Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // This file is part of DynExp.
8 #pragma once
10 #include "stdafx.h"
11 #include "DynExpCore.h"
12 #include "../../MetaInstruments/Spectrometer.h"
13 #include "../../Instruments/InterModuleCommunicator.h"
15 #include "SpectrumViewerEvents.h"
17 #include <QWidget>
18 #include "ui_SpectrumViewer.h"
21 {
22  class SpectrumViewer;
23  class SpectrumViewerData;
26  {
29  public:
31  {
34  void Reset();
35  std::string ToStr(DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::TimeType ExposureTime) const;
37  QList<QPointF> Points;
38  QPointF MinValues;
39  QPointF MaxValues;
43  };
46  ~SpectrumViewerWidget() = default;
48  bool AllowResize() const noexcept override final { return true; }
50  const auto& GetUI() const noexcept { return ui; }
54  void SetData(SampleDataType&& SampleData, DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::TimeType ExposureTime);
56  private:
57  void FinishedSavingData() noexcept { IsSavingData = false; }
60  QXYSeries* DataSeries;
61  QChart* DataChart;
62  QValueAxis* XAxis;
63  QValueAxis* YAxis;
65  Ui::SpectrumViewer ui;
70  // If data is currently being saved to file, do not update internal data.
71  std::atomic_bool IsSavingData = false;
73  private slots:
74  void OnSaveCSVClicked();
75  };
78  {
79  public:
81  virtual ~SpectrumViewerData() = default;
83  bool IsUIInitialized() const noexcept { return UIInitialized; }
84  void SetUIInitialized() noexcept { UIInitialized = true; }
85  auto& GetSpectrometer() { return Spectrometer; }
86  auto& GetCommunicator() { return Communicator; }
90  double MinFrequency;
91  double MaxFrequency;
101  std::string AutoSaveFilename;
106  private:
107  void ResetImpl(dispatch_tag<QModuleDataBase>) override final;
110  void Init();
116  };
119  {
120  public:
122  virtual ~SpectrumViewerParams() = default;
124  virtual const char* GetParamClassTag() const noexcept override { return "SpectrumViewerParams"; }
127  "Spectrometer", "Spectrometer", "Underlying spectrometer instrument to be used as a data source", DynExpUI::Icons::Instrument };
129  "InterModuleCommunicator", "Inter-module communicator", "Inter-module communicator to control this module with", DynExpUI::Icons::Instrument, true };
131  private:
133  };
136  {
137  public:
142  virtual ~SpectrumViewerConfigurator() = default;
144  private:
145  virtual DynExp::ParamsBasePtrType MakeParams(DynExp::ItemIDType ID, const DynExp::DynExpCore& Core) const override final { return DynExp::MakeParams<SpectrumViewerConfigurator>(ID, Core); }
146  };
149  {
150  public:
155  constexpr static auto Name() noexcept { return "Spectrum Viewer"; }
156  constexpr static auto Category() noexcept { return "Image Capturing"; }
159  : QModuleBase(OwnerThreadID, std::move(Params)) {}
160  virtual ~SpectrumViewer() = default;
162  virtual std::string GetName() const override { return Name(); }
163  virtual std::string GetCategory() const override { return Category(); }
165  std::chrono::milliseconds GetMainLoopDelay() const override final { return std::chrono::milliseconds(50); }
167  private:
170  void ResetImpl(dispatch_tag<QModuleBase>) override final;
172  std::unique_ptr<DynExp::QModuleWidget> MakeUIWidget() override final;
173  void UpdateUIChild(const ModuleBase::ModuleDataGetterType& ModuleDataGetter) override final;
175  SpectrumViewerWidget::SampleDataType ProcessSpectrum(DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::SpectrumType&& Spectrum,
176  Util::SynchronizedPointer<SpectrumViewerData>& ModuleData);
177  void SaveSpectrum(const SpectrumViewerWidget::SampleDataType& Spectrum,
178  Util::SynchronizedPointer<SpectrumViewerData>& ModuleData);
180  // Events, run in module thread
181  void OnInit(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance) const override final;
182  void OnExit(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance) const override final;
184  void OnRunClicked(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance, bool) const;
185  void OnStopClicked(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance, bool) const;
186  void OnSilentModeToggled(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance, bool Checked) const;
187  void OnExposureTimeChanged(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance, int Value) const;
188  void OnLowerLimitChanged(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance, double Value) const;
189  void OnUpperLimitChanged(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance, double Value) const;
190  void OnRecordAndSaveSpectrum(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance, std::string SaveDataFilename) const;
191  void OnPauseSpectrumRecording(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance) const;
192  void OnResumeSpectrumRecording(DynExp::ModuleInstance* Instance) const;
195  };
196 }
Defines DynExp's core module as an interface between the UI and DynExp objects.
Events for inter-module communication handled by the DynExpModule::SpectrumViewer::SpectrumViewer mod...
Possible spectrometer states.
Definition: Spectrometer.h:110
std::chrono::milliseconds TimeType
Time type describing the spectrometer's times like its exposure time.
Definition: Spectrometer.h:71
Supported spectrometer frequency units.
Definition: Spectrometer.h:78
Supported spectrometer intensity units.
Definition: Spectrometer.h:89
virtual DynExp::ParamsBasePtrType MakeParams(DynExp::ItemIDType ID, const DynExp::DynExpCore &Core) const override final
Override to make derived classes call DynExp::MakeParams with the correct configurator type derived f...
SpectrumViewerWidget::SampleDataType CurrentSpectrum
DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::TimeType CurrentExposureTime
DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::CapturingStateType CapturingState
DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::TimeType AcquisitionExposureTime
DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::TimeType MinExposureTime
DynExp::LinkedObjectWrapperContainer< DynExpInstr::InterModuleCommunicator > Communicator
void ResetImpl(dispatch_tag< QModuleDataBase >) override final
DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::TimeType MaxExposureTime
DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::FrequencyUnitType FrequencyUnit
virtual void ResetImpl(dispatch_tag< SpectrumViewerData >)
DynExp::LinkedObjectWrapperContainer< DynExpInstr::Spectrometer > Spectrometer
DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::IntensityUnitType IntensityUnit
virtual const char * GetParamClassTag() const noexcept override
This function is intended to be overridden once in each derived class returning the name of the respe...
Param< DynExp::ObjectLink< DynExpInstr::Spectrometer > > Spectrometer
void ConfigureParamsImpl(dispatch_tag< QModuleParamsBase >) override final
SpectrumViewerParams(DynExp::ItemIDType ID, const DynExp::DynExpCore &Core)
Param< DynExp::ObjectLink< DynExpInstr::InterModuleCommunicator > > Communicator
SpectrumViewerWidget(SpectrumViewer &Owner, QModuleWidget *parent=nullptr)
void UpdateUI(Util::SynchronizedPointer< SpectrumViewerData > &ModuleData)
bool AllowResize() const noexcept override final
Indicates the resizing behavior of the user interface window. Override to adjust.
void InitializeUI(Util::SynchronizedPointer< SpectrumViewerData > &ModuleData)
DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::TimeType CurrentExposureTime
void SetData(SampleDataType &&SampleData, DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::TimeType ExposureTime)
void OnRunClicked(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance, bool) const
void OnExit(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance) const override final
This event is triggered right before the module thread terminates (not due to an exception,...
void OnUpperLimitChanged(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance, double Value) const
constexpr static auto Category() noexcept
Util::DynExpErrorCodes::DynExpErrorCodes ModuleMainLoop(DynExp::ModuleInstance &Instance) override final
Module main loop. The function is executed periodically by the module thread. Also refer to GetMainLo...
SpectrumViewer(const std::thread::id OwnerThreadID, DynExp::ParamsBasePtrType &&Params)
void OnStopClicked(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance, bool) const
void OnInit(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance) const override final
This event is triggered right before the module thread starts. Override it to lock instruments this m...
constexpr static auto Name() noexcept
void OnPauseSpectrumRecording(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance) const
void ResetImpl(dispatch_tag< QModuleBase >) override final
void OnLowerLimitChanged(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance, double Value) const
std::unique_ptr< DynExp::QModuleWidget > MakeUIWidget() override final
Used by InitUI() as a factory function for the module's user interface widget. Create the widget here...
void UpdateUIChild(const ModuleBase::ModuleDataGetterType &ModuleDataGetter) override final
virtual std::string GetName() const override
Returns the name of this Object type.
void SaveSpectrum(const SpectrumViewerWidget::SampleDataType &Spectrum, Util::SynchronizedPointer< SpectrumViewerData > &ModuleData)
SpectrumViewerWidget::SampleDataType ProcessSpectrum(DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::SpectrumType &&Spectrum, Util::SynchronizedPointer< SpectrumViewerData > &ModuleData)
void OnSilentModeToggled(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance, bool Checked) const
virtual std::string GetCategory() const override
Returns the category of this Object type.
void OnResumeSpectrumRecording(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance) const
void OnRecordAndSaveSpectrum(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance, std::string SaveDataFilename) const
std::chrono::milliseconds GetMainLoopDelay() const override final
Specifies in which time intervals the module's event queue runs to handle pending events.
void OnExposureTimeChanged(DynExp::ModuleInstance *Instance, int Value) const
DynExp's core class acts as the interface between the user interface and DynExp's internal data like ...
Definition: DynExpCore.h:127
Base class for modules. Modules implement programs on their own (e.g. measurement protocols or server...
Definition: Module.h:392
Util::CallableMemberWrapper< ModuleBase, ModuleDataTypeSyncPtrType(ModuleBase::*)(const std::chrono::milliseconds)> ModuleDataGetterType
Invoking an instance of this alias is supposed to call ModuleBase::GetModuleData() of the instance th...
Definition: Module.h:587
const std::unique_ptr< ModuleDataType > ModuleData
Module data belonging to this ModuleBase instance.
Definition: Module.h:743
ModuleBase(const std::thread::id OwnerThreadID, ParamsBasePtrType &&Params)
Constructs a ModuleBase instance.
Definition: Module.cpp:189
Configurator class for ModuleBase.
Definition: Module.h:374
Data structure to contain data which is synchronized in between different threads....
Definition: Module.h:171
Refer to ParamsBase::dispatch_tag.
Definition: Module.h:189
Defines data for a thread belonging to a ModuleBase instance. Refer to RunnableInstance.
Definition: Module.h:793
Parameter class for ModuleBase.
Definition: Module.h:337
const std::thread::id OwnerThreadID
Thread id of the thread which has constructed (and owns) this Object instance.
Definition: Object.h:2302
const ParamsBasePtrType Params
Pointer to the parameter class instance belonging to this Object instance.
Definition: Object.h:2303
const ItemIDType ID
ID of the Object this parameter class instance belongs to.
Definition: Object.h:1779
const auto & GetCore() const noexcept
Returns a reference to DynExp's core.
Definition: Object.h:1677
const DynExpCore & Core
Reference to DynExp's core.
Definition: Object.h:1780
Tag for function dispatching mechanism within this class used when derived classes are not intended t...
Definition: Object.h:349
Base class for modules with a Qt-based user interface. Derive from this class to implement modules wi...
Definition: Module.h:1344
QModuleBase(const std::thread::id OwnerThreadID, DynExp::ParamsBasePtrType &&Params)
Constructs a QModuleBase instance.
Definition: Module.cpp:557
Configurator class for QModuleBase.
Definition: Module.h:1330
Data class for QModuleBase.
Definition: Module.h:1220
Parameter class for QModuleBase.
Definition: Module.h:1306
QModuleParamsBase(ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore &Core)
Constructs the parameters for a QModuleBase instance.
Definition: Module.h:1312
Window class for Qt-based user interfaces belonging to DynExp modules. User interface Qt window class...
Definition: Module.h:1079
QModuleBase & Owner
Module owning this user interface window (reference, because it should never change nor be nullptr).
Definition: Module.h:1162
QModuleWidget(QModuleBase &Owner, QWidget *Parent=nullptr)
Constructs a QModuleWidget instance.
Definition: Module.cpp:417
Holds a CallableMemberWrapper and invokes its callable when being destroyed.
Definition: Util.h:494
Pointer to lock a class derived from ISynchronizedPointerLockable for synchronizing between threads....
Definition: Util.h:170
DynExp's instrument namespace contains the implementation of DynExp instruments which extend DynExp's...
Definition: Instrument.h:1254
constexpr auto Instrument
DynExp's main namespace contains the implementation of DynExp including classes to manage resources (...
std::unique_ptr< ParamsBase > ParamsBasePtrType
Alias for a pointer to the parameter system base class ParamsBase.
Definition: Object.h:1807
size_t ItemIDType
ID type of objects/items managed by DynExp.
DynExp's error codes
Definition: Exception.h:22
DynExp's Util namespace contains commonly used functions and templates as well as extensions to Qt an...
Definition: circularbuf.cpp:7
Accumulates include statements to provide a precompiled header.
DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::IntensityUnitType IntensityUnit
DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::FrequencyUnitType FrequencyUnit
std::string ToStr(DynExpInstr::SpectrometerData::TimeType ExposureTime) const