Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
DynExpInstr Namespace Reference

DynExp's instrument namespace contains the implementation of DynExp instruments which extend DynExp's core functionality in a modular way. More...


 Tasks for AnalogIn.
 Tasks for AnalogOut.
 Tasks for Camera.
 Tasks for DataStreamInstrument.
 Tasks for DigitalIn.
 Tasks for DigitalOut.
 Definitions to describe waveforms.
 Tasks for FunctionGenerator.
 Tasks for gRPCInstrument.
 Tasks for InputPort.
 Tasks for InterModuleCommunicator.
 Definitions for lock-in amplifier instruments.
 Tasks for LockinAmplifier.
 Tasks for OutputPort.
 Tasks for PositionerStage.
 Tasks for Spectrometer.
 Tasks for TimeTagger.


class  DummyCameraData
class  DummyCameraParams
class  DummyCameraConfigurator
class  DummyCamera
class  DummyDataStreamInstrumentData
class  DummyDataStreamInstrumentParams
class  DummyDataStreamInstrumentConfigurator
class  DummyDataStreamInstrument
class  InterModuleCommunicatorData
 Data class for InterModuleCommunicator. More...
class  InterModuleCommunicatorParams
 Parameter class for InterModuleCommunicator. More...
class  InterModuleCommunicatorConfigurator
 Configurator class for InterModuleCommunicator. More...
class  InterModuleCommunicator
 Defines an inter-module communicator instrument to exchange events in between DynExp modules. Modules can make use of an instance of this instrument. If any of the modules using this instance post an event, the event becomes enqueued in the event queues of all other modules also using this InterModuleCommunicator instance. More...
class  NenionLeakvalveF3Data
class  NenionLeakvalveF3Params
class  NenionLeakvalveF3Configurator
class  NenionLeakvalveF3
class  NetworkAnalogInT
class  NetworkAnalogInData
class  NetworkAnalogInParams
class  NetworkAnalogInConfigurator
class  NetworkAnalogOutT
class  NetworkAnalogOutData
class  NetworkAnalogOutParams
class  NetworkAnalogOutConfigurator
class  NetworkDataStreamInstrumentT
 Data stream instrument for bidirectional gRPC communication. More...
class  NetworkDataStreamInstrumentData
class  NetworkDataStreamInstrumentParams
class  NetworkDataStreamInstrumentConfigurator
class  NetworkDataStreamInstrument
 Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkDataStreamInstrumentT to create the network data stream instrument. More...
class  NetworkDigitalInT
class  NetworkDigitalInData
class  NetworkDigitalInParams
class  NetworkDigitalInConfigurator
class  NetworkDigitalOutT
class  NetworkDigitalOutData
class  NetworkDigitalOutParams
class  NetworkDigitalOutConfigurator
class  NetworkSpectrometerData
class  NetworkSpectrometerParams
class  NetworkSpectrometerConfigurator
class  NetworkSpectrometer
class  NetworkTimeTaggerT
class  NetworkTimeTaggerData
class  NetworkTimeTaggerParams
class  NetworkTimeTaggerConfigurator
class  NIDAQAnalogInData
class  NIDAQAnalogInParams
class  NIDAQAnalogInConfigurator
class  NIDAQAnalogIn
class  NIDAQAnalogOutData
class  NIDAQAnalogOutParams
class  NIDAQAnalogOutConfigurator
class  NIDAQAnalogOut
class  NIDAQDigitalInData
class  NIDAQDigitalInParams
class  NIDAQDigitalInConfigurator
class  NIDAQDigitalIn
class  NIDAQDigitalOutData
class  NIDAQDigitalOutParams
class  NIDAQDigitalOutConfigurator
class  NIDAQDigitalOut
class  PI_C_862StageData
class  PI_C_862_Params
class  PI_C_862_Configurator
class  PI_C_862
class  PVCamData
class  PVCamParams
class  PVCamConfigurator
class  PVCam
class  QutoolsQuTAGData
class  QutoolsQuTAGParams
class  QutoolsQuTAGConfigurator
class  QutoolsQuTAG
class  RS_SMB100BData
class  RS_SMB100BParams
class  RS_SMB100BConfigurator
class  RS_SMB100B
class  RS_SMC100AData
class  RS_SMC100AParams
class  RS_SMC100AConfigurator
class  RS_SMC100A
class  SmarActData
class  SmarActParams
class  SmarActConfigurator
class  SmarAct
class  SwabianInstrumentsPulseStreamerData
class  SwabianInstrumentsPulseStreamerParams
class  SwabianInstrumentsPulseStreamerConfigurator
class  SwabianInstrumentsPulseStreamer
struct  WidefieldLocalizationCellIDType
class  WidefieldLocalizationData
class  WidefieldLocalizationParams
class  WidefieldLocalizationConfigurator
class  WidefieldLocalization
class  ZI_MFLIData
class  ZI_MFLIParams
class  ZI_MFLIConfigurator
class  ZI_MFLI
class  AnalogInData
 Data class for AnalogIn. More...
class  AnalogInParams
 Parameter class for AnalogIn. More...
class  AnalogInConfigurator
 Configurator class for AnalogIn. More...
class  AnalogIn
 Meta instrument for a single analog input port based on the data stream and generic input port meta instruments. More...
class  AnalogOutData
 Data class for AnalogOut. More...
class  AnalogOutParams
 Parameter class for AnalogOut. More...
class  AnalogOutConfigurator
 Configurator class for AnalogOut. More...
class  AnalogOut
 Meta instrument for a single analog output port based on the data stream, function generator, and generic output port meta instruments. More...
class  CameraData
 Data class for Camera. More...
class  CameraParams
 Parameter class for Camera. More...
class  CameraConfigurator
 Configurator class for Camera. More...
class  Camera
 Meta instrument for an image capturing (camera) device. More...
struct  BasicSample
 Defines a trivially-copyable basic sample as time (t)-value (f(t)) pairs (t, f(t)). More...
class  DataStreamBase
 Base class for all data streams compatible with the data stream instrument's data class DataStreamInstrumentData. More...
class  CircularDataStreamBase
 Base class for all circular data streams based on Util::circularbuf. More...
class  CircularDataStream
 Implements a circular data stream based on Util::circularbuf. More...
class  BasicSampleStream
 Implements a circular data stream based on Util::circularbuf using samples of type BasicSample. More...
class  NumericSampleStream
 Implements a circular data stream based on Util::circularbuf using samples of an arithmetic type SampleT. More...
class  StreamSizeParamsExtension
 Bundles parameters to describe a data stream's stream size. More...
class  NumericSampleStreamParamsExtension
 Bundles parameters to describe a NumericSampleStream's sampling properties. More...
class  DataStreamInstrumentData
 Data class for DataStreamInstrument. More...
class  DataStreamInstrumentParams
 Parameter class for DataStreamInstrument. More...
class  DataStreamInstrumentConfigurator
 Configurator class for DataStreamInstrument. More...
class  DataStreamInstrument
 Implementation of the data stream meta instrument, which is a base class for all instruments reading/writing single/multiple values from/to input/output devices. More...
class  DigitalInData
 Data class for DigitalIn. More...
class  DigitalInParams
 Parameter class for DigitalIn. More...
class  DigitalInConfigurator
 Configurator class for DigitalIn. More...
class  DigitalIn
 Meta instrument for a single digital input port based on the data stream and generic input port meta instruments. More...
class  DigitalOutData
 Data class for DigitalOut. More...
class  DigitalOutParams
 Parameter class for DigitalOut. More...
class  DigitalOutConfigurator
 Configurator class for DigitalOut. More...
class  DigitalOut
 Meta instrument for a single digital output port based on the data stream, function generator, and generic output port meta instruments. More...
class  FunctionGeneratorData
 Data class for FunctionGenerator. More...
class  FunctionGeneratorParams
 Parameter class for FunctionGenerator. More...
class  FunctionGeneratorConfigurator
 Configurator class for FunctionGenerator. More...
class  FunctionGenerator
 Function generator meta instrument based on the data stream meta instrument to generate waveforms by either fillig data streams with waveform samples or by controlling a physical function generator device. More...
class  gRPCInstrument
 Meta instrument template for transforming meta instruments into network instruments, which connect to TCP sockets of gRPC servers. Derive from this class to build a network instrument based on a meta instrument. The network instrument connects to a corresponding server implemented with the DynExpModule::gRPCModule gRPC server module. The server controls the physical instrument itself. The respective meta instrument is selected as a template parameter. This class derives from the instrument. It is possible to use DynExp::InstrumentBase as the meta instrument to design network instruments, which allow accessing gRPC services directly. More...
class  gRPCInstrumentData
 Data class for gRPCInstrument. More...
class  gRPCInstrumentParams
 Parameter class for gRPCInstrument. More...
class  gRPCInstrumentConfigurator
 Configurator class for gRPCInstrument. More...
class  InputPortData
 Data class for InputPort. More...
class  InputPortParams
 Parameter class for InputPort. More...
class  InputPortConfigurator
 Configurator class for InputPort. More...
class  InputPort
 Generic input port meta instrument based on the data stream meta instrument to read data from hardware and to write the data to a data stream. More...
class  LockinAmplifierData
 Data class for LockinAmplifier. More...
class  LockinAmplifierParams
 Parameter class for LockinAmplifier. More...
class  LockinAmplifierConfigurator
 Configurator class for LockinAmplifier. More...
class  LockinAmplifier
 Meta instrument for a lock-in amplifier based on the data stream meta instrument. More...
class  OutputPortData
 Data class for OutputPort. More...
class  OutputPortParams
 Parameter class for OutputPort. More...
class  OutputPortConfigurator
 Configurator class for OutputPort. More...
class  OutputPort
 Generic output port meta instrument based on the data stream and function generator meta instruments to extract data from a data stream and to write the data to hardware. More...
class  SpectrometerData
 Data class for Spectrometer. More...
class  SpectrometerParams
 Parameter class for Spectrometer. More...
class  SpectrometerConfigurator
 Configurator class for Spectrometer. More...
class  Spectrometer
 Meta instrument for a spectrometer. More...
class  PositionerStageData
 Data class for PositionerStage. More...
class  PositionerStageParams
 Parameter class for PositionerStage. More...
class  PositionerStageConfigurator
 Configurator class for PositionerStage. More...
class  PositionerStage
 Implementation of a meta instrument to control single-axis positioner stages. More...
class  TimeTaggerData
 Data class for TimeTagger. More...
class  TimeTaggerParams
 Parameter class for TimeTagger. More...
class  TimeTaggerConfigurator
 Configurator class for TimeTagger. More...
class  TimeTagger
 Meta instrument for a time tagging device to assign timestamps to (e.g. photon) detection events based on the data stream meta instrument. More...
class  PyDataStreamInstrument
 Python mapping of a DynExpInstr::DataStreamInstrument's DynExpInstr::DataStreamBase instance. More...


using NetworkAnalogIn = NetworkAnalogInT< AnalogIn, 0, typename NetworkDataStreamInstrument::StubType, DynExpProto::NetworkAnalogIn::NetworkAnalogIn >
 Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkAnalogInT to create the network analog in instrument. More...
using NetworkAnalogOut = NetworkAnalogOutT< AnalogOut, 0, typename NetworkDataStreamInstrument::StubType, DynExpProto::NetworkAnalogOut::NetworkAnalogOut >
 Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkAnalogOutT to create the network analog out instrument. More...
using NetworkDataStreamInstrumentDataSampleStreamType = BasicSampleStream
using NetworkDigitalIn = NetworkDigitalInT< DigitalIn, 0, typename NetworkDataStreamInstrument::StubType, DynExpProto::NetworkDigitalIn::NetworkDigitalIn >
 Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkDigitalInT to create the network digital in instrument. More...
using NetworkDigitalOut = NetworkDigitalOutT< DigitalOut, 0, typename NetworkDataStreamInstrument::StubType, DynExpProto::NetworkDigitalOut::NetworkDigitalOut >
 Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkDigitalOutT to create the network digital out instrument. More...
using NetworkTimeTagger = NetworkTimeTaggerT< TimeTagger, 0, typename NetworkDataStreamInstrument::StubType, DynExpProto::NetworkTimeTagger::NetworkTimeTagger >
 Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkTimeTaggerT to create the network time tagger instrument. More...
template<typename T >
using DataStreamPtrType = std::unique_ptr< T >
 Type of a pointer owning a data stream instance derived from DataStreamBase. More...
using DataStreamBasePtrType = DataStreamPtrType< DataStreamBase >
 Type of a pointer owning a DataStreamBase instance. More...
using AnalogSampleStream = NumericSampleStream< double >
 Alias for a numeric sample stream of double samples. More...
using DigitalSampleStream = NumericSampleStream< uint8_t >
 Alias for a numeric sample stream of uint8_t (single byte) samples. More...
using AnalogSampleStreamPtrType = DataStreamPtrType< AnalogSampleStream >
 Alias for a pointer owning a AnalogSampleStream instance. More...
using DigitalSampleStreamPtrType = DataStreamPtrType< DigitalSampleStream >
 Alias for a pointer owning a DigitalSampleStream instance. More...
template<typename gRPCStub >
using StubPtrType = std::shared_ptr< typename gRPCStub::Stub >
 Alias for a pointer to a gRPC stub. More...
template<typename gRPCStub , typename RequestMsgType , typename ResponseMsgType >
using StubFuncPtrType = grpc::Status(gRPCStub::*)(grpc::ClientContext *, const RequestMsgType &, ResponseMsgType *)
 Alias for a pointer to a gRPC stub function, which can be invoked as a remote procedure call. More...


constexpr DynExpProto::Common::UnitType ToPrototUnitType (DataStreamInstrumentData::UnitType Unit)
constexpr DataStreamInstrumentData::UnitType ToDataStreamInstrumentUnitType (DynExpProto::Common::UnitType Unit)
constexpr DynExpProto::Common::FrequencyUnitType ToPrototUnitType (SpectrometerData::FrequencyUnitType Unit)
constexpr SpectrometerData::FrequencyUnitType ToSpectrometerUnitType (DynExpProto::Common::FrequencyUnitType Unit)
constexpr DynExpProto::Common::IntensityUnitType ToPrototUnitType (SpectrometerData::IntensityUnitType Unit)
constexpr SpectrometerData::IntensityUnitType ToSpectrometerUnitType (DynExpProto::Common::IntensityUnitType Unit)
constexpr SpectrometerData::CapturingStateType ToSpectrometerStateType (DynExpProto::NetworkSpectrometer::StateType State)
std::strong_ordering operator<=> (const WidefieldLocalizationCellIDType &lhs, const WidefieldLocalizationCellIDType &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const WidefieldLocalizationCellIDType &CellID)
template<typename T >
TransformPixel (T Pixel, const CameraData::ImageTransformationType &ImageTransformation)
 Applies an image transformation to a single pixel. More...
template<typename gRPCStub , typename RequestMsgType , typename ResponseMsgType >
ResponseMsgType InvokeStubFunc (StubPtrType< gRPCStub > StubPtr, StubFuncPtrType< gRPCStub, RequestMsgType, ResponseMsgType > StubFunc, const RequestMsgType &RequestMsg)
 Invokes a gRPC stub function as a remote procedure call. Waits for a fixed amount of time (2 seconds) for a reply from the server until the call is considered to have exceeded its deadline. More...

Detailed Description

DynExp's instrument namespace contains the implementation of DynExp instruments which extend DynExp's core functionality in a modular way.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AnalogSampleStream

Alias for a numeric sample stream of double samples.

Definition at line 658 of file DataStreamInstrument.h.

◆ AnalogSampleStreamPtrType

Alias for a pointer owning a AnalogSampleStream instance.

Definition at line 660 of file DataStreamInstrument.h.

◆ DataStreamBasePtrType

Type of a pointer owning a DataStreamBase instance.

Definition at line 264 of file DataStreamInstrument.h.

◆ DataStreamPtrType

template<typename T >
using DynExpInstr::DataStreamPtrType = typedef std::unique_ptr<T>

Type of a pointer owning a data stream instance derived from DataStreamBase.

Definition at line 259 of file DataStreamInstrument.h.

◆ DigitalSampleStream

Alias for a numeric sample stream of uint8_t (single byte) samples.

Definition at line 659 of file DataStreamInstrument.h.

◆ DigitalSampleStreamPtrType

Alias for a pointer owning a DigitalSampleStream instance.

Definition at line 661 of file DataStreamInstrument.h.

◆ NetworkAnalogIn

using DynExpInstr::NetworkAnalogIn = typedef NetworkAnalogInT<AnalogIn, 0, typename NetworkDataStreamInstrument::StubType, DynExpProto::NetworkAnalogIn::NetworkAnalogIn>

Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkAnalogInT to create the network analog in instrument.

Definition at line 228 of file NetworkAnalogInInstr.h.

◆ NetworkAnalogOut

using DynExpInstr::NetworkAnalogOut = typedef NetworkAnalogOutT<AnalogOut, 0, typename NetworkDataStreamInstrument::StubType, DynExpProto::NetworkAnalogOut::NetworkAnalogOut>

Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkAnalogOutT to create the network analog out instrument.

Definition at line 300 of file NetworkAnalogOutInstr.h.

◆ NetworkDataStreamInstrumentDataSampleStreamType

◆ NetworkDigitalIn

using DynExpInstr::NetworkDigitalIn = typedef NetworkDigitalInT<DigitalIn, 0, typename NetworkDataStreamInstrument::StubType, DynExpProto::NetworkDigitalIn::NetworkDigitalIn>

Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkDigitalInT to create the network digital in instrument.

Definition at line 176 of file NetworkDigitalInInstr.h.

◆ NetworkDigitalOut

using DynExpInstr::NetworkDigitalOut = typedef NetworkDigitalOutT<DigitalOut, 0, typename NetworkDataStreamInstrument::StubType, DynExpProto::NetworkDigitalOut::NetworkDigitalOut>

Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkDigitalOutT to create the network digital out instrument.

Definition at line 216 of file NetworkDigitalOutInstr.h.

◆ NetworkTimeTagger

using DynExpInstr::NetworkTimeTagger = typedef NetworkTimeTaggerT<TimeTagger, 0, typename NetworkDataStreamInstrument::StubType, DynExpProto::NetworkTimeTagger::NetworkTimeTagger>

Explicit instantiation of derivable class NetworkTimeTaggerT to create the network time tagger instrument.

Definition at line 501 of file NetworkTimeTagger.h.

◆ StubFuncPtrType

template<typename gRPCStub , typename RequestMsgType , typename ResponseMsgType >
using DynExpInstr::StubFuncPtrType = typedef grpc::Status(gRPCStub::*)(grpc::ClientContext*, const RequestMsgType&, ResponseMsgType*)

Alias for a pointer to a gRPC stub function, which can be invoked as a remote procedure call.

Template Parameters
gRPCStubgRPC stub type the function is a member of
RequestMsgTypeType of the gRPC message to be sent to the server along with the remote procedure call
ResponseMsgTypeType of the gRPC message which is received from the server after the remote procedure call

Definition at line 352 of file gRPCInstrument.h.

◆ StubPtrType

template<typename gRPCStub >
using DynExpInstr::StubPtrType = typedef std::shared_ptr<typename gRPCStub::Stub>

Alias for a pointer to a gRPC stub.

Template Parameters
gRPCStubgRPC stub type the pointer points to

Definition at line 143 of file gRPCInstrument.h.

Function Documentation

◆ InvokeStubFunc()

template<typename gRPCStub , typename RequestMsgType , typename ResponseMsgType >
ResponseMsgType DynExpInstr::InvokeStubFunc ( StubPtrType< gRPCStub >  StubPtr,
StubFuncPtrType< gRPCStub, RequestMsgType, ResponseMsgType >  StubFunc,
const RequestMsgType &  RequestMsg 

Invokes a gRPC stub function as a remote procedure call. Waits for a fixed amount of time (2 seconds) for a reply from the server until the call is considered to have exceeded its deadline.

Template Parameters
gRPCStubgRPC stub type the function is a member of
RequestMsgTypeType of the gRPC message to be sent to the server along with the remote procedure call
ResponseMsgTypeType of the gRPC message which is received from the server after the remote procedure call
StubPtrgRPC stub pointer to invoke the remote procedure call on
StubFuncPointer to the stub function to be invoked on StubPtr
RequestMsggRPC message to be sent to the server along with the remote procedure call
Returns the gRPC message which is received from the server after the remote procedure call.
Util::InvalidStateExceptionis thrown if StubPtr is nullptr (likely, the gRPCInstrument this stub pointer belongs to has not been initialized/started yet).
Util::InvalidArgExceptionis thrown if StubFunc is nullptr.
DynExpHardware::gRPCExceptionis thrown if the remote procedure call has failed (e.g. the connection has been lost or the server did not reply in time).

Definition at line 373 of file gRPCInstrument.h.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & DynExpInstr::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const WidefieldLocalizationCellIDType CellID 

Definition at line 18 of file WidefieldLocalization.cpp.

◆ operator<=>()

std::strong_ordering DynExpInstr::operator<=> ( const WidefieldLocalizationCellIDType lhs,
const WidefieldLocalizationCellIDType rhs 

Definition at line 8 of file WidefieldLocalization.cpp.

◆ ToDataStreamInstrumentUnitType()

constexpr DataStreamInstrumentData::UnitType DynExpInstr::ToDataStreamInstrumentUnitType ( DynExpProto::Common::UnitType  Unit)

Definition at line 39 of file NetworkDataStreamInstrument.h.

◆ ToPrototUnitType() [1/3]

constexpr DynExpProto::Common::UnitType DynExpInstr::ToPrototUnitType ( DataStreamInstrumentData::UnitType  Unit)

Definition at line 24 of file NetworkDataStreamInstrument.h.

◆ ToPrototUnitType() [2/3]

constexpr DynExpProto::Common::FrequencyUnitType DynExpInstr::ToPrototUnitType ( SpectrometerData::FrequencyUnitType  Unit)

Definition at line 22 of file NetworkSpectrometer.h.

◆ ToPrototUnitType() [3/3]

constexpr DynExpProto::Common::IntensityUnitType DynExpInstr::ToPrototUnitType ( SpectrometerData::IntensityUnitType  Unit)

Definition at line 44 of file NetworkSpectrometer.h.

◆ ToSpectrometerStateType()

constexpr SpectrometerData::CapturingStateType DynExpInstr::ToSpectrometerStateType ( DynExpProto::NetworkSpectrometer::StateType  State)

Definition at line 62 of file NetworkSpectrometer.h.

◆ ToSpectrometerUnitType() [1/2]

constexpr SpectrometerData::FrequencyUnitType DynExpInstr::ToSpectrometerUnitType ( DynExpProto::Common::FrequencyUnitType  Unit)

Definition at line 33 of file NetworkSpectrometer.h.

◆ ToSpectrometerUnitType() [2/2]

constexpr SpectrometerData::IntensityUnitType DynExpInstr::ToSpectrometerUnitType ( DynExpProto::Common::IntensityUnitType  Unit)

Definition at line 53 of file NetworkSpectrometer.h.

◆ TransformPixel()

template<typename T >
T DynExpInstr::TransformPixel ( Pixel,
const CameraData::ImageTransformationType ImageTransformation 

Applies an image transformation to a single pixel.

Template Parameters
TType of the pixel to transform
PixelPixel to transform
ImageTransformationImage transformation to apply. Refer to CameraData::ImageTransformationType. The CameraData::ImageTransformationType::IsEnabled property is ignored here and assumed to be true.
Returns the transformed pixel.

Definition at line 431 of file Camera.h.