Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // This file is part of DynExp.
8 #pragma once
10 #include "stdafx.h"
11 #include "HardwareAdapter.h"
12 #include "Instrument.h"
13 #include "Module.h"
15 namespace DynExp
16 {
22  template <typename PointerType>
23  struct Resource
24  {
32  template <typename ResourcePointerT>
33  Resource(ResourcePointerT&& ResourcePointer)
34  : ResourcePointer(std::forward<ResourcePointerT>(ResourcePointer)) {}
36  PointerType ResourcePointer;
43  mutable std::unique_ptr<QTreeWidgetItem> TreeWidgetItem;
44  };
57  {
58  public:
65  using FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType = const std::function<void(Object* const)>;
67  protected:
78  static std::thread::id GetOwnerThreadID(const DynExpCore& Core) noexcept;
79  };
85  template <typename PointerType>
87  {
92  {
93  friend class ResourceManagerBase;
94  friend class LinkBase;
108  };
110  public:
113  private:
119  template <typename T>
120  using ShareResourceEnablerType = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<std::shared_ptr<typename T::element_type>, PointerType>, int>;
122  using MapType = std::unordered_map<ItemIDType, ResourceType>;
124  protected:
126  ~ResourceManagerBase() = default;
128  public:
133  ItemIDType GetNextID() const noexcept { return CurrentID; }
139  const auto GetNumResources() const noexcept { return Map.size(); }
145  const bool Empty() const noexcept { return Map.empty(); }
154  const typename PointerType::element_type* GetResource(ItemIDType ID) const;
159  typename PointerType::element_type* GetResource(ItemIDType ID);
168  PointerType ExtractResource(ItemIDType ID);
177  void RemoveResource(ItemIDType ID, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout = Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout);
207  template <typename T = PointerType, ShareResourceEnablerType<T> = 0>
208  auto ShareResource(ItemIDType ID) const;
213  template <typename T = PointerType, ShareResourceEnablerType<T> = 0>
220  auto cbegin() const noexcept { return Map.cbegin(); }
226  auto cend() const noexcept { return Map.cend(); }
231  template <typename ElementType>
232  ItemIDType InsertResource(ElementType&& Element);
241  template <typename DerivedType>
250  void Startup(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted) const { StartupChild(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted); }
255  void Shutdown() const { ShutdownChild(); }
271  ItemIDListType GetFailedResourceIDs(bool OnlyResourcesBeingInUse = false) const;
277  void ResetFailedResources() const;
290  void Reset();
299  QDomElement EntryConfigsToXML(QDomDocument& Document) const;
319  template <typename LibraryVectorT>
320  void MakeEntriesFromXML(const QDomElement& XMLNode, const LibraryVectorT& Library, const DynExpCore& Core);
322  LinkBaseOnlyType LinkBaseOnly; // !< @copydoc LinkBaseOnlyType
324  private:
332  auto LookUpResource(ItemIDType ID) const;
345  template <typename ElementType>
346  ItemIDType InsertResource(ElementType&& Element, const ItemIDType ID);
354  void RaiseID(const ItemIDType ConsumedID);
361  void IncrementID();
367  virtual void StartupChild(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted) const = 0;
368  virtual void ShutdownChild() const {}
369  virtual void PrepareResetChild() {}
370  virtual void ResetChild() {}
380  virtual QDomElement MakeXMLConfigHeadNode(QDomDocument& Document) const = 0;
391  };
393  template <typename PointerType>
394  const typename PointerType::element_type* ResourceManagerBase<PointerType>::GetResource(ItemIDType ID) const
395  {
396  return LookUpResource(ID)->second.ResourcePointer.get();
397  }
399  template <typename PointerType>
400  typename PointerType::element_type* ResourceManagerBase<PointerType>::GetResource(ItemIDType ID)
401  {
402  return LookUpResource(ID)->second.ResourcePointer.get();
403  }
405  template <typename PointerType>
407  {
408  auto Res = Map.extract(ID);
410  if (Res.empty())
412  "Resource with ID " + Util::ToStr(ID) + " cannot be extracted from a resource manager since it cannot be found.");
414  return std::move(Res.mapped().ResourcePointer);
415  }
417  template <typename PointerType>
418  void ResourceManagerBase<PointerType>::RemoveResource(ItemIDType ID, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout)
419  {
420  GetResource(ID)->BlockIfUnused(Timeout);
422  // Postpone calling destructor of managed resource to the end of this function and remove
423  // from map first. Destructor of managed resource might cause iterating throup map (in
424  // case of modules in DynExpManager::GetModuleByActiveUIWindow() when the module's
425  // respective QMdiSubWindow is destroyed). An iteration must not happen while erasing
426  // from the map is in progress.
427  auto Resource = ExtractResource(ID);
428  }
430  template <typename PointerType>
432  {
433  LookUpResource(ID)->second.TreeWidgetItem.reset();
434  }
436  template <typename PointerType>
438  {
439  try
440  {
441  auto const TreeWidgetItem = LookUpResource(ID)->second.TreeWidgetItem.get();
443  // Assuming, all other items have already been deselectd. Now, select chosen one.
444  if (TreeWidgetItem)
445  TreeWidgetItem->setSelected(true);
446  }
447  catch (...) // Swallow especially Util::NotFoundException.
448  {
449  }
450  }
452  template <typename PointerType>
453  template <typename T, ResourceManagerBase<PointerType>::ShareResourceEnablerType<T>>
455  {
456  return std::static_pointer_cast<const typename PointerType::element_type>(LookUpResource(ID)->second.ResourcePointer);
457  }
459  template <typename PointerType>
460  template <typename T, ResourceManagerBase<PointerType>::ShareResourceEnablerType<T>>
462  {
463  return LookUpResource(ID)->second.ResourcePointer;
464  }
466  template <typename PointerType>
467  template <typename ElementType>
469  {
470  return InsertResource(std::forward<ElementType>(Element), GetNextID());
471  }
473  template <typename PointerType>
474  template <typename DerivedType>
476  {
477  ItemIDListType FoundIDs;
479  for (const auto& ResourceEntry : Map)
480  if (dynamic_cast<DerivedType*>(ResourceEntry.second.ResourcePointer.get()))
481  FoundIDs.push_back(ResourceEntry.first);
483  return FoundIDs;
484  }
486  template <typename PointerType>
488  {
489  std::for_each(cbegin(), cend(), [](const auto& i) {
490  i.second.ResourcePointer->ClearWarning();
491  });
492  }
494  template <typename PointerType>
496  {
497  ItemIDListType FoundIDs;
499  std::for_each(cbegin(), cend(), [&FoundIDs, OnlyResourcesBeingInUse](const auto& i) {
500  if (i.second.ResourcePointer->GetException() && (!OnlyResourcesBeingInUse || !i.second.ResourcePointer->IsUnused()))
501  FoundIDs.push_back(i.first);
502  });
504  return FoundIDs;
505  }
507  template <typename PointerType>
509  {
510  std::for_each(cbegin(), cend(), [](const auto& i) {
511  if (i.second.ResourcePointer->GetException())
512  i.second.ResourcePointer->Reset();
513  });
514  }
516  template <typename PointerType>
518  {
519  ResetChild();
521  Map.clear();
522  CurrentID = 1; // Start with 1, so that 0 can have a special meaning (e.g. "not set").
523  }
525  template <typename PointerType>
526  QDomElement ResourceManagerBase<PointerType>::EntryConfigsToXML(QDomDocument& Document) const
527  {
528  auto XMLNode = MakeXMLConfigHeadNode(Document);
530  std::for_each(cbegin(), cend(), [&XMLNode, &Document](const auto& i) {
531  QDomElement ItemNode = Document.createElement("Item");
532  ItemNode.setAttribute(QString("Name"), QString::fromStdString(i.second.ResourcePointer->GetName()));
533  ItemNode.setAttribute(QString("Category"), QString::fromStdString(i.second.ResourcePointer->GetCategory()));
534  ItemNode.setAttribute(QString("ID"), static_cast<qulonglong>(i.first));
536  // GetParams() locks the parameters to save. So this is thread-safe.
537  QDomElement ParamsNode = Document.createElement("Params");
538  ParamsNode.appendChild(i.second.ResourcePointer->GetParams()->ConfigToXML(Document));
539  ItemNode.appendChild(ParamsNode);
541  XMLNode.appendChild(ItemNode);
542  });
544  return XMLNode;
545  }
547  template <typename PointerType>
549  {
550  std::for_each(cbegin(), cend(), [](const auto& i) { i.second.TreeWidgetItem.reset(); });
551  }
553  template <typename PointerType>
554  template <typename LibraryVectorT>
555  void ResourceManagerBase<PointerType>::MakeEntriesFromXML(const QDomElement& XMLNode, const LibraryVectorT& Library, const DynExpCore& Core)
556  {
557  auto ItemNodeList = XMLNode.elementsByTagName("Item");
558  for (int i = 0; i < ItemNodeList.length(); ++i)
559  {
560  auto ItemNode = ItemNodeList.item(i).toElement();
561  if (ItemNode.isNull())
563  "Error parsing the specified project file. An item node contains invalid data.");
565  auto ItemCategory = Util::GetStringFromDOMAttribute(ItemNode, "Category");
566  auto ItemName = Util::GetStringFromDOMAttribute(ItemNode, "Name");
567  auto ItemID = Util::GetTFromDOMAttribute<ItemIDType>(ItemNode, "ID");
568  auto ParamsNode = Util::GetSingleChildDOMElement(ItemNode, "Params");
570  auto LibEntry = FindInLibraryVector(Library, ItemCategory, ItemName);
571  auto Params = LibEntry.ConfigFactoryPtr()->MakeConfigFromXML(ItemID, Core, ParamsNode);
572  auto Item = LibEntry.ObjectFactoryPtr(GetOwnerThreadID(Core), std::move(Params));
574  InsertResource(std::move(Item), ItemID);
575  }
576  }
578  template <typename PointerType>
580  {
581  auto Iter = Map.find(ID);
583  if (Iter == Map.cend())
584  throw Util::NotFoundException("Resource with ID " + Util::ToStr(ID) + " cannot be found.");
586  return Iter;
587  }
589  template <typename PointerType>
590  template <typename ElementType>
592  {
593  if (!ID)
595  "Resource cannot be inserted into a resource manager since 0 is not a valid ID.");
597  auto Result = Map.try_emplace(ID, ResourceType(std::forward<ElementType>(Element)));
598  if (!Result.second)
600  "Resource cannot be inserted into a resource manager since the chosen ID already exists.");
602  RaiseID(ID);
604  return ID;
605  }
607  template <typename PointerType>
609  {
610  if (CurrentID < ConsumedID)
611  CurrentID = ConsumedID;
613  if (CurrentID == ConsumedID)
614  IncrementID();
615  }
617  template <typename PointerType>
619  {
620  if (CurrentID == std::numeric_limits<ItemIDType>::max())
621  throw Util::OverflowException("No ID left to insert a resource into a resource manager.");
623  ++CurrentID;
624  }
630  class HardwareAdapterManager : public ResourceManagerBase<HardwareAdapterPtrType>
631  {
632  public:
645  bool AllConnected() const;
647  private:
648  virtual void StartupChild(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted) const override;
649  virtual QDomElement MakeXMLConfigHeadNode(QDomDocument& Document) const override;
650  };
656  class InstrumentManager : public ResourceManagerBase<InstrumentPtrType>
657  {
658  public:
661  InstrumentManager() = default;
662  ~InstrumentManager() = default;
669  size_t GetNumRunningInstruments() const;
679  bool AllInitialized() const;
686  void TerminateAll() const;
688  private:
689  virtual void StartupChild(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted) const override;
690  virtual void ShutdownChild() const override { TerminateAll(); }
691  virtual void PrepareResetChild() override { TerminateAll(); }
692  virtual QDomElement MakeXMLConfigHeadNode(QDomDocument& Document) const override;
693  };
699  class ModuleManager : public ResourceManagerBase<ModulePtrType>
700  {
701  public:
704  ModuleManager() = default;
705  ~ModuleManager() = default;
712  size_t GetNumRunningModules() const;
719  void TerminateAll() const;
726  void RestoreWindowStatesFromParams() const;
733  void UpdateParamsFromWindowStates() const;
735  private:
736  virtual void StartupChild(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted) const override;
737  virtual void ShutdownChild() const override { TerminateAll(); }
738  virtual void PrepareResetChild() override { TerminateAll(); }
739  virtual QDomElement MakeXMLConfigHeadNode(QDomDocument& Document) const override;
740  };
741 }
Implementation of DynExp hardware adapter objects.
Implementation of DynExp instrument objects.
Implementation of DynExp module objects.
Common base class for all derived ResourceManagerBase classes. Logical const-ness: Only const functio...
Definition: Managers.h:57
const std::function< void(Object *const)> FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType
Type of a callback function to invoke after a resource has been started in a call to ResourceManagerB...
Definition: Managers.h:65
static std::thread::id GetOwnerThreadID(const DynExpCore &Core) noexcept
Getter for the thread id of the thread which constructed (and owns) Core. Implementation necessary in...
Definition: Managers.cpp:9
DynExp's core class acts as the interface between the user interface and DynExp's internal data like ...
Definition: DynExpCore.h:127
Resource manager for HardwareAdapterBase resources deriving from a specialized ResourceManagerBase cl...
Definition: Managers.h:631
virtual QDomElement MakeXMLConfigHeadNode(QDomDocument &Document) const override
Creates and returns the XML root node of the (single) resource manager instance of the derived manage...
Definition: Managers.cpp:56
virtual void StartupChild(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted) const override
Starts all resources owned by the resource manager. For HardwareAdapterBase instances,...
Definition: Managers.cpp:28
bool AllConnected() const
Determines whether all hardware adapters managed by this resource manager are connected....
Definition: Managers.cpp:14
Resource manager for InstrumentBase resources deriving from a specialized ResourceManagerBase class.
Definition: Managers.h:657
virtual QDomElement MakeXMLConfigHeadNode(QDomDocument &Document) const override
Creates and returns the XML root node of the (single) resource manager instance of the derived manage...
Definition: Managers.cpp:97
virtual void PrepareResetChild() override
Prepares all resources stored in this resource manager for their deletion by e.g. asking them to term...
Definition: Managers.h:691
bool AllInitialized() const
Determines whether all instruments managed by this resource manager are initialized....
Definition: Managers.cpp:68
virtual void ShutdownChild() const override
Calls ShutdownChild() to terminate and clean up all resources stored in this resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:690
virtual void StartupChild(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted) const override
Starts all resources owned by the resource manager. For HardwareAdapterBase instances,...
Definition: Managers.cpp:87
void TerminateAll() const
Calls RunnableObject::Terminate() on all instruments managed by this resource manager....
Definition: Managers.cpp:82
size_t GetNumRunningInstruments() const
Counts the instruments managed by this resource manager which are running (as determined by RunnableO...
Definition: Managers.cpp:63
Abstract base class of link parameters (to be saved in project files) describing relations between mu...
Definition: Object.h:184
Resource manager for ModuleBase resources deriving from a specialized ResourceManagerBase class.
Definition: Managers.h:700
void RestoreWindowStatesFromParams() const
Calls ModuleBase::RestoreWindowStatesFromParams() on all modules managed by this resource manager....
Definition: Managers.cpp:114
virtual void StartupChild(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted) const override
Starts all resources owned by the resource manager. For HardwareAdapterBase instances,...
Definition: Managers.cpp:124
virtual QDomElement MakeXMLConfigHeadNode(QDomDocument &Document) const override
Creates and returns the XML root node of the (single) resource manager instance of the derived manage...
Definition: Managers.cpp:134
void TerminateAll() const
Calls RunnableObject::Terminate() on all modules managed by this resource manager....
Definition: Managers.cpp:109
void UpdateParamsFromWindowStates() const
Calls ModuleBase::UpdateParamsFromWindowStates() on all modules managed by this resource manager....
Definition: Managers.cpp:119
virtual void PrepareResetChild() override
Prepares all resources stored in this resource manager for their deletion by e.g. asking them to term...
Definition: Managers.h:738
virtual void ShutdownChild() const override
Calls ShutdownChild() to terminate and clean up all resources stored in this resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:737
size_t GetNumRunningModules() const
Counts the modules managed by this resource manager which are running (as determined by RunnableObjec...
Definition: Managers.cpp:104
Base class for all DynExp Objects like hardware adapters (DynExp::HardwareAdapterBase),...
Definition: Object.h:1971
Allow exclusive access to some of ResourceManagerBase's private methods to LinkBase.
Definition: Managers.h:92
auto ShareResourceAsNonConst(ItemIDType ID) const
Copies and returns the shared pointer pointing to (and owning) the resource identified by ID....
Definition: Managers.h:105
constexpr LinkBaseOnlyType(ResourceManagerBase &Parent) noexcept
Construcs an instance - one for each ResourceManagerBase instance.
Definition: Managers.h:100
ResourceManagerBase & Parent
Owning ResourceManagerBase instance.
Definition: Managers.h:107
Typed resource manager base class deriving from class CommonResourceManagerBase.
Definition: Managers.h:87
const auto GetNumResources() const noexcept
Determines the amount of resources stored in this resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:139
void Reset()
Resets the resource manager by calling ResetChild(), by removing all resources from Map and by resett...
Definition: Managers.h:517
virtual void ResetChild()
Resets the resource manager by calling ResetChild(), by removing all resources from Map and by resett...
Definition: Managers.h:370
void ClearResourcesWarnings() const
Calls Object::ClearWarning() on all resources stored in this resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:487
void DeleteAllTreeWidgetItems()
Deletes the Resource::TreeWidgetItem of all resources stored in this resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:548
void ResetFailedResources() const
Calls Object::Reset() on all resources stored in this resource manager which are in an error state (d...
Definition: Managers.h:508
PointerType ExtractResource(ItemIDType ID)
Releases ownership of the owned resource with ID and returns it.
Definition: Managers.h:406
auto cend() const noexcept
Returns an iterator behind the last resource stored in the resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:226
std::unordered_map< ItemIDType, ResourceType > MapType
Type of a map mapping DynExp object IDs (ItemIDType) to DynExp resources (ResourceType)
Definition: Managers.h:122
ItemIDType InsertResource(ElementType &&Element)
Inserts a resource into the resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:468
PointerType::element_type * GetResource(ItemIDType ID)
Retrieves a resource specified by its ID from the resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:400
void RemoveResource(ItemIDType ID, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=Util::ILockable::DefaultTimeout)
Removes the resource identified by ID from the resource manager and deletes it.
Definition: Managers.h:418
void FocusTreeWidgetItem(ItemIDType ID)
Selects the Resource::TreeWidgetItem of the requested resource.
Definition: Managers.h:437
LinkBaseOnlyType LinkBaseOnly
Definition: Managers.h:322
const PointerType::element_type * GetResource(ItemIDType ID) const
Retrieves a resource specified by its ID from the resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:394
auto LookUpResource(ItemIDType ID) const
Retrieves a resource specified by its ID from the resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:579
void MakeEntriesFromXML(const QDomElement &XMLNode, const LibraryVectorT &Library, const DynExpCore &Core)
Creates resources and takes ownership of them according to an XML tree from a DynExp project XML file...
Definition: Managers.h:555
ItemIDType InsertResource(ElementType &&Element, const ItemIDType ID)
Inserts a resource into the resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:591
ItemIDType CurrentID
ID, the next resource added to the manager will receive. After initialization and reset (Reset()),...
Definition: Managers.h:390
auto ShareResource(ItemIDType ID)
Copies and returns the shared pointer pointing to (and owning) the resource identified by ID....
Definition: Managers.h:461
virtual void ShutdownChild() const
Calls ShutdownChild() to terminate and clean up all resources stored in this resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:368
void Shutdown() const
Calls ShutdownChild() to terminate and clean up all resources stored in this resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:255
virtual void StartupChild(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted) const =0
Starts all resources owned by the resource manager. For HardwareAdapterBase instances,...
auto ShareResource(ItemIDType ID) const
Copies and returns the shared pointer pointing to (and owning) the resource identified by ID....
Definition: Managers.h:454
auto cbegin() const noexcept
Returns an iterator to the first resource stored in the resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:220
ItemIDType GetNextID() const noexcept
Getter for the ID to assign to the next resource to be inserted into the resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:133
const bool Empty() const noexcept
Determines whether this resource manager is empty.
Definition: Managers.h:145
void PrepareReset()
Prepares all resources stored in this resource manager for their deletion by e.g. asking them to term...
Definition: Managers.h:283
virtual QDomElement MakeXMLConfigHeadNode(QDomDocument &Document) const =0
Creates and returns the XML root node of the (single) resource manager instance of the derived manage...
virtual void PrepareResetChild()
Prepares all resources stored in this resource manager for their deletion by e.g. asking them to term...
Definition: Managers.h:369
ItemIDListType GetFailedResourceIDs(bool OnlyResourcesBeingInUse=false) const
Builds and returns a list of the IDs of all resources stored in this resource manager which are in an...
Definition: Managers.h:495
ItemIDListType Filter() const
Builds and returns a list of the IDs of all resources stored in this resource manager which can be ca...
Definition: Managers.h:475
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< std::shared_ptr< typename T::element_type >, PointerType >, int > ShareResourceEnablerType
SFINAE alias to define methods assuming shared resource ownership only if PointerType is a std::share...
Definition: Managers.h:120
void DeleteTreeWidgetItem(ItemIDType ID)
Deletes the Resource::TreeWidgetItem of the requested resource.
Definition: Managers.h:431
void Startup(FunctionToCallWhenObjectStartedType FunctionToCallWhenObjectStarted) const
Starts all resources owned by the resource manager. For HardwareAdapterBase instances,...
Definition: Managers.h:250
void IncrementID()
Increments CurrentID.
Definition: Managers.h:618
void RaiseID(const ItemIDType ConsumedID)
If CurrentID is less or equal to ConsumedID, sets CurrentID to ConsumedID + 1. If CurrentID is greate...
Definition: Managers.h:608
QDomElement EntryConfigsToXML(QDomDocument &Document) const
Creates and returns the XML tree containing the configuration of each resource owned by this resource...
Definition: Managers.h:526
MapType Map
Map storing all resources owned by this resource manager.
Definition: Managers.h:383
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds DefaultTimeout
Duration which is used as a default timeout within all methods of this class if no different duration...
Definition: Util.h:62
An invalid argument like a null pointer has been passed to a function.
Definition: Exception.h:137
Data to operate on is invalid for a specific purpose. This indicates a corrupted data structure or fu...
Definition: Exception.h:163
An operation cannot be performed currently since the related object is in an invalid state like an er...
Definition: Exception.h:150
Thrown when a requested ressource does not exist.
Definition: Exception.h:236
Thrown when a numeric operation would result in an overflow (e.g. due to incompatible data types)
Definition: Exception.h:199
DynExp's main namespace contains the implementation of DynExp including classes to manage resources (...
std::vector< ItemIDType > ItemIDListType
Type of a list of IDs belonging to objects managed by DynExp.
Definition: Object.h:40
size_t ItemIDType
ID type of objects/items managed by DynExp.
const LibraryVectorT::value_type & FindInLibraryVector(const LibraryVectorT &LibraryVector, const std::string &Category, const std::string &Name)
Finds an entry in a library vector by category and name.
Definition: Libraries.h:258
std::string ToStr(const T &Value, int Precision=-1)
Converts a (numeric) value of type T to a std::string using operator<< of std::stringstream.
Definition: Util.h:625
QDomElement GetSingleChildDOMElement(const QDomElement &Parent, const QString &ChildTagName)
Behaves like GetSingleChildDOMNode() but returns the node converted to a DOM element.
Definition: QtUtil.cpp:62
std::string GetStringFromDOMAttribute(const QDomElement &Element, const QString &AttributeName)
Behaves like GetDOMAttribute() but returns the text from the attribute.
Definition: QtUtil.cpp:99
Accumulates include statements to provide a precompiled header.
Defines a DynExp resource, which mainly owns a DynExp::Object instance wrapping a pointer to it.
Definition: Managers.h:24
Resource(ResourcePointerT &&ResourcePointer)
Constructs a Resource instance.
Definition: Managers.h:33
std::unique_ptr< QTreeWidgetItem > TreeWidgetItem
For visualization of the resource and its state in DynExp's main window (DynExpManager)....
Definition: Managers.h:43
PointerType ResourcePointer
Pointer to the DynExp::Object instance owned by this resource.
Definition: Managers.h:36