Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
QtUtil.h File Reference

Provides utilities related to Qt and Qt widgets within DynExp's Util namespace. More...

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class  Util::QWorker
 Implements a QObject belonging to a hardware adapter (derived from DynExp::HardwareAdapterBase) that operates in DynExpCore's worker thread, not in the main user interface thread. This is useful to move e.g. ethernet/serial communication operations from the user interface thread to a worker thread. After construction, QWorker instances have to be moved to the worker thread calling QWorker::MoveToWorkerThread(). More...
class  Util::MarkerGraphicsView
 Implements a QGraphicsView the user can interact with to insert graphical markers. Furthermore, the graphics view enables zooming into its content. More...
struct  Util::MarkerGraphicsView::MarkerType
 Data associated with one marker. More...
class  Util::QSortingListWidget
 Implements a QListWidget that sorts its items after inserting an item by drag & drop. More...
class  Util::NumericSortingTableWidgetItem
 Implements a QTableWidgetItem which contains numeric content such that table widget items can be numerically compared with each other. More...
class  Util::NumericOnlyItemDelegate
 Implements a QItemDelegate which forces e.g. a QTableWidgetItem's content to be numeric (double-precision). More...
class  Util::DigitalOnlyItemDelegate
 Implements a QItemDelegate which forces e.g. a QTableWidgetItem's content to be boolean (0 or 1). More...


 DynExp's main namespace contains the implementation of DynExp including classes to manage resources (DynExp objects like hardware adapters, instruments, and modules) as well as their dependencies and parameters.
 DynExp's Util namespace contains commonly used functions and templates as well as extensions to Qt and its widgets.


using Util::TextType = std::string
 String type of text-type parameters (DynExp::ParamsBase::Param) More...
using Util::TextRefType = std::string_view
 Reference-to-string type of text-type parameters (DynExp::ParamsBase::Param) More...
using Util::TextListType = std::vector< TextType >
 List type of text-type parameters. More...
using Util::TextListIndexType = size_t
 List index type of Util::TextListType. More...
template<typename ValueType >
using Util::TextValueListType = std::vector< std::pair< TextType, ValueType > >
 Type of a list containing key-value pairs where key is a text of type Util::TextType. More...


const QLocale & Util::GetDefaultQtLocale ()
 Returns the default locale properties to be assigned to Qt widgets. More...
template<typename EnumType >
auto Util::QtEnumToTextValueList (unsigned short SkipEntriesFront=0, unsigned short SkipEntriesEnd=0, unsigned short SkipCharsFront=0, unsigned short SkipCharsEnd=0)
 Returns a TextValueListType containing entries which reflect the items (names and values) of an enumeration registered to Qt's meta-object system. More...
void Util::ActivateWindow (QWidget &Widget)
 Renders a window active and brings it to the front. More...
 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE (Util::MarkerGraphicsView::MarkerType::IDType)
DOM functions

These functions can be used to walk through an (XML-)DOM tree.

std::vector< QDomNode > Util::GetChildDOMNodes (const QDomElement &Parent, const QString &ChildTagName)
 Finds child nodes with a certain tag name. More...
QDomNode Util::GetSingleChildDOMNode (const QDomElement &Parent, const QString &ChildTagName)
 Finds a single child node with a certain tag name. More...
QDomElement Util::GetSingleChildDOMElement (const QDomElement &Parent, const QString &ChildTagName)
 Behaves like GetSingleChildDOMNode() but returns the node converted to a DOM element. More...
std::string Util::GetStringFromDOMElement (const QDomElement &Parent, const QString &ChildTagName)
 Behaves like GetSingleChildDOMElement() but returns the text from a DOM element. More...
std::string Util::GetTFromDOMElement (const QDomElement &Parent, const QString &ChildTagName)
 Behaves like GetSingleChildDOMElement() but returns the content from a DOM element converted to a certain type using Util::StrToT(). More...
QDomAttr Util::GetDOMAttribute (const QDomElement &Element, const QString &AttributeName)
 Extracts an attribute from a DOM element. More...
std::string Util::GetStringFromDOMAttribute (const QDomElement &Element, const QString &AttributeName)
 Behaves like GetDOMAttribute() but returns the text from the attribute. More...
std::string Util::GetTFromDOMAttribute (const QDomElement &Element, const QString &AttributeName)
 Behaves like GetDOMAttribute() but returns the content from an attribute converted to a certain type using Util::StrToT(). More...
File open and save dialogs
QString Util::PromptOpenFilePath (QWidget *Parent, const QString &Title, const QString &DefaultSuffix, const QString &NameFilter, const QString &InitialDirectory="")
 Opens a file dialog to ask the user to select a single existing file. More...
QString Util::PromptSaveFilePath (QWidget *Parent, const QString &Title, const QString &DefaultSuffix, const QString &NameFilter, const QString &InitialDirectory="")
 Works as PromptOpenFilePath() but asks the user to select a single file which does not need to exist. More...
QString Util::PromptSaveFilePathModule (DynExp::QModuleWidget *Parent, const QString &Title, const QString &DefaultSuffix, const QString &NameFilter)
 Works as PromptOpenFilePath() but asks the user to select a single file which does not need to exist. Furthermore, the dialog automatically derives the initial directory using QModuleWidget::GetDataSaveDirectory() and sets the new global directory for saving data to the folder containing the selected file when the user accepts the dialog. More...
Reading and writing files
bool Util::SaveToFile (const QString &Filename, std::string_view Text)
 Saves a std::string_view to a file (using QFile). Creates a new file or truncates an existing file's content. More...
std::string Util::ReadFromFile (const QString &Filename)
 Reads the entire content from a text file. More...
std::string Util::ReadFromFile (const std::string &Filename)
 Reads the entire content from a text file. More...
std::string Util::ReadFromFile (const std::filesystem::path &Filename)
 Reads the entire content from a text file. More...

Image manipulation

using Util::ImageHistogramType = std::array< unsigned long long, 256 >
 Alias which represents a histogram as a std::array with 256 numeric bins. The lowest (highest) index represents the darkest (brightest) intensity. More...
using Util::ImageRGBHistogramType = std::tuple< ImageHistogramType, ImageHistogramType, ImageHistogramType >
 Alias which represents a RGB histogram as a std::tuple of three ImageHistogramType elements. The first tuple element represents the histogram for red, the second for green, the third for blue. More...
QImage Util::QImageFromBlobData (BlobDataType &&BlobData, int Width, int Height, int BytesPerLine, QImage::Format Format)
 Converts raw pixel data stored in a Util::BlobDataType object to a QImage transfering the ownership of BlobData's content. More...
ImageHistogramType Util::ComputeIntensityHistogram (const QImage &Image)
 Computes an intensity (grayscale) histogram from a QImage object. More...
ImageRGBHistogramType Util::ComputeRGBHistogram (const QImage &Image)
 Computes a RGB histogram from a QImage object. More...
ImageHistogramType Util::ConvertRGBToIntensityHistogram (const ImageRGBHistogramType &RGBHistogram)
 Computes an intensity (grayscale) histogram from a RGB histogram. More...
QPolygonF Util::MakeCrossPolygon (QPointF Center, unsigned int ArmLength)
 Returns a QPolygonF representing a cross-style marker. More...

Detailed Description

Provides utilities related to Qt and Qt widgets within DynExp's Util namespace.

Definition in file QtUtil.h.

Function Documentation