Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // This file is part of DynExp.
8 #pragma once
10 #include <QtWidgets/QMainWindow>
11 #include "ui_DynExpManager.h"
12 #include "DynExpAbout.h"
13 #include "DynExpCore.h"
14 #include "CircuitDiagram.h"
15 #include "ErrorListDialog.h"
20 class DynExpManager : public QMainWindow
21 {
24 public:
30  {
36  constexpr ItemTreeItemDataType() noexcept : ItemTreeItemState(ItemTreeItemStateType::New), ID(0) {}
43  };
50  DynExpManager(DynExp::DynExpCore& DynExpCore, QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR);
52  ~DynExpManager() = default;
54 private:
61  static std::string GetObjectNameSafe(DynExp::Object* Object);
73  template <typename LibraryVectorT>
74  void RegisterItemsFromLibrary(const LibraryVectorT& Lib, QMenu* const MenuBase,
75  const QString IconPath, void(DynExpManager::*Slot)());
89  template <typename LibraryVectorT, typename ManagerT>
90  void MakeItem(QAction* SenderAction, LibraryVectorT& Lib, ManagerT& ResourceManager);
102  template <typename LibraryVectorT, typename ManagerT>
103  bool UpdateItemConfig(DynExp::Object* Object, LibraryVectorT& Lib, ManagerT& ResourceManager);
109  void EnsureItemReadyState(DynExp::Object* Object);
115  void ResetItem(DynExp::Object* Object);
121  void UpdateLog();
122  void ResetLogColors();
123  void UpdateModulesUI() noexcept;
124  void UpdateTitleBar();
125  void UpdateStatusBar();
126  void UpdateCircuitDiagram();
127  void UpdateItemTree();
128  void UpdateItemTreeItem(const DynExp::HardwareAdapterManager::ResourceType& Resource);
129  void UpdateItemTreeItem(const DynExp::InstrumentManager::ResourceType& Resource);
130  void UpdateItemTreeItem(const DynExp::ModuleManager::ResourceType& Resource);
149  template <typename ManagerT>
150  QTreeWidgetItem* UpdateItemTreeSection(QTreeWidgetItem* Section, ManagerT& ResourceManager);
158  void UpdateItemTreeItemObjectName(QTreeWidgetItem* Item, const DynExp::Object* Object);
165  void SelectItemTreeItem(QTreeWidgetItem* SelectedEntry);
167  void ChangeItemTreeItemToNormalState(QTreeWidgetItem& ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType& ItemTreeItemData,
168  const QString& Description, const QString& StateTitle, const char* IconPath = DynExpUI::Icons::Stopped);
169  void ChangeItemTreeItemToRunningState(QTreeWidgetItem& ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType& ItemTreeItemData,
170  const QString& Description);
171  void ChangeItemTreeItemToPausedState(QTreeWidgetItem& ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType& ItemTreeItemData,
172  const QString& Description);
173  void ChangeItemTreeItemToWarningState(QTreeWidgetItem& ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType& ItemTreeItemData,
174  const QString& Description);
175  void ChangeItemTreeItemToErrorState(QTreeWidgetItem& ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType& ItemTreeItemData,
176  const std::exception_ptr& ExceptionPtr);
177  void ChangeItemTreeItemToNotConnectedState(QTreeWidgetItem& ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType& ItemTreeItemData,
178  const QString& Description);
179  void ChangeItemTreeItemToNotRespondingState(QTreeWidgetItem& ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType& ItemTreeItemData,
180  const QString& Description);
189  QColor HTMLColorStringToThemeColor(const std::string& HTMLColor) const;
196  QColor AdjustColorToThemeColor(const QColor& Color) const;
201  void Reset(bool Force = false);
209  bool CloseProject() noexcept;
216  bool Shutdown() noexcept;
222  void SaveProject(std::string_view Filename) noexcept;
228  void DisableAllActions() noexcept;
234  void UpdateModuleWindowsActionShortcuts() noexcept;
239  void UpdateModuleWindowsActionIcons() noexcept;
246  DynExp::QModuleBase* GetModuleByActiveUIWindow() noexcept;
252  virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) override;
257  Ui::DynExpManagerClass ui;
259  QTimer* UpdateUITimer;
269  QActionGroup* ModuleWindowsActionGroup;
270  QActionGroup* UIThemeActionGroup;
272  QAction* UIDarkThemeAction;
273  QMenu* LogContextMenu;
276  QTreeWidgetItem* ItemTreeHardwareAdapters;
277  QTreeWidgetItem* ItemTreeInstruments;
278  QTreeWidgetItem* ItemTreeModules;
284  {
294  QPushButton* State;
296  QHBoxLayout* NumRunningInstrLayout;
329 public:
337  void RegisterModuleUI(DynExp::Object* const Object);
345  bool StopItem(DynExp::RunnableObject* Object, bool Force = false) noexcept;
350  void FocusMainWindow() noexcept;
357  void PostKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* Event) noexcept;
362  std::string GetDataSaveDirectory() const { return DynExpCore.GetDataSaveDirectory(); }
367  void SetDataSaveDirectory(std::string_view Directory) const { return DynExpCore.SetDataSaveDirectory(Directory); }
369 private slots:
374  void OnUpdateUI();
375  void OnUIThemeChanged(QAction* ThemeAction);
376  void OnNewProject();
377  void OnOpenProject();
378  void OnSaveProject();
379  void OnSaveProjectAs();
380  void OnRunProject();
381  void OnStopProject();
382  void OnResetFailedItems();
385  void OnRunItem();
386  void OnStopItem(bool Force = false);
387  void OnForceStopItem();
388  void OnResetItem();
389  void OnConfigureItem();
390  void OnDeleteItem();
391  void OnWindowMenuOpened();
392  void OnWindowMenuClosed();
393  void OnDockUndockWindow();
394  void OnShowCircuitDiagram();
395  void OnAboutClicked();
397  void OnLogContextMenuRequested(const QPoint& Position);
398  void OnItemTreeContextMenuRequested(const QPoint& Position);
399  void OnClearLog();
400  void OnClearWarning();
401  void OnAddHardwareAdapter();
402  void OnAddInstrument();
403  void OnAddModule();
404  void OnItemSelectionChanged();
405  void OnItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem* Item, int Column);
406  void OnModuleWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow* Window);
408 };
412 template <typename LibraryVectorT>
413 void DynExpManager::RegisterItemsFromLibrary(const LibraryVectorT& Lib, QMenu* const MenuBase,
414  const QString IconPath, void(DynExpManager::*Slot)())
415 {
416  std::string LastCategoryString("");
417  QMenu* CurrentCategoryMenu = nullptr;
419  for (size_t i = 0; i < Lib.size(); ++i)
420  {
421  const auto& LibEntry = Lib[i];
423  std::string CategoryString(LibEntry.Category);
424  QMenu* MenuToAdd = CategoryString.empty() ? MenuBase : CurrentCategoryMenu;
426  if (!CategoryString.empty() && CategoryString != LastCategoryString)
427  {
428  // ...because one & only makes the next letter a shortcut (see QAction and QMenu)
429  CurrentCategoryMenu = MenuBase->addMenu(QString::fromStdString(CategoryString).replace("&", "&&"));
430  LastCategoryString = CategoryString;
431  MenuToAdd = CurrentCategoryMenu;
432  }
434  auto AddedAction = MenuToAdd->addAction(QIcon(IconPath),
435  QString::fromStdString(LibEntry.Name).replace("&", "&&"), this, Slot);
436  AddedAction->setData(QVariant::fromValue(i));
437  }
438 }
440 template <typename LibraryVectorT, typename ManagerT>
441 void DynExpManager::MakeItem(QAction* SenderAction, LibraryVectorT& Lib, ManagerT& ResourceManager)
442 {
443  if (!SenderAction)
444  {
445  Util::EventLog().Log("SenderAction cannot be nullptr.",
447  return;
448  }
450  auto Variant = SenderAction->data();
451  if (!Variant.canConvert<size_t>())
452  {
453  Util::EventLog().Log("No library entry has been assigned to this item.",
455  return;
456  }
458  const auto& LibEntry = Lib[Variant.value<size_t>()];
460  const std::string ObjectType = DynExp::Object::CategoryAndNameToStr(LibEntry.Category, LibEntry.Name);
461  std::string ObjectName = "";
462  std::string ErrorMessage = "";
465  try
466  {
467  auto Params = LibEntry.ConfigFactoryPtr()->MakeConfigFromDialog(ResourceManager.GetNextID(), DynExpCore, this);
468  if (!Params) // e.g. cancelled by user
469  return;
471  ObjectName = Params->ObjectName;
473  NewItemID = DynExpCore.MakeItem(LibEntry, std::move(Params));
474  }
475  catch (const Util::EmptyException& e)
476  {
477  ErrorMessage = e.what();
478  }
479  catch (const Util::Exception& e)
480  {
481  Util::EventLog().Log(e);
482  ErrorMessage = e.what();
483  }
484  catch (const std::exception& e)
485  {
486  ErrorMessage = e.what();
487  }
488  catch (...)
489  {
490  ErrorMessage = "Unknown Error";
491  }
493  if (!ErrorMessage.empty())
494  {
495  QMessageBox::warning(this, "DynExp - Error",
496  QString::fromStdString(
497  "Creating item " + (ObjectName.empty() ? "< Unnamed >" : ObjectName) +
498  + " (" + ObjectType + "), the following error occurred:\n\n"
499  + ErrorMessage
500  ));
501  }
503  if (NewItemID != DynExp::ItemIDNotSet)
504  {
505  const auto Object = ResourceManager.GetResource(NewItemID);
507  EnsureItemReadyState(Object);
508  RegisterModuleUI(Object);
509  }
510 }
512 template <typename LibraryVectorT, typename ManagerT>
513 bool DynExpManager::UpdateItemConfig(DynExp::Object* Object, LibraryVectorT& Lib, ManagerT& ResourceManager)
514 {
515  if (!Object)
516  throw Util::InvalidArgException("Object cannot be nullptr.");
518  auto LibEntry = DynExp::FindInLibraryVector(Lib, Object->GetCategory(), Object->GetName());
519  auto ResultState = LibEntry.ConfigFactoryPtr()->UpdateConfigFromDialog(Object, DynExpCore, this);
521  if (ResultState.IsAccepted())
522  ResourceManager.DeleteTreeWidgetItem(Object->GetID());
524  return ResultState.IsResetRequired();
525 }
527 template <typename ManagerT>
528 QTreeWidgetItem* DynExpManager::UpdateItemTreeSection(QTreeWidgetItem* Section, ManagerT& ResourceManager)
529 {
530  QTreeWidgetItem* LastAdded = nullptr;
532  for (auto Resource = ResourceManager.cbegin(); Resource != ResourceManager.cend(); ++Resource)
533  {
534  if (!Resource->second.TreeWidgetItem)
535  {
536  auto CategoryAndName = QString::fromStdString(Resource->second.ResourcePointer->GetCategoryAndName());
537  auto ID = Resource->second.ResourcePointer->GetID();
539  Resource->second.TreeWidgetItem = std::make_unique<QTreeWidgetItem>(Section,
540  QStringList{ "", CategoryAndName, "" });
541  UpdateItemTreeItemObjectName(Resource->second.TreeWidgetItem.get(), Resource->second.ResourcePointer.get());
542  Resource->second.TreeWidgetItem->setToolTip(1, CategoryAndName);
543  Resource->second.TreeWidgetItem->setData(1, Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue(Resource->second.TreeWidgetItem.get()));
544  Resource->second.TreeWidgetItem->setData(2, Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue(ItemTreeItemDataType(ID)));
546  // Show and sort by item name.
547  Section->setExpanded(true);
548  Section->sortChildren(0, Qt::SortOrder::AscendingOrder);
550  LastAdded = Resource->second.TreeWidgetItem.get();
553  }
554  else if (Resource->second.TreeWidgetItem->data(0, Qt::ItemDataRole::UserRole).template value<bool>())
555  {
556  UpdateItemTreeItemObjectName(Resource->second.TreeWidgetItem.get(), Resource->second.ResourcePointer.get());
559  }
561  UpdateItemTreeItem(Resource->second);
562  }
564  return LastAdded;
565 }
Implements a window drawing the relations between all DynExp::Object instances as a graph....
Implements a dialog to show license information about DynExp.
Defines DynExp's core module as an interface between the UI and DynExp objects.
Implements a frame-less pop-up dialog to show errors and warning of DynExp::Object instances.
Implements DynExp's main window as a Qt-based user interface (UI).
Definition: DynExpManager.h:21
void SelectItemTreeItem(QTreeWidgetItem *SelectedEntry)
Selects the given QTreeWidgetItem instance and brings this DynExpManager window to the front.
DynExpAbout * AboutDialog
Dialog showing license and copyright information.
void ChangeItemTreeItemToRunningState(QTreeWidgetItem &ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType &ItemTreeItemData, const QString &Description)
void OnProjectSettingsClicked()
QColor HTMLColorStringToThemeColor(const std::string &HTMLColor) const
Constructs a QColor instance from an HTML color string depending on the currently active UI theme.
void Reset(bool Force=false)
Resets the currently loaded project removing all resources from the resource managers....
void UpdateCircuitDiagram()
void OnAddHardwareAdapter()
void OnStatusBarStateClicked()
void OnWindowMenuClosed()
void OnItemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *Item, int Column)
QMenu * ItemTreeContextMenu
Context menu appearing when right-clicking on the main tree widget showing DynExp::Object instances.
ErrorListDialog * ErrorListDlg
Dialog showing the list of currently active warnings and errors (ErrorEntries)
void MakeItem(QAction *SenderAction, LibraryVectorT &Lib, ManagerT &ResourceManager)
Creates a DynExp::Object instance according to a QAction instance SenderAction, which contains the in...
DynExp::DynExpCore & DynExpCore
Handle to DynExp's internal data.
void SetDataSaveDirectory(std::string_view Directory) const
Sets a path where modules might save recorded data to. Used by Util::PromptSaveFilePathModule() to st...
QTreeWidgetItem * ItemTreeHardwareAdapters
Item for the hardware adapters section within the main tree widget showing DynExp::Object instances.
QColor AdjustColorToThemeColor(const QColor &Color) const
Transforms a QColor instance depending on the currently active UI theme.
void OnResetFailedItems()
void OnItemSelectionChanged()
bool Shutdown() noexcept
Terminates DynExpCore::WorkerThread and waits until the thread has ended.
static std::string GetObjectNameSafe(DynExp::Object *Object)
Retrieves the name of a DynExp::Object instance from its parameter class instance.
void OnWindowMenuOpened()
void OnStopItem(bool Force=false)
void ChangeItemTreeItemToNotRespondingState(QTreeWidgetItem &ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType &ItemTreeItemData, const QString &Description)
void OnDockUndockWindow()
void ResetItem(DynExp::Object *Object)
Calls DynExp::Object::Reset() on a DynExp::Object instance.
void OnRestoreWindowStatesFromParams()
void RegisterItemsFromLibrary(const LibraryVectorT &Lib, QMenu *const MenuBase, const QString IconPath, void(DynExpManager::*Slot)())
Adds the library entries from Lib to submenus below MenuBase and assigns actions to them invoking Slo...
void UpdateStatusBar()
void UpdateModuleWindowsActionShortcuts() noexcept
Establishes shortcuts to switch between module windows. Refer to ModuleWindowsActionGroup.
QTreeWidgetItem * ItemTreeModules
Item for the modules section within the main tree widget showing DynExp::Object instances.
virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override
bool UpdateItemConfig(DynExp::Object *Object, LibraryVectorT &Lib, ManagerT &ResourceManager)
Invokes a configuration dialog to let the user adjust the parameters of a DynExp::Object instance.
void OnLogContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &Position)
void ChangeItemTreeItemToNotConnectedState(QTreeWidgetItem &ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType &ItemTreeItemData, const QString &Description)
void OnModuleWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow *Window)
void PostKeyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *Event) noexcept
Delegates a Qt key press event (e.g. the key sequences Ctrl+1 - Ctrl+9) from module widgets to the ma...
void FocusMainWindow() noexcept
Focuses/activates DynExp's main window and moves it on top of other windows if possible.
void DisableAllActions() noexcept
Disables all user interface actions such that item-specific ones can be reenabled upon a selection ch...
void OnShowCircuitDiagram()
struct DynExpManager::StatusBarType StatusBar
DynExp::QModuleBase * GetModuleByActiveUIWindow() noexcept
Determines the DynExp::QModuleBase instance of the current project whose UI window is active (has the...
std::string GetDataSaveDirectory() const
Recalls a path where modules might save recorded data to. Used by Util::PromptSaveFilePathModule() to...
void UpdateItemTreeItemObjectName(QTreeWidgetItem *Item, const DynExp::Object *Object)
Updates the text of a QTreeWidgetItem instance to match it to the related DynExp::Object instance.
Ui::DynExpManagerClass ui
Qt widgets belonging to the main window's user interface.
QMenu * LogContextMenu
Context menu appearing when right-clicking on the message log widget.
void UpdateModuleWindowsActionIcons() noexcept
Invokes DynExp::QModuleBase::UpdateModuleWindowFocusAction() on each module.
QActionGroup * UIThemeActionGroup
Actions to switch in between different UI themes.
std::unique_ptr< CircuitDiagram > CircuitDiagramDlg
Dialog showing the circuit diagram of the current project. It has no parent to not stay on top of the...
bool IsResetting
Indicates whether DynExpManager is currently deleting all resources to empty the project.
QActionGroup * ModuleWindowsActionGroup
Actions to switch between module windows with CTRL + < number key > shortcuts.
QAction * UIBrightThemeAction
Action for a bright UI theme.
void ChangeItemTreeItemToPausedState(QTreeWidgetItem &ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType &ItemTreeItemData, const QString &Description)
QTreeWidgetItem * ItemTreeInstruments
Item for the instruments section within the main tree widget showing DynExp::Object instances.
void UpdateModulesUI() noexcept
void OnUIThemeChanged(QAction *ThemeAction)
void UpdateItemTreeItem(const DynExp::HardwareAdapterManager::ResourceType &Resource)
void RegisterModuleUI(DynExp::Object *const Object)
Initializes the UI of the module Object (expecting that Object is a DynExp::QModuleBase instance....
void SaveProject(std::string_view Filename) noexcept
Saves the current DynExp project to an XML project file.
QAction * ClearWarningAction
Action to clear the warning of an item within the main tree widget showing DynExp::Object instances.
QTreeWidgetItem * UpdateItemTreeSection(QTreeWidgetItem *Section, ManagerT &ResourceManager)
Loops through resources managed by ResourceManager and adds respective QTreeWidgetItem instances as c...
void ChangeItemTreeItemToErrorState(QTreeWidgetItem &ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType &ItemTreeItemData, const std::exception_ptr &ExceptionPtr)
bool StopItem(DynExp::RunnableObject *Object, bool Force=false) noexcept
Calls DynExp::RunnableObject::Terminate() on a DynExp::RunnableObject instance.
void ChangeItemTreeItemToNormalState(QTreeWidgetItem &ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType &ItemTreeItemData, const QString &Description, const QString &StateTitle, const char *IconPath=DynExpUI::Icons::Stopped)
bool ShouldRedrawCircuitDiagram
Indicates whether the circuit diagram has to be rebuilt. Particularly, this must be set to true direc...
void EnsureItemReadyState(DynExp::Object *Object)
Calls DynExp::Object::EnsureReadyState() on a DynExp::Object instance.
void OnItemTreeContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &Position)
void ChangeItemTreeItemToWarningState(QTreeWidgetItem &ItemTreeItem, const ItemTreeItemDataType &ItemTreeItemData, const QString &Description)
ErrorListDialog::ErrorEntriesType ErrorEntries
List of all currently active warnings and errors.
bool CloseProject() noexcept
Closes the current project and opens a new, empty one.
DynExpManager(DynExp::DynExpCore &DynExpCore, QWidget *parent=Q_NULLPTR)
Constructs a DynExpManager instance.
bool ShouldUpdateCircuitDiagram
Indicates whether any item state has changed. Set to true to update the circuit diagram....
QAction * UIDarkThemeAction
Action for a dark UI theme.
QTimer * UpdateUITimer
Timer for periodically updating the user interface.
DynExp's core class acts as the interface between the user interface and DynExp's internal data like ...
Definition: DynExpCore.h:127
void SetDataSaveDirectory(const std::filesystem::path &Directory, const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=GetParamsTimeoutDefault)
Sets a path where modules might save recorded data to. Used by Util::PromptSaveFilePathModule() to st...
Definition: DynExpCore.cpp:308
ItemIDType MakeItem(const LibraryEntry< HardwareAdapterPtrType > &LibEntry, ParamsBasePtrType &&Params)
Creates a DynExp::HardwareAdapterBase instance from a LibraryEntry.
Definition: DynExpCore.cpp:256
std::string GetDataSaveDirectory(const std::chrono::milliseconds Timeout=GetParamsTimeoutDefault) const
Recalls a path where modules might save recorded data to. Used by Util::PromptSaveFilePathModule() to...
Definition: DynExpCore.cpp:298
Base class for all DynExp Objects like hardware adapters (DynExp::HardwareAdapterBase),...
Definition: Object.h:1971
virtual std::string GetName() const =0
Returns the name of this Object type.
virtual std::string GetCategory() const =0
Returns the category of this Object type.
ItemIDType GetID() const noexcept
Returns the ID of this Object instance. Thread-safe since ID is const.
Definition: Object.h:2143
static std::string CategoryAndNameToStr(const std::string &Category, const std::string &Name)
Builds a string from an Object's category and name to allow the user to identify an Object's type.
Definition: Object.cpp:350
Defines an Object which possesses a thread it runs in. The RunnableObject can be started and stopped ...
Definition: Object.h:2426
std::vector< ErrorEntryType > ErrorEntriesType
Thrown when a list is expected to contain entries and when a query results in an empty answer or an e...
Definition: Exception.h:224
void Log(const std::string &Message, const ErrorType Type=ErrorType::Info, const size_t Line=0, const std::string &Function="", const std::string &File="", const int ErrorCode=0, const std::stacktrace &Trace={}) noexcept
Logs an event from information specified manually.
Definition: Util.cpp:309
DynExp exceptions are derived from this class. It contains basic information about the cause of the e...
Definition: Exception.h:51
An invalid argument like a null pointer has been passed to a function.
Definition: Exception.h:137
constexpr auto Stopped
DynExp's user interface namespace contains user interface style definitions.
DynExp's main namespace contains the implementation of DynExp including classes to manage resources (...
size_t ItemIDType
ID type of objects/items managed by DynExp.
const LibraryVectorT::value_type & FindInLibraryVector(const LibraryVectorT &LibraryVector, const std::string &Category, const std::string &Name)
Finds an entry in a library vector by category and name.
Definition: Libraries.h:258
EventLogger & EventLog()
This function holds a static EventLogger instance and returns a reference to it. DynExp uses only one...
Definition: Util.cpp:509
Bundles data which is assigned to items of the main QTreeWidget. Each item refers to a DynExp::Object...
Definition: DynExpManager.h:30
constexpr ItemTreeItemDataType() noexcept
Definition: DynExpManager.h:36
const DynExp::ItemIDType ID
ID of the DynExp::Object instance assigned to this item.
Definition: DynExpManager.h:42
States the QTreeWidgetItem instances can have.
Definition: DynExpManager.h:34
ItemTreeItemStateType ItemTreeItemState
Current state derived from the related DynExp::Object instance.
Definition: DynExpManager.h:41
constexpr ItemTreeItemDataType(const DynExp::ItemIDType ID, const ItemTreeItemStateType ItemTreeItemState=ItemTreeItemStateType::New) noexcept
Definition: DynExpManager.h:37
Type bundling widgets to be displayed in the main window's status bar.
QHBoxLayout * NumRunningInstrLayout
QHBoxLayout * NumRunningModuleLayout