Highly flexible laboratory automation for dynamically changing experiments.
LockinAmplifier.h File Reference

Defines a meta instrument for a lock-in amplifier. More...

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struct  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::LockinResultCartesian
 Type describing a recorded lock-in sample in cartesian coordinates. Must be trivially copyable. More...
struct  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::LockinResultPolar
 Type describing a recorded lock-in sample in polar coordinates. Must be trivially copyable. More...
struct  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::LockinSample
 Type describing a recorded lock-in sample independent of the coordinate system. Must be trivially copyable. More...
class  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierTasks::InitTask
 Defines a task for initializing an instrument within an instrument inheritance hierarchy. Each instrument (indirectly) derived from class InstrumentBase must be accompanied by an initialization task class derived from InitTaskBase. Even if the task does not do anything, at least it has to call InitTaskBase::InitFuncImpl() of the derived instrument's initialization task class. More...
class  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierTasks::ExitTask
 Defines a task for deinitializing an instrument within an instrument inheritance hierarchy. Each instrument (indirectly) derived from class InstrumentBase must be accompanied by a deinitialization task class derived from ExitTaskBase. Even if the task does not do anything, at least it has to call ExitTaskBase::ExitFuncImpl() of the derived instrument's deinitialization task class. More...
class  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierTasks::UpdateTask
 Defines a task for updating an instrument within an instrument inheritance hierarchy. Each instrument (indirectly) derived from class InstrumentBase must be accompanied by an update task class derived from UpdateTaskBase. Even if the task does not do anything, at least it has to call UpdateTaskBase::UpdateFuncImpl() of the derived instrument's update task class. More...
class  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierData
 Data class for LockinAmplifier. More...
class  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierParams
 Parameter class for LockinAmplifier. More...
class  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierConfigurator
 Configurator class for LockinAmplifier. More...
class  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifier
 Meta instrument for a lock-in amplifier based on the data stream meta instrument. More...


 DynExp's instrument namespace contains the implementation of DynExp instruments which extend DynExp's core functionality in a modular way.
 Definitions for lock-in amplifier instruments.
 Tasks for LockinAmplifier.


enum  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::TriggerModeType { DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::UnknownMode , DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::Continuous , DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::ExternSingle }
 Type to determine the trigger mode. Not a strongly-typed enum to allow using the enumeration in a DynExp::ParamsBase::Param in class DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierParams. More...
enum  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::TriggerEdgeType { DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::UnknownEdge , DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::Rise , DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::Fall }
 Type to determine at which edge of a trigger signal to trigger. Not a strongly-typed enum to allow using the enumeration in a DynExp::ParamsBase::Param in class DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierParams. More...
enum  DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::SignalType { DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::X , DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::Y , DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::R , DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierDefs::Theta }
 Type specifying different signal coordinates a lock-in amplifier can record. Not a strongly-typed enum to allow using the enumeration in a DynExp::ParamsBase::Param in class DynExpInstr::LockinAmplifierParams. More...

Detailed Description

Defines a meta instrument for a lock-in amplifier.

Definition in file LockinAmplifier.h.