Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
Util.cpp File Reference

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 DynExp's Util namespace contains commonly used functions and templates as well as extensions to Qt and its widgets.


std::strong_ordering Util::operator<=> (const VersionType &lhs, const VersionType &rhs)
 Compares two program version types with each other. More...
VersionType Util::VersionFromString (std::string_view Str)
 Extracts a program version from a string. More...
std::string Util::ExceptionToStr (const std::exception_ptr ExceptionPtr)
 Returns the what() information of an exception derived from std::exception and stored in an exception pointer. More...
std::string Util::ToLower (std::string_view Str)
 Transforms a string into lower case. More...
std::vector< std::complex< double > > Util::FFT (const std::vector< std::complex< double >> &Data, bool InverseTransform=false)
 Computes the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) a vector of complex values. More...
EventLogger & Util::EventLog ()
 This function holds a static EventLogger instance and returns a reference to it. DynExp uses only one EventLogger instance to log events from any thread. A local static object instead of a global object is employed to avoid initialization order problems. More...