Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
DynExp::ParamsBase Class Referenceabstract

Abstract base class for object parameter classes. Each class derived from class Object must be accompanied by a parameter class derived from ParamsBase. These parameter classes are intended to contain the object's parameters (sub-classes of ParamsBase::ParamBase) which are stored in DynExp project files and which can be configured in the respective object instance's settings dialog or programmatically. Parameter classes are synchronized in between different threads (e.g. the main thread and an instrument/module thread). More...

+ Inheritance diagram for DynExp::ParamsBase:


struct  dispatch_tag
 Tag for function dispatching mechanism within this class used when derived classes are not intended to override a specific function, but to add functionality. Some class B derived from class A overrides a function f accepting an argument of type dispatch_tag< A > declared as virtual in class A. Class B itself declares a virtual function accepting an argument of type dispatch_tag< B > to be overriden by a class C derived from class B. The function defined in class B is called by the base class A and it itself has to call the function overriden in class C. Calls to respective functions are performed using an instance of the respective dispatch tag. This allows to form a chain of calls f() [defined in A] -> f(dispatch_tag< A >) [declared in A, defined in B] -> f(dispatch_tag< B >) [declared in B, defined in C] -> ... More...
class  DummyParam
 Dummy parameter which is to be owned once by parameter classes that do not contain any other parameter. It ensures the presence of the respective level in the XML hierarchy. Parameter is skipped when saving/loading because of its empty name. More...
class  IndexedTextList
 Type to identify an indexed text list parameter (one number selected from a list of numbers associated with strings) More...
class  LinkListParamBase
 Base class for link list parameters to multiple Object of any (but all the same) type specifying the underlying parameter type. The underlying type is the integral DynExp::ItemIDType type, which stores the IDs of the linked objects. More...
class  LinkParamBase
 Base class for link parameters to a single Object of any type specifying the underlying parameter type. The underlying type is the integral DynExp::ItemIDType type, which stores the ID of the linked object. More...
class  LinkParamStarter
 Makes sure the object link parameters of the associated ParamsBase instance are in a ready state by performing the initialization stepwise to allow updating the UI in between. Instances of this class can only be used once. More...
class  ListParam
class  ListParam< ArithmeticType, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< ArithmeticType > > >
 List parameter for numbers. If ParamType is an arithmetic type (integral or floating point), then extend TypedListParamBase's functionality by specifying the allowed number range and format. More...
class  ListParam< LinkType, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< ObjectLinkBase, LinkType > > >
 Parameter for link lists to multiple Object. If LinkType is derived from ObjectLinkBase, then extend TypedParamBase's functionality by providing link instantiation functionality and by overriding AddToDialogChild(). More...
class  ListParam< ParamType, std::enable_if_t< !std::is_arithmetic_v< ParamType > &&!std::is_base_of_v< ObjectLinkBase, ParamType > > >
 General list parameter for any ParamType (except the ones which are further specified below). More...
struct  OwnedParamInfo
 Helper type owning a reference to a parameter and its class tag. More...
class  Param
class  Param< ArithmeticType, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< ArithmeticType > > >
 Parameter for numbers. If ParamType is an arithmetic type (integral or floating point), then extend TypedParamBase's functionality by specifying the allowed number range and format. More...
class  Param< EnumType, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum_v< EnumType > > >
 Parameter for enumerations which are convertible to a numeric type. If ParamType is an enum, then extend TypedParamBase's functionality by providing conversion functionality and by overriding AddToDialogChild(). More...
class  Param< LinkType, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< ObjectLinkBase, LinkType > > >
 Parameter for links to a single Object. If LinkType is derived from ObjectLinkBase, then extend TypedParamBase's functionality by providing link instantiation functionality and by overriding AddToDialogChild(). More...
class  Param< ParamType, std::enable_if_t< !std::is_arithmetic_v< ParamType > &&!std::is_base_of_v< Text, ParamType > &&!std::is_base_of_v< TextList, ParamType > &&!std::is_base_of_v< IndexedTextList, ParamType > &&!std::is_enum_v< ParamType > &&!std::is_base_of_v< ObjectLinkBase, ParamType > > >
 General parameter for any ParamType (except the ones which are further specified below). More...
class  Param< ParamType, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< IndexedTextList, ParamType > > >
 Parameter for indexed strings selected from a predefined list of strings. If ParamType is of type ParamsBase::IndexedTextList, then extend TypedParamBase's functionality by providing text list functionality and by overriding AddToDialogChild(). In this case, the parameter does not store the string itself, but the selected index (of type Util::TextListIndexType) of the predefined text list. More...
class  Param< ParamType, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< Text, ParamType > > >
 Parameter for strings. If ParamType is of type ParamsBase::Text, then extend TypedParamBase's functionality by indicating the text's purpose and by overriding AddToDialogChild(). More...
class  Param< ParamType, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of_v< TextList, ParamType > > >
 Parameter for strings selected from a predefined list of strings. If ParamType is of type ParamsBase::TextList, then extend TypedParamBase's functionality by providing text list functionality and by overriding AddToDialogChild(). More...
class  ParamBase
 Abstract base class for a single object parameter. Parameters derived from this class are automatically stored in the DynExp project file. Additionally, derived parameters might be configured in settings dialogs dynamically generated for objects according to the parameters belonging to it. More...
class  TextList
 Type to identify a text list parameter (one string selected from a list of strings) More...
class  TypedListParamBase
 Base class of parameters containing lists of values. More...
class  TypedParamBase
 Base class of parameters containing a single value. More...

Public Types

enum  UsageType { Unique , Shared }
 Determines whether an Object can be linked to only one (unique) or multiple (shared) other objects. More...
using ObjectLinkParamsType = std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< LinkBase > >
 Type of a list of all owned object link parameters. More...
using EnumParamSignedIntegerType = intmax_t
 Parameter type to convert signed eumeration parameters to. More...
using EnumParamUnsignedIntegerType = uintmax_t
 Parameter type to convert unsigned eumeration parameters to. More...
template<typename EnumType >
using LargestEnumUnderlyingType = std::conditional_t< std::is_signed_v< std::underlying_type_t< EnumType > >, EnumParamSignedIntegerType, EnumParamUnsignedIntegerType >
 Type trait providing an integer type for enumeration types which allows to store the value of enumeration variables of that type in a file. More...
using Text = Util::TextType
 String type of text-type parameters (DynExp::ParamsBase::Param) More...
template<typename ArithmeticType >
using UnderlyingArithmeticParamType = TypedParamBase< ArithmeticType >
using UnderlyingTextParamType = TypedParamBase< Util::TextType >
using UnderlyingTextListParamType = TypedParamBase< Util::TextType >
using UnderlyingIndexedTextListParamType = TypedParamBase< Util::TextListIndexType >
template<typename EnumType >
using UnderlyingEnumParamType = TypedParamBase< LargestEnumUnderlyingType< EnumType > >
 If ParamType is an enum, then use largest signed/unsigned integral type as the underlying type since the enum's underlying type has to be integral. More...
using UnderlyingLinkParamType = TypedParamBase< ItemIDType >
template<typename ArithmeticType >
using UnderlyingArithmeticListParamType = TypedListParamBase< ArithmeticType >
using UnderlyingLinkListParamType = TypedListParamBase< ItemIDType >

Public Member Functions

 ParamsBase (ItemIDType ID, const DynExpCore &Core)
 Constructs the base class of an object parameter class. More...
virtual ~ParamsBase ()=0
virtual const char * GetParamClassTag () const noexcept
 This function is intended to be overridden once in each derived class returning the name of the respective class. Parameters defined in any class within the ParamsBase hierarchy will receive a 'this' pointer pointing to ParamsBase when their ParamBase constructors are called. The ParamBase constructors will register the respective parameter in ParamsBase::OwnedParams calling GetParamClassTag() on the given 'this' pointer. This allows the ParamBase constructor to obtain the name of the class where the respective parameter was declared in. The name is used as an XML tag containing related parameters in the project files. Here, it is fully intended that the virtual call to GetParamClassTag() leads only to a call of GetParamClassTag() of the current dynamic type of ParamsBase! More...
QDomElement ConfigToXML (QDomDocument &Document) const
 Creates an XML node with a tag name as determined by GetParamClassTag() containing all parameters belonging to this ParamsBase instance. More...
void ConfigFromXML (const QDomElement &XMLElement) const
 Retrieves all parameters belonging to this ParamsBase instance from an XML node with a tag name as determined by GetParamClassTag() More...
void ConfigFromDialog (ParamsConfigDialog &Dialog)
 Adds all parameters belonging to this ParamsBase instance to a settings dialog to let the user configure the parameter values. More...
bool Validate () const
 Refer to ParamBase::Validate(). More...
ItemIDType GetID () const noexcept
 Returns the ID of the Object this parameter class instance belongs to. More...
const auto & GetCore () const noexcept
 Returns a reference to DynExp's core. More...
const auto & GetObjectLinkParams () const noexcept
 Returns a list of all object link parameters owned by this parameter class instance. More...
bool ConfigureUsageType () const noexcept
 Determines whether the Usage parameter should be configurable in the settings dialog. Override ConfigureUsageTypeChild() in order to adjust. More...
const NetworkParamsExtensionGetNetworkAddressParams () const noexcept
 Returns the network address parameters of a derived gRPC instrument. Override GetNetworkAddressParamsChild() in order to adjust. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Util::INonCopyable
 INonCopyable (const INonCopyable &)=delete
INonCopyableoperator= (const INonCopyable &)=delete

Static Public Member Functions

static Util::TextValueListType< UsageTypeAvlblUsageTypeStrList ()
 Maps description strings to the ParamsBase::UsageType enum's items. More...
static void DisableUserEditable (ParamBase &Param) noexcept
 Sets the UserEditable property of the parameter Param to false. Refer to ParamBase::UserEditable. More...

Public Attributes

Param< ParamsConfigDialog::TextTypeObjectName = { *this, "ObjectName", "Name", "Name to identify this item", false }
 String set by the user to identify the object this parameter class instance belongs to. More...
Param< UsageTypeUsage
 Determines whether an object can be used by only one other ("unique") or by multiple other ("shared") objects. More...

Private Types

using OwnedParamsType = std::vector< OwnedParamInfo >
 List type of information on parameters owned by this ParamsBase instance (and its derived classes) More...

Private Member Functions

void ConfigureParams ()
 Called by ConfigFromDialog() to apply changes to parameters owned by this parameter class instance before a settings dialog is displayed to let the user configure the parameters. More...
virtual void ConfigureParamsImpl (dispatch_tag< ParamsBase >)
 Called by DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigureParams() as a starting point for the tag dispatch mechanism to descend the inheritance hierarchy. Override to add functionality to ConfigureParams(). Refer to DynExp::ParamsBase::dispatch_tag. More...
virtual bool ConfigureUsageTypeChild () const noexcept
 Determines whether the Usage parameter should be configurable in the settings dialog. Override ConfigureUsageTypeChild() in order to adjust. More...
virtual const NetworkParamsExtensionGetNetworkAddressParamsChild () const noexcept
 Returns the network address parameters of a derived gRPC instrument. Override GetNetworkAddressParamsChild() in order to adjust. More...
std::filesystem::path ToAbsolutePath (const std::filesystem::path &Path) const
 Transforms the path Path into an absolute path relative to ProjectParams::ProjectFilename. More...

Private Attributes

const ItemIDType ID
 ID of the Object this parameter class instance belongs to. More...
const DynExpCoreCore
 Reference to DynExp's core. More...
Important declaration order

These vectors must be declared before any members derived from ParamBase are declared! This is the case since ParamBase's constructor and constructors of classes derived from ParamBase access these vectors. Declaring these vectors first ensures that their lifetimes exceed those of any members derived from ParamBase. The order of OwnedParams is important! Subsequent entries with equal OwnedParamInfo::ClassTag will be stored within the same XML tag. If OwnedParamInfo::ClassTag differs from the previous one, a respective sub-tag is introduced.

OwnedParamsType OwnedParams
 List of all parameters owned by this parameter class instance. More...
ObjectLinkParamsType ObjectLinkParams
 List of all object link parameters owned by this parameter class instance. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Util::ISynchronizedPointerLockable
 ISynchronizedPointerLockable ()
 ~ISynchronizedPointerLockable ()
 Object should never be destroyed before completely unlocked. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Util::INonCopyable
constexpr INonCopyable ()=default
 ~INonCopyable ()=default

Detailed Description

Abstract base class for object parameter classes. Each class derived from class Object must be accompanied by a parameter class derived from ParamsBase. These parameter classes are intended to contain the object's parameters (sub-classes of ParamsBase::ParamBase) which are stored in DynExp project files and which can be configured in the respective object instance's settings dialog or programmatically. Parameter classes are synchronized in between different threads (e.g. the main thread and an instrument/module thread).

For the same Object, always lock the mutex of the corresponding parameter class before the mutex of the corresponding data class (or only one of them).

Definition at line 325 of file Object.h.

Class Documentation

◆ DynExp::ParamsBase::dispatch_tag

struct DynExp::ParamsBase::dispatch_tag

struct DynExp::ParamsBase::dispatch_tag< typename >

Tag for function dispatching mechanism within this class used when derived classes are not intended to override a specific function, but to add functionality. Some class B derived from class A overrides a function f accepting an argument of type dispatch_tag< A > declared as virtual in class A. Class B itself declares a virtual function accepting an argument of type dispatch_tag< B > to be overriden by a class C derived from class B. The function defined in class B is called by the base class A and it itself has to call the function overriden in class C. Calls to respective functions are performed using an instance of the respective dispatch tag. This allows to form a chain of calls f() [defined in A] -> f(dispatch_tag< A >) [declared in A, defined in B] -> f(dispatch_tag< B >) [declared in B, defined in C] -> ...

Template Parameters
Type(derived from class ParamsBase) to instantiate the dispatch tag template with.

Definition at line 349 of file Object.h.

◆ DynExp::ParamsBase::IndexedTextList

class DynExp::ParamsBase::IndexedTextList

Type to identify an indexed text list parameter (one number selected from a list of numbers associated with strings)

Definition at line 370 of file Object.h.

◆ DynExp::ParamsBase::ListParam

class DynExp::ParamsBase::ListParam

template<typename ParamType, typename = void>
class DynExp::ParamsBase::ListParam< ParamType, typename >

Definition at line 1281 of file Object.h.

◆ DynExp::ParamsBase::OwnedParamInfo

struct DynExp::ParamsBase::OwnedParamInfo

Helper type owning a reference to a parameter and its class tag.

Definition at line 1690 of file Object.h.

Class Members
const char *const ClassTag Denotes the result of GetParamClassTag() of the class where the respective OwnedParam was declared in.
const reference_wrapper< ParamBase > OwnedParam Reference to the parameter.

◆ DynExp::ParamsBase::Param

class DynExp::ParamsBase::Param

template<typename ParamType, typename = void>
class DynExp::ParamsBase::Param< ParamType, typename >

Definition at line 750 of file Object.h.

◆ DynExp::ParamsBase::TextList

class DynExp::ParamsBase::TextList

Type to identify a text list parameter (one string selected from a list of strings)

Definition at line 369 of file Object.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ EnumParamSignedIntegerType

Parameter type to convert signed eumeration parameters to.

Definition at line 353 of file Object.h.

◆ EnumParamUnsignedIntegerType

Parameter type to convert unsigned eumeration parameters to.

Definition at line 354 of file Object.h.

◆ LargestEnumUnderlyingType

template<typename EnumType >
using DynExp::ParamsBase::LargestEnumUnderlyingType = std::conditional_t< std::is_signed_v<std::underlying_type_t<EnumType> >, EnumParamSignedIntegerType, EnumParamUnsignedIntegerType >

Type trait providing an integer type for enumeration types which allows to store the value of enumeration variables of that type in a file.

Template Parameters
EnumTypeInteger enumeration type - do not use strongly-typed enumerations as DynExp parameter types.

Definition at line 362 of file Object.h.

◆ ObjectLinkParamsType

using DynExp::ParamsBase::ObjectLinkParamsType = std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<LinkBase> >

Type of a list of all owned object link parameters.

Definition at line 352 of file Object.h.

◆ OwnedParamsType

List type of information on parameters owned by this ParamsBase instance (and its derived classes)

Definition at line 333 of file Object.h.

◆ Text

String type of text-type parameters (DynExp::ParamsBase::Param)

Definition at line 368 of file Object.h.

◆ UnderlyingArithmeticListParamType

template<typename ArithmeticType >
using DynExp::ParamsBase::UnderlyingArithmeticListParamType = TypedListParamBase<ArithmeticType>

Definition at line 1320 of file Object.h.

◆ UnderlyingArithmeticParamType

template<typename ArithmeticType >
using DynExp::ParamsBase::UnderlyingArithmeticParamType = TypedParamBase<ArithmeticType>

Definition at line 793 of file Object.h.

◆ UnderlyingEnumParamType

If ParamType is an enum, then use largest signed/unsigned integral type as the underlying type since the enum's underlying type has to be integral.

Template Parameters
EnumTypeEnumeration type which is convertible to a numeric type (only unscoped enumerations)

Definition at line 1040 of file Object.h.

◆ UnderlyingIndexedTextListParamType

◆ UnderlyingLinkListParamType

◆ UnderlyingLinkParamType

◆ UnderlyingTextListParamType

◆ UnderlyingTextParamType

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ UsageType

Determines whether an Object can be linked to only one (unique) or multiple (shared) other objects.


The Object instance can only be used by one other instance.


The Object instance can be used by multiple other instances at the same time.

Definition at line 1614 of file Object.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ParamsBase()

DynExp::ParamsBase::ParamsBase ( ItemIDType  ID,
const DynExpCore Core 

Constructs the base class of an object parameter class.

IDID of the Object this parameter class instance belongs to
CoreReference to DynExp's core

Definition at line 1629 of file Object.h.

◆ ~ParamsBase()

DynExp::ParamsBase::~ParamsBase ( )
pure virtual

Definition at line 198 of file Object.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AvlblUsageTypeStrList()

Util::TextValueListType< ParamsBase::UsageType > DynExp::ParamsBase::AvlblUsageTypeStrList ( )

Maps description strings to the ParamsBase::UsageType enum's items.

List containing the description-value mapping

Definition at line 282 of file Object.cpp.

◆ ConfigFromDialog()

void DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigFromDialog ( ParamsConfigDialog Dialog)

Adds all parameters belonging to this ParamsBase instance to a settings dialog to let the user configure the parameter values.

DialogSettings dialog to add UI controls for adjusting the parameters to. The dialog is not automatically opened/shown by this function.

Definition at line 260 of file Object.cpp.

◆ ConfigFromXML()

void DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigFromXML ( const QDomElement &  XMLElement) const

Retrieves all parameters belonging to this ParamsBase instance from an XML node with a tag name as determined by GetParamClassTag()

XMLElementXML element containing a single child node with a tag name as determined by GetParamClassTag()

Definition at line 222 of file Object.cpp.

◆ ConfigToXML()

QDomElement DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigToXML ( QDomDocument &  Document) const

Creates an XML node with a tag name as determined by GetParamClassTag() containing all parameters belonging to this ParamsBase instance.

DocumentXML document to create the DOM elements in
DOM element containing the XML root node of this ParamsBase instance

Definition at line 202 of file Object.cpp.

◆ ConfigureParams()

void DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigureParams ( )

Called by ConfigFromDialog() to apply changes to parameters owned by this parameter class instance before a settings dialog is displayed to let the user configure the parameters.

Definition at line 297 of file Object.cpp.

◆ ConfigureParamsImpl()

virtual void DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigureParamsImpl ( dispatch_tag< ParamsBase )

Called by DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigureParams() as a starting point for the tag dispatch mechanism to descend the inheritance hierarchy. Override to add functionality to ConfigureParams(). Refer to DynExp::ParamsBase::dispatch_tag.

Reimplemented in DynExp::RunnableObjectParams, DynExp::HardwareAdapterParamsBase, and DynExp::ProjectParams.

Definition at line 1762 of file Object.h.

◆ ConfigureUsageType()

bool DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigureUsageType ( ) const

Determines whether the Usage parameter should be configurable in the settings dialog. Override ConfigureUsageTypeChild() in order to adjust.

Returns true if the Usage parameter should be configurable in the settings dialog.

Definition at line 1733 of file Object.h.

◆ ConfigureUsageTypeChild()

virtual bool DynExp::ParamsBase::ConfigureUsageTypeChild ( ) const

Determines whether the Usage parameter should be configurable in the settings dialog. Override ConfigureUsageTypeChild() in order to adjust.

Returns true if the Usage parameter should be configurable in the settings dialog.

Reimplemented in DynExp::ModuleParamsBase.

Definition at line 1767 of file Object.h.

◆ DisableUserEditable()

void DynExp::ParamsBase::DisableUserEditable ( ParamBase Param)

Sets the UserEditable property of the parameter Param to false. Refer to ParamBase::UserEditable.

ParamParameter for which to set UserEditable to false

Definition at line 292 of file Object.cpp.

◆ GetCore()

const auto& DynExp::ParamsBase::GetCore ( ) const

Returns a reference to DynExp's core.

Definition at line 1677 of file Object.h.

◆ GetID()

ItemIDType DynExp::ParamsBase::GetID ( ) const

Returns the ID of the Object this parameter class instance belongs to.

Definition at line 1676 of file Object.h.

◆ GetNetworkAddressParams()

const NetworkParamsExtension* DynExp::ParamsBase::GetNetworkAddressParams ( ) const

Returns the network address parameters of a derived gRPC instrument. Override GetNetworkAddressParamsChild() in order to adjust.

Pointer to parameters describing a network address and a network port. nullptr if not applicable (if the derived object is neither a gRPC server nor a gRPC client).

Definition at line 1741 of file Object.h.

◆ GetNetworkAddressParamsChild()

virtual const NetworkParamsExtension* DynExp::ParamsBase::GetNetworkAddressParamsChild ( ) const

Returns the network address parameters of a derived gRPC instrument. Override GetNetworkAddressParamsChild() in order to adjust.

Pointer to parameters describing a network address and a network port. nullptr if not applicable (if the derived object is neither a gRPC server nor a gRPC client).

Reimplemented in DynExpModule::gRPCModuleParams< gRPCServices >, and DynExpModule::gRPCModuleParams< gRPCServices... >.

Definition at line 1772 of file Object.h.

◆ GetObjectLinkParams()

const auto& DynExp::ParamsBase::GetObjectLinkParams ( ) const

Returns a list of all object link parameters owned by this parameter class instance.

Definition at line 1678 of file Object.h.

◆ GetParamClassTag()

virtual const char* DynExp::ParamsBase::GetParamClassTag ( ) const

This function is intended to be overridden once in each derived class returning the name of the respective class. Parameters defined in any class within the ParamsBase hierarchy will receive a 'this' pointer pointing to ParamsBase when their ParamBase constructors are called. The ParamBase constructors will register the respective parameter in ParamsBase::OwnedParams calling GetParamClassTag() on the given 'this' pointer. This allows the ParamBase constructor to obtain the name of the class where the respective parameter was declared in. The name is used as an XML tag containing related parameters in the project files. Here, it is fully intended that the virtual call to GetParamClassTag() leads only to a call of GetParamClassTag() of the current dynamic type of ParamsBase!

Name of the class this function is defined in

Reimplemented in DynExp::ProjectParams, DynExp::RunnableObjectParams, DynExpModule::Widefield::WidefieldMicroscopeParams, DynExpModule::Trajectory1DParams, DynExpModule::StreamManipulatorParams, DynExpModule::Stage1DParams, DynExpModule::SpectrumViewer::SpectrumViewerParams, DynExpModule::SignalPlotterParams, DynExpModule::SignalDesignerParams, DynExpModule::OutputPortWriterParams, DynExpModule::ODMR::ODMRParams, DynExpModule::NetworkTimeTaggerParams< gRPCServices >, DynExpModule::NetworkDigitalOutParams< gRPCServices >, DynExpModule::NetworkDigitalInParams< gRPCServices >, DynExpModule::NetworkDataStreamInstrumentParams< gRPCServices >, DynExpModule::NetworkDataStreamInstrumentParams< gRPCServices... >, DynExpModule::NetworkAnalogOutParams< gRPCServices >, DynExpModule::NetworkAnalogInParams< gRPCServices >, DynExpModule::LockinAmplifierControlParams, DynExpModule::InputPortReaderParams, DynExpModule::ImageViewer::ImageViewerParams, DynExpModule::gRPCModuleParams< gRPCServices >, DynExpModule::gRPCModuleParams< gRPCServices... >, DynExpModule::ArbitraryFunctionFromCSVParams, DynExp::QModuleParamsBase, DynExp::ModuleParamsBase, DynExpInstr::TimeTaggerParams, DynExpInstr::PositionerStageParams, DynExpInstr::SpectrometerParams, DynExpInstr::OutputPortParams, DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierParams, DynExpInstr::InputPortParams, DynExpInstr::FunctionGeneratorParams, DynExpInstr::DigitalOutParams, DynExpInstr::DigitalInParams, DynExpInstr::DataStreamInstrumentParams, DynExpInstr::CameraParams, DynExpInstr::AnalogOutParams, DynExpInstr::AnalogInParams, DynExpInstr::ZI_MFLIParams, DynExpInstr::SwabianInstrumentsPulseStreamerParams, DynExpInstr::SmarActParams, DynExpInstr::RS_SMC100AParams, DynExpInstr::RS_SMB100BParams, DynExpInstr::QutoolsQuTAGParams, DynExpInstr::PVCamParams, DynExpInstr::PI_C_862_Params, DynExpInstr::NIDAQDigitalOutParams, DynExpInstr::NIDAQDigitalInParams, DynExpInstr::NIDAQAnalogOutParams, DynExpInstr::NIDAQAnalogInParams, DynExpInstr::NenionLeakvalveF3Params, DynExpInstr::InterModuleCommunicatorParams, DynExpInstr::DummyDataStreamInstrumentParams, DynExpInstr::DummyCameraParams, DynExp::InstrumentParamsBase, DynExpHardware::ZILabOneHardwareAdapterParams, DynExpHardware::SIPulseStreamerHardwareAdapterParams, DynExpHardware::SmarActHardwareAdapterParams, DynExp::HardwareAdapterSerialPortParams, DynExpHardware::QutoolsTDCHardwareAdapterParams, DynExpHardware::PVCamHardwareAdapterParams, DynExpHardware::NIDAQHardwareAdapterParams, DynExpHardware::gRPCHardwareAdapterParams< gRPCStub >, DynExpHardware::gRPCHardwareAdapterParams< pulse_streamer::PulseStreamer >, DynExp::HardwareAdapterTcpSocketParams, DynExp::QSerialCommunicationHardwareAdapterParams, DynExp::SerialCommunicationHardwareAdapterParams, and DynExp::HardwareAdapterParamsBase.

Definition at line 1643 of file Object.h.

◆ ToAbsolutePath()

std::filesystem::path DynExp::ParamsBase::ToAbsolutePath ( const std::filesystem::path &  Path) const

Transforms the path Path into an absolute path relative to ProjectParams::ProjectFilename.

PathRelative path to be transformed
Transformed path or Path itself if it is either empty or already absolute.

Definition at line 305 of file Object.cpp.

◆ Validate()

bool DynExp::ParamsBase::Validate ( ) const

Refer to ParamBase::Validate().

Returns true if all owned parameters are valid. Returns false if at least one was invalid and has been reset.

Definition at line 271 of file Object.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Core

const DynExpCore& DynExp::ParamsBase::Core

Reference to DynExp's core.

Definition at line 1780 of file Object.h.

◆ ID

const ItemIDType DynExp::ParamsBase::ID

ID of the Object this parameter class instance belongs to.

Definition at line 1779 of file Object.h.

◆ ObjectLinkParams

ObjectLinkParamsType DynExp::ParamsBase::ObjectLinkParams

List of all object link parameters owned by this parameter class instance.

Definition at line 1713 of file Object.h.

◆ ObjectName

Param<ParamsConfigDialog::TextType> DynExp::ParamsBase::ObjectName = { *this, "ObjectName", "Name", "Name to identify this item", false }

String set by the user to identify the object this parameter class instance belongs to.

Definition at line 1720 of file Object.h.

◆ OwnedParams

OwnedParamsType DynExp::ParamsBase::OwnedParams

List of all parameters owned by this parameter class instance.

Definition at line 1712 of file Object.h.

◆ Usage

Param<UsageType> DynExp::ParamsBase::Usage
Initial value:
= { *this, AvlblUsageTypeStrList(), "Usage", "Usage type",
"Determines how this item can be used by other items", false, UsageType::Shared }
static Util::TextValueListType< UsageType > AvlblUsageTypeStrList()
Maps description strings to the ParamsBase::UsageType enum's items.
Definition: Object.cpp:282

Determines whether an object can be used by only one other ("unique") or by multiple other ("shared") objects.

Definition at line 1725 of file Object.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: