Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
Instruments Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for Instruments:


file  DummyCamera.cpp [code]
file  DummyCamera.h [code]
 Implementation of a camera instrument without any related physical hardware loading image files from disk.
file  DummyDataStreamInstrument.cpp [code]
file  DummyDataStreamInstrument.h [code]
 Implementation of a data stream instrument without any related physical hardware.
file  InterModuleCommunicator.cpp [code]
file  InterModuleCommunicator.h [code]
 Implementation of the inter-module communicator instrument to exchange events in between DynExp modules.
file  NenionLeakvalveF3.cpp [code]
file  NenionLeakvalveF3.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control the positioner stage of the Nenion Leakvalve F3 valve.
file  NetworkAnalogInInstr.cpp [code]
file  NetworkAnalogInInstr.h [code]
 Implementation of a gRPC client instrument to access a remote analog in meta instrument.
file  NetworkAnalogOutInstr.cpp [code]
file  NetworkAnalogOutInstr.h [code]
 Implementation of a gRPC client instrument to access a remote analog out meta instrument.
file  NetworkDataStreamInstrument.cpp [code]
file  NetworkDataStreamInstrument.h [code]
 Implementation of a gRPC client instrument to access a remote data stream meta instrument.
file  NetworkDigitalInInstr.cpp [code]
file  NetworkDigitalInInstr.h [code]
 Implementation of a gRPC client instrument to access a remote digital in meta instrument.
file  NetworkDigitalOutInstr.cpp [code]
file  NetworkDigitalOutInstr.h [code]
 Implementation of a gRPC client instrument to access a remote digital out meta instrument.
file  NetworkSpectrometer.cpp [code]
file  NetworkSpectrometer.h [code]
 Implementation of a gRPC client instrument to access a remote spectrometer meta instrument.
file  NetworkTimeTagger.cpp [code]
file  NetworkTimeTagger.h [code]
 Implementation of a gRPC client instrument to access a remote time tagger meta instrument.
file  NIDAQAnalogIn.cpp [code]
file  NIDAQAnalogIn.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control a single analog input of the National Instruments NIDAQmx device.
file  NIDAQAnalogOut.cpp [code]
file  NIDAQAnalogOut.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control a single analog output of the National Instruments NIDAQmx device.
file  NIDAQDigitalIn.cpp [code]
file  NIDAQDigitalIn.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control a single digital input of the National Instruments NIDAQmx device.
file  NIDAQDigitalOut.cpp [code]
file  NIDAQDigitalOut.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control a single digital output of the National Instruments NIDAQmx device.
file  PI-C-862.cpp [code]
file  PI-C-862.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control the Physik Instrumente (PI) C-862 positioner stage.
file  PVCam.cpp [code]
file  PVCam.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control Teledyne Photometrics PVCam cameras.
file  QutoolsQuTAG.cpp [code]
file  QutoolsQuTAG.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control a single input of the qutools TDC time tagger.
file  RS_SMB100B.cpp [code]
file  RS_SMB100B.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control the Rohde & Schwarz SMB100B function generator.
file  RS_SMC100A.cpp [code]
file  RS_SMC100A.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control the Rohde & Schwarz SMC100A function generator.
file  SmarAct.cpp [code]
file  SmarAct.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control a single positioner stage connected to the SmarAct MCS2.
file  SwabianInstrumentsPulseStreamer.cpp [code]
file  SwabianInstrumentsPulseStreamer.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control a single output of the Swabian Instruments Pulse Streamer 8/2 function generator.
file  WidefieldLocalization.cpp [code]
file  WidefieldLocalization.h [code]
 Implementation of a gRPC client instrument to access a remote service for image processing (localization of photon emitters in widefield microscope images). Used by the DynExpModule::Widefield::WidefieldMicroscope module.
file  ZI_MFLI.cpp [code]
file  ZI_MFLI.h [code]
 Implementation of an instrument to control the Zurich Instruments MFLI lock-in amplifier.