string_view ParamDescription, bool NeedsResetToApplyChange=true, ParamType DefaultValue=ParamType())
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should be displayed in a settings dialog ...
Definition: Object.h:548
virtual void FromXMLNodeChild(const QDomElement &XMLElement) override
Restores this parameter's value from the given Qt dom element (describing an XML node)
Definition: Object.h:604
virtual void ResetChild() override
Resets this parameter to its default value.
Definition: Object.h:620
virtual bool ValidateValue(const ParamType &NewValue) const
Called by ValidateChild(). Validates a single value. Override to validate the value which is about to...
Definition: Object.h:618
const ParamType & operator=(const ParamType &NewValue)
Assigns a new value to this parameter. The operator cannot be accessed by Object because this functio...
Definition: Object.h:587
virtual bool ValidateChild() const override final
Checks whether a valid value is assigned to this parameter. This function is not const since it is al...
Definition: Object.h:610
ParamType GetDefaultValue() const noexcept
Returns this parameter's default value. Thread-safe since a const member variable is returned.
Definition: Object.h:566
virtual void ToXMLNodeChild(QDomDocument &Document, QDomElement &XMLElement) const override
Converts this parameter to a Qt dom element (describing an XML node containing this parameter's name ...
Definition: Object.h:598
TypedParamBase(ParamsBase &Owner, std::string ParamName, ParamType DefaultValue=ParamType())
Base constructor of any parameter to be used if a parameter should not be displayed in a settings dia...
Definition: Object.h:557
const ParamType & Get() const noexcept
Returns the parameter's value.
Definition: Object.h:577
Abstract base class for object parameter classes. Each class derived from class Object must be accomp...
Definition: Object.h:326
virtual const char * GetParamClassTag() const noexcept
This function is intended to be overridden once in each derived class returning the name of the respe...
Definition: Object.h:1643
const char *const ClassTag
Denotes the result of GetParamClassTag() of the class where the respective OwnedParam was declared in...
Definition: Object.h:1695
std::conditional_t< std::is_signed_v< std::underlying_type_t< EnumType > >, EnumParamSignedIntegerType, EnumParamUnsignedIntegerType > LargestEnumUnderlyingType
Type trait providing an integer type for enumeration types which allows to store the value of enumera...
Definition: Object.h:366
const auto & GetObjectLinkParams() const noexcept
Returns a list of all object link parameters owned by this parameter class instance.
Definition: Object.h:1678
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< LinkBase > > ObjectLinkParamsType
Type of a list of all owned object link parameters.
Definition: Object.h:352
bool ConfigureUsageType() const noexcept
Determines whether the Usage parameter should be configurable in the settings dialog....
Definition: Object.h:1733
virtual void ConfigureParamsImpl(dispatch_tag< ParamsBase >)
Called by DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigureParams() as a starting point for the tag dispatch mechanism to...
Definition: Object.h:1762
ItemIDType GetID() const noexcept
Returns the ID of the Object this parameter class instance belongs to.
Definition: Object.h:1676
OwnedParamsType OwnedParams
List of all parameters owned by this parameter class instance.
Definition: Object.h:1712
std::vector< OwnedParamInfo > OwnedParamsType
List type of information on parameters owned by this ParamsBase instance (and its derived classes)
Definition: Object.h:333
uintmax_t EnumParamUnsignedIntegerType
Parameter type to convert unsigned eumeration parameters to.
Definition: Object.h:354
intmax_t EnumParamSignedIntegerType
Parameter type to convert signed eumeration parameters to.
Definition: Object.h:353
const NetworkParamsExtension * GetNetworkAddressParams() const noexcept
Returns the network address parameters of a derived gRPC instrument. Override GetNetworkAddressParams...
Definition: Object.h:1741
virtual const NetworkParamsExtension * GetNetworkAddressParamsChild() const noexcept
Returns the network address parameters of a derived gRPC instrument. Override GetNetworkAddressParams...
Definition: Object.h:1772
ParamsBase(ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore &Core)
Constructs the base class of an object parameter class.
Definition: Object.h:1629
Determines whether an Object can be linked to only one (unique) or multiple (shared) other objects.
Definition: Object.h:1614
ObjectLinkParamsType ObjectLinkParams
List of all object link parameters owned by this parameter class instance.
Definition: Object.h:1713
const ItemIDType ID
ID of the Object this parameter class instance belongs to.
Definition: Object.h:1779
virtual bool ConfigureUsageTypeChild() const noexcept
Determines whether the Usage parameter should be configurable in the settings dialog....
Definition: Object.h:1767
const auto & GetCore() const noexcept
Returns a reference to DynExp's core.
Definition: Object.h:1677
Util::TextType Text
String type of text-type parameters (DynExp::ParamsBase::Param)
Definition: Object.h:368
const DynExpCore & Core
Reference to DynExp's core.
Definition: Object.h:1780
const std::reference_wrapper< ParamBase > OwnedParam
Reference to the parameter.
Definition: Object.h:1700
Type to identify an indexed text list parameter (one number selected from a list of numbers associate...
Definition: Object.h:370
Type to identify a text list parameter (one string selected from a list of strings)
Definition: Object.h:369
Helper type owning a reference to a parameter and its class tag.
Definition: Object.h:1691
Tag for function dispatching mechanism within this class used when derived classes are not intended t...
Definition: Object.h:349
Defines data for a thread belonging to a RunnableObject instance. This data is only accessed by the R...
Definition: Object.h:3505
LinkedObjectWrapperBase::ListType OwnedLinkedObjectWrappers
List of all LinkedObjectWrapper instances owned by this RunnableInstance instance (thus belonging to ...
Definition: Object.h:3726
const Object::ParamsGetterType ParamsGetter
Invoke to obtain the parameters (derived from ParamsBase) of Owner.
Definition: Object.h:3671
void UnlockObject(LinkedObjectWrapperContainer< ObjectT > &ObjectWrapperContainer)
Unlocks an Object instance stored in the LinkedObjectWrapperContainer ObjectWrapperContainer....
Definition: Object.h:3570
void TryLockObject(const ParamsBase::Param< ObjectLink< ObjectT >> &LinkParam, LinkedObjectWrapperContainer< ObjectT > &ObjectWrapperContainer, std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=ObjectLinkBase::LockObjectTimeoutDefault)
Locks an Object instance referenced by a parameter LinkParam of type ParamsBase::Param< ObjectLink< O...
Definition: Object.h:3537
void UnlockObject(LinkedObjectWrapperContainerList< ObjectT > &ObjectWrapperContainerList)
Unlocks Object instances stored in the LinkedObjectWrapperContainerList ObjectWrapperContainerList.
Definition: Object.h:3642
const RunnableObject & Owner
RunnableObject instance which operates on this RunnableInstance (by its thread). The RunnableObject i...
Definition: Object.h:3705
std::promise< void > ThreadExitedPromise
Signals the RunnableObject instance owning the thread that its thread has terminated....
Definition: Object.h:3712
void LockObject(const ParamsBase::ListParam< ObjectLink< ObjectT >> &LinkListParam, LinkedObjectWrapperContainerList< ObjectT > &ObjectWrapperContainerList, std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=ObjectLinkBase::LockObjectTimeoutDefault)
Locks Object instances referenced by a list parameter LinkListParam of type ParamsBase::ListParam< Ob...
Definition: Object.h:3598
void LockObject(const ParamsBase::Param< ObjectLink< ObjectT >> &LinkParam, LinkedObjectWrapperContainer< ObjectT > &ObjectWrapperContainer, std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=ObjectLinkBase::LockObjectTimeoutDefault)
Locks an Object instance referenced by a parameter LinkParam of type ParamsBase::Param< ObjectLink< O...
Definition: Object.h:3554
const auto & GetOwner() const noexcept
Returns Owner.
Definition: Object.h:3524
Configurator class for RunnableObject.
Definition: Object.h:2412
Parameter class for RunnableObject.
Definition: Object.h:2349
virtual const char * GetParamClassTag() const noexcept override
This function is intended to be overridden once in each derived class returning the name of the respe...
Definition: Object.h:2375
virtual void ConfigureParamsImpl(dispatch_tag< RunnableObjectParams >)
Called by DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigureParams() as a starting point for the tag dispatch mechanism to...
Definition: Object.h:2398
bool ConfigureStartupType() const noexcept
Determines whether the Startup parameter should be user-configurable in settings dialogs....
Definition: Object.h:2394
Determines when a RunnableObject instance is started.
Definition: Object.h:2354
virtual bool ConfigureStartupTypeChild() const noexcept
Determines whether the Startup parameter should be user-configurable in settings dialogs....
Definition: Object.h:2404
RunnableObjectParams(ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore &Core)
Constructs the base class of an object parameter class.
Definition: Object.h:2371
Exception type thrown by TerminateImpl() if the RunnableObject cannot be terminated for being used by...
Definition: Object.h:2454
NotUnusedException(const RunnableObject &Parent)
Constructs an exception instance. Initializes UserNames with the content of ObjectUserList::GetUserNa...
Definition: Object.h:2461
std::string_view GetUserNames() const
Getter for UserNames.
Definition: Object.h:2467
std::string UserNames
String with identifiers of the Object instances making use of the throwing RunnableObject instance.
Definition: Object.h:2479
Allow exclusive access to some of RunnableObject's private methods to class RunnableInstance.
Definition: Object.h:2431
void OnThreadHasExited() const noexcept
This function is called when the RunnableObject instance's thread terminates. The thread receives a R...
Definition: Object.h:2441
bool IsLinkedObjStateCheckRequested() const noexcept
Indicates whether the RunnableInstance instance belonging to this RunnableObject instance's thread sh...
Definition: Object.h:2442
RunnableObject & Parent
Owning RunnableObject instance.
Definition: Object.h:2445
constexpr RunnableInstanceOnlyType(RunnableObject &Parent) noexcept
Construcs an instance - one for each RunnableObject instance.
Definition: Object.h:2439
void ResetLinkedObjStateCheckRequested() const noexcept
Sets RunnableObject::LinkedObjStateCheckRequested to false.
Definition: Object.h:2443
Defines an Object which possesses a thread it runs in. The RunnableObject can be started and stopped ...
Definition: Object.h:2426
auto GetStartupType() const noexcept
Returns Startup.
Definition: Object.h:2554
virtual void NotifyChild()
Notify derived classes that some state has changed (e.g. the termination of Thread is requested) and ...
Definition: Object.h:2629
virtual void RunChild()=0
Refer to Run().
void SetReasonWhyPaused(const Util::Exception &e)
Sets the reason why this RunnableObject instance has been paused.
Definition: Object.h:2605
void CheckLinkedObjectStatesChild() const override final
Override to implement a check whether linked objects are in a ready state.
Definition: Object.h:2617
virtual std::unique_ptr< BusyDialog > MakeStartupBusyDialogChild(QWidget *ParentWidget) const
Override to make this function return a pointer to a BusyDialog instance. Refer to Run().
Definition: Object.h:2646
bool IsExiting() const noexcept
Returns ShouldExit.
Definition: Object.h:2552
bool IsPaused() const noexcept
Returns Paused.
Definition: Object.h:2551
virtual void ResetImpl(dispatch_tag< RunnableObject >)=0
Refer to DynExp::Object::Reset(). Using tag dispatch mechanism to ensure that ResetImpl() of every de...
RunnableInstanceOnlyType RunnableInstanceOnly
Allow exclusive access to some of RunnableObject's private methods to class RunnableInstance.
Definition: Object.h:2557
auto GetReasonWhyPaused() const
Returns ReasonWhyPaused.
Definition: Object.h:2555
void ClearReasonWhyPaused()
Removes the reason why this RunnableObject instance has been paused (since it is resumed).
Definition: Object.h:2610
void SetReasonWhyPaused(std::string Description)
Sets the reason why this RunnableObject instance has been paused.
Definition: Object.h:2599
bool IsRunning() const noexcept
Returns Running.
Definition: Object.h:2550
virtual void TerminateChild(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout)
Signals derived classes that terminating the RunnableObject instance's thread is about to be requeste...
Definition: Object.h:2638
Defines the configuration dialog. The dialog must be displayed by calling ParamsConfigDialog::Display...
Definition: ParamsConfig.h:72
Wraps a member function of some object and stores its default arguments. Moving from CallableMemberWr...
Definition: Util.h:448
Thrown when a list is expected to contain entries and when a query results in an empty answer or an e...
Definition: Exception.h:224
void Log(const std::string &Message, const ErrorType Type=ErrorType::Info, const size_t Line=0, const std::string &Function="", const std::string &File="", const int ErrorCode=0, const std::stacktrace &Trace={}) noexcept
Logs an event from information specified manually.
Definition: Util.cpp:309
DynExp exceptions are derived from this class. It contains basic information about the cause of the e...
Definition: Exception.h:51
Class to forward an Exception instance from one DynExp::Object instance to another DynExp::Object ins...
Definition: Exception.h:126
Interface to allow synchronizing the access to derived classes between different threads by providing...
Definition: Util.h:56
std::unique_lock< MutexType > LockType
Definition: Util.h:66
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds DefaultTimeout
Duration which is used as a default timeout within all methods of this class if no different duration...
Definition: Util.h:62
Interface to delete copy constructor and copy assignment operator and thus make derived classes non-c...
Definition: Util.h:23
An invalid argument like a null pointer has been passed to a function.
Definition: Exception.h:137
Thrown when RunnableInstance cannot lock an object to be used by another object due to an invalid lin...
Definition: Exception.h:344
An operation cannot be performed currently since the related object is in an invalid state like an er...
Definition: Exception.h:150
Thrown when RunnableInstance::LockObject() has not been called on an object link parameter to establi...
Definition: Exception.h:329
Thrown when a requested ressource does not exist.
Definition: Exception.h:236
Thrown when a requested feature is either under development and thus not implemented yet or when a sp...
Definition: Exception.h:299
Thrown when an argument passed to a function exceeds the valid range.
Definition: Exception.h:211
Pointer to lock a class derived from ISynchronizedPointerLockable for synchronizing between threads....
Definition: Util.h:170
Thrown when an operation timed out before it could be completed, especially used for locking shared d...
Definition: Exception.h:261
Thrown when an attempt was made to convert two incompatible types into each other.
Definition: Exception.h:248
Class to store information about warnings in a thread-safe manner (deriving from ILockable)....
Definition: Util.h:966
constexpr auto Warning
constexpr auto NotReady
constexpr auto Paused
constexpr auto Running
constexpr auto Ready
DynExp's main namespace contains the implementation of DynExp including classes to manage resources (...
std::conditional_t< std::is_base_of_v< HardwareAdapterBase, ObjectType >, HardwareAdapterManager, InstrumentManager > type
Resource manager type managing instances of type ObjectType.
Definition: Object.h:63
Specifies the usage of a text-type parameter. Setting the right usage allows the ParamsConfigDialog t...
Definition: ParamsConfig.h:28
ParamsBasePtrType MakeParams(ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore &Core)
Factory function to generate an Object's parameters.
Definition: Object.h:1818
auto operator<=>(const ParamsBase::TypedParamBase< ParamType > &lhs, const ParamType &rhs)
Provides three-way comparison for two parameters.
Definition: Object.h:1802
std::vector< ItemIDType > ItemIDListType
Type of a list of IDs belonging to objects managed by DynExp.
Definition: Object.h:40
T::ParamsType * dynamic_Params_cast(ParamsBasePtrType::element_type *Params)
Casts the parameter base class to a derived Object's parameter class.
Definition: Object.h:1835
auto operator==(const ParamsBase::TypedParamBase< ParamType > &lhs, const ParamType &rhs)
Provides (in)equality comparison operators for two parameters. Since C++20, inequality operators (ope...
Definition: Object.h:1792
std::unique_ptr< ParamsBase > ParamsBasePtrType
Alias for a pointer to the parameter system base class ParamsBase.
Definition: Object.h:1807
size_t ItemIDType
ID type of objects/items managed by DynExp.
typename ManagerTypeOfObjectType< ObjectType >::type ManagerTypeOfObjectType_t
Alias for a resource manager type (derived from DynExp::CommonResourceManagerBase) managing resources...
Definition: Object.h:72
auto dynamic_Object_cast(From *Obj)
Casts an Object to a derived type.
Definition: Object.h:2333
std::shared_ptr< ConfiguratorBase > ConfiguratorBasePtrType
Alias for a pointer to the configurator base class ConfiguratorBase.
Definition: Object.h:1959
Type trait relating a type ObjectType derived from either class HardwareAdapterBase or class Instrume...
Definition: Object.h:55
DynExp's Util namespace contains commonly used functions and templates as well as extensions to Qt an...
Definition: circularbuf.cpp:7
std::string ToStr(const T &Value, int Precision=-1)
Converts a (numeric) value of type T to a std::string using operator<< of std::stringstream.
Definition: Util.h:625
std::vector< TextType > TextListType
List type of text-type parameters.
Definition: QtUtil.h:29
QDomElement GetSingleChildDOMElement(const QDomElement &Parent, const QString &ChildTagName)
Behaves like GetSingleChildDOMNode() but returns the node converted to a DOM element.
Definition: QtUtil.cpp:62
EventLogger & EventLog()
This function holds a static EventLogger instance and returns a reference to it. DynExp uses only one...
Definition: Util.cpp:509
std::vector< QDomNode > GetChildDOMNodes(const QDomElement &Parent, const QString &ChildTagName)
Finds child nodes with a certain tag name.
Definition: QtUtil.cpp:19
std::string TextType
String type of text-type parameters (DynExp::ParamsBase::Param)
Definition: QtUtil.h:27
std::vector< std::pair< TextType, ValueType > > TextValueListType
Type of a list containing key-value pairs where key is a text of type Util::TextType.
Definition: QtUtil.h:37
Accumulates include statements to provide a precompiled header.
Return type of ConfiguratorBase::UpdateConfigFromDialog() indicating the result of the configurator d...
Definition: Object.h:1889
constexpr bool IsResetRequired() const noexcept
Checks whether the corresponding Object has to be reset to apply changed parameters.
Definition: Object.h:1904
constexpr UpdateConfigFromDialogResult(bool Accepted, bool ResetRequired) noexcept
Constructs an UpdateConfigFromDialogResult instance.
Definition: Object.h:1895
const bool Accepted
Has the dialog been accepted clicking 'OK'?
Definition: Object.h:1907
constexpr bool IsAccepted() const noexcept
Returns UpdateConfigFromDialogResult::Accepted.
Definition: Object.h:1898
const bool ResetRequired
Has the user changed settings which require resetting the corresponding Object?
Definition: Object.h:1908
Helper type linking a LinkedObjectWrapperBasePtrType to the corresponding LinkedObjectWrapperContaine...
Definition: Object.h:2722
LinkedObjectWrapperBasePtrType OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperPtr
Pointer owning an instance of LinkedObjectWrapperBase.
Definition: Object.h:2736
LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase & OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperContainer
Reference to a LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase instance holding a non-owning pointer to the instance...
Definition: Object.h:2742
OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperType(LinkedObjectWrapperBasePtrType &&OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperPtr, LinkedObjectWrapperContainerBase &OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperContainer)
Constructs a OwnedLinkedObjectWrapperType instance.
Definition: Object.h:2728
Defines a DynExp resource, which mainly owns a DynExp::Object instance wrapping a pointer to it.
Definition: Managers.h:24